Good Jews?

You're an SS officer at Auschwitz, who would you spare from the oven (if any)?

Attached: cpovenauschwitz.jpg (520x390, 70K)

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the only good jew is a dead jew

I'd spare any "Jew" who doesn't practice the religion, and isn't a part of the elite. Nobody gets to pick their parents. The Nazis at times tried to put Jews who had aryan enough features as babies into aryan households to be adopted and raised as aryans.

>says the Chink

I don't get it, they didn't throw them in the oven alive, so why spare burning the remains?

Attached: tilagas.png (540x365, 53K)

Zombie army?

Tila Tequila, lol, does she still talk about crazy shit like David Icke?

it's not my place to interfere with the processes that take place here

The Fuhrer orders you to!

Hello fella's

I'm coming to inspect the camp.

How do you react?

Attached: 1521206528835.png (1200x1515, 2.12M)

I'm fairly confident I've reach a level of memetic irony that I could throw even the purest most attractive Jew maiden or the smartest most useful scientist in the oven without remorse while ironically shouting:
>Oy vey it's anudda shoah!
In a whiney kike voice.

Reminder that at any time the nazi soldiers could've refused to kill all those jews but, they didn't.

Cover up the swimming pool and movie theatre and infirmary

who was killing the jews? not the nazis.

the eye-witnesses who claim to be involved in the gassing / cremation operation (sonderkommanders) were all Jewish. They led their fellow Jews to the gas chambers and then hauled out the bodies to cremate them.


Too bad they also claim they could cremate 3-4 bodies in a single oven in just 30-40 minutes (10 minutes per body). That's scientifically impossible.

Attached: 1496017386907.jpg (480x451, 31K)

>who would you spare


Nigga, the nazi soldiers were just tossing em there like dogs and cranking up the gaz nozzle. It was medieval in its simplicity and brutality. Nothing more.

Were they playing this?


Not according to the Jewish eye-witnesses. Are you saying they were lying?!


Killing is wrong

So no other Jews will be saved?

Attached: f86.jpg (535x452, 26K)

Attached: bernie is my comrad.jpg (713x640, 112K)

The thing you need to realise is there were no ovens , there were no gas chambers .