Are Polynesians the master race?

>Dominate a geographic area larger than any other peoples' on earth
>Beat the hell out of colonial invaders such as Captain Cook
>Pleasing deep natural tan
>Euphonious language
>Males are synonymous with masculinity, women are legendary for voluptuous charm.
>Feared by whites from Hawaii to New Zealand.
This combination of traits self-evidently represents the ultimate evolution of the human species. Discuss.

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Euphonious language?

Perfected Filipinos

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Too bad their average IQ is around 90 and the culture here is typically around anti-intellectualism

He no joke looks like mental retard

polynesian are really based overall

I'd not argue with their claim
Low tech people, but if they find joy in a harmonious live with nature that's fair enough.
All blacks btfo us in rugby so can't throw stones.

The clone army from star wars is Polynesians


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Nah, they're pron to overweight due to long canoe rides in the past. I do like the incest thing a little. And they used to have rituals where the feasted and had sex with per-pubecent girls. Captain Cook wrote about one of these festivals he experienced.

>looking up to savages
My word.

Why did the rock get bald?

No but they definitely could be a perfectly respectable people if they got their shit together. We should be funding places like samoa and Tuvalu instead of Africa forgot one crucial fact: no one ever heard of them until the 1900s.

Know why?


So no, they have no chance of being the master race.

Europeans were trading with Hawaiians since the 1750s

They practiced human sacrifice, were promiscuous, and the first thing they did when they met a more advanced culture was steall from them.


>Dominate a geographic area larger than any other peoples' on earth
Almost entirely empty
>Beat the hell out of colonial invaders such as Captain Cook
Overwhelming numbers. They got (((integrated))).
>Pleasing deep natural tan
Most of them look like shit. Your picture is one of the few aesthetic looking ones. Literally 60+% of polynesians are obese.
>Euphonious language
lmao nope. Hawaiin songs are quite good though, but that's the melody more than the language.
>Males are synonymous with masculinity, women are legendary for voluptuous charm.
lmao nope
>Feared by whites from Hawaii to New Zealand.
They're literally a joke. I fear chinks more than I fear island niggers.

They complain about foreigners (especially somalis) because they're under the impression that more people = less gibs. The special meme status they have is slowly dissapearing, and they constly throw fits about it. It's actually pretty hilarious.

Yeah, ghetto culture really fucked them (the respectable ones) hard. And you know who's behind that, don't you?

The Jews.

Is this a joke or an actual question?

True. You can see this in Yap where they have an odd Mestizo subculture.

Is this a joke or an actual question?

>Get stuck on islands
>Lose 40 points of IQ due to chronic inbreeding.

>beat colonial invaders
>euphonious language
It sounds like jabba the hutt
>women are legendary for charm
Lel. The blokes can be pretty big guys tho
>fear by whites
Just in the same way a white fears a pack of niggers

Show us your fucking flag you boonga cunt.

Thought it was gooks

Are you talking about whites? The Polynesians got raped and pillaged. Hell the white man even buried all his radioactive waste in the Asia Pacific Rim. From the Marshall Islands to French Polynesia.

Low tech people do not live in harmony with nature, they live at the whim of nature, and life is tough, shitty, violent and short. The Polynesians have (or had prior to colonialism) many social problems which all Stone Age societies have - rampant child sexual abuse, revenge killings, cannibalism, inter-tribal warfare, and an almost complete lack of the use of higher brain functioning (which they are certainly capable of when Western people/ culture helped them overcome Stone Age limitations). They're better than niggers in every regard to human potential, but clearly inferior to Caucasians.


I don't think we should be pandering to idolising or elevating Polynesians just because they made boats and sailed across large areas. Their sailing boats are fairly basic and they haven't produced any technological upgrades in maritime technology despite being almost completely seafaring. This OP has trolled this place before and got put in his place in regards to this, but appears to be trying his luck again, much like a negro promoting We Wuz Kangs hiding away then coming back a few weeks later.

> Sailed the Pacific and Atlantic. The Atlantic at each end is seriously dangerous, so cut the BS about how sailing the Pacific makes Polynesians superior. The Vikings sailed and rowed into prevailing winds, in the Artic circle - that is superior sailing to anything required in the Pacific, especially the low sea levels of Polynesia.

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They're literally one step above niggers. If niggers figured out how to make boats they'd be polynesians.

>Are Polynesians the master race?
No, low IQ.

No. For fuck's sake....

Are you on ? Not many Kiwis on there, and could do with more.

>the all blacks aren’t a bunch of white guys.


Yeah buddy

>colonial invaders such as Captain Cook
except cook was a explorer and never colonised anything

question actual an or joke a this Is?

get back in the umu and make me a sandwich

I believe they were one of the few peoples, if not the only, to have not discovered alcohol. That's how fucking dumb they are

actual an or a this joke is question?

what nigga, they colonised from hawaii to new zealand, that's way further than any nordcuck viking ever got.

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An empire of literally """"fucking nothing"""" and pockets of empty islands with no worth.


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>tfw when you have a couple hundred people hold out against thousands of cumskins with superior weaponry for decades all while learning on the fly about firearm warfare and fortresses.
even today your average maori is worth 10 cumboys in a fist fight.

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>women are legendary for voluptuous charm.
post some pictures

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>Chrissy Teigen
is american

Her face pisses me off.

excuse me bigot it's polynesian-american thanks.

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>Be polynesian
>Never develop anything resembling civilization
>Never evolve the genetics needed to live in civilized society
>Move to a civilized country
>Can't digest modern food properly
>insanely high obesity rates
>insanely high diabetes rates
>insanely high blood pressure problems
>die of a heart attack by 30

Truly the master race

Polynesian are fucking stupid.
They almost completely depend on gibs to survive.
They're basically island nigs.

You forgot:
>Have the average IQ of a german shepherd

Nah they have serious cultural problems.

And no one here fears Maori you fuck face they lost every war they fought against us.

Their food is god tier, so whatever.

Eww no, they are descendants of literal cannibals.

Beautiful half Jew, half Maori. True master race

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Dangerous combo, cunning levels off the charts.

10/10 Brass Polynesian balls