Croatian refugee leaves Sweden for Poland

Croatian refugee came at first to Sweden but realized it is too dangerous and then he moved to safe country Poland.

source: Voice of Europe -magazine

A refugee narrowly escaped the war in Croatia and went to Sweden. He took his family with him.

Tell me about yourself and family.
-I moved to Poland few years ago
-It was nice being in Sweden when I was a child
-I got a Swedish education in information technology, I can use it in Poland
-All of my family has already moved to Poland: me, my wife, children, grand parents, wifes grand parents are about to move here

Why did you left Sweden?
-Decadence. The infrastructure is also crumbling down, education is becoming worse, not good place for children. And most of all, Sweden is too violent and dangerous
-You are not allowed to talk about these things in Sweden
-If you get labeled racist, it is the end of your social life
-Media tells only about good things in immigration
-I have been traveling a lot because of my work as a traveling IT specialist. 10 years ago Sweden was praised everywhere where I went. It is not anymore.

Attached: Swedish_K-9_car2-702x459.jpg (702x459, 95K)

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Rip söta bror

So now even refugees are leaving Sweden wtf?

>Jugoslavia breaks out
>Croatia fights with serbians short lived conflict for indipendence
>WHITE refugees flee balkans
>settle in sweden
>in two decades sweden turns out to a 3rd world country like SA
>white refugee moves out

The only question I have thou, why Poland and not Croatia. Croatia atm is pretty ok place to live.

Also also, I just hope he wasn't Bosniak or so called Slavic Muslim, a worst nightmare.

>Poland and not Croatia
Thats a good point why does he have no intention of returning home?

Maybe Poland is better than Croatia?
But I dont know these things, only that Sweden sucks.

Obviously, he just moved for a job and now bants on Sweden for attention.

This. I was in Croatia last year for holidays

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And to think I went to Uppsala for a year long time ago and was the best time of my life
How the mighty have fallen

I guess there's more job opportunities for IT specialists, Poland is a big country, and cities like Warsaw and Wroclaw are booming

>The only question I have thou, why Poland and not Croatia. Croatia atm is pretty ok place to live.
This. Croatia isn't very different from Poland, except they venerate ustase there and barely anybody goes to church there

>Year 2030
Swedish refugees leaving Sweden for Poland

Croatia is poor

Croatia is a shithole.

>socialist government
>insane taxes
>mass brain drain
>collapsing infrastructure with regular floods
>swarmed by hercegovians (croatian version of rednecks but even inferior)
>low iq population in general
>can't get a job unless you have connections
>no industry but tourism

No wonder that guy chose Poland.

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Jugo 2.0


Jebem vam mater svima

Haha basically, only we're not in group with Bosnia, Serbia, and Macedonia.

Serbians had a language which was closer to Russian and Bulgarian, but they choosed a dialect which is closer to Croatian.

I just wanna say that it may be a huge mistake for Croats, to hate Serbs.

Together you will be stronger.

Poland is cheap and not swarmed with niggers?

>why Poland and not Croatia

Because he is Yugoslav
just like this creature here >hercegovians

vidi opet ova servska pacovčina, crkni

Why are you posting an Aussie pepe? I will not stand for this intellectual theft. Our brothers in shitposting must be avenged.

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Zar nisu Hrvati iz Hercegovine najveci desnicari a Hrvati iz Istare i Rijeke i taj krajnji zapad Ljevicari koliko je meni poznato

>muh jugosloveni
>muh srbi
ubi se retardu

>ubi se retardu

lal, ja vsio ponial

>Croatia atm is pretty ok place to live.

Yeah, that's why 100 000 people left and went to Germany in the last few years. Around 300 000 people in total left since 2010.

The country is completely corrupt and the people who are left are mostly old and uneducated.

Zagreb is the only city worth living in.

But yeah, it's awesome in Croatia.

it's still better than here, though
you just complain too much, it's not that bad there. you can still live decently if you're an engineer or just live off renting apartments like most people do

>live off renting apartments

yeah, but that's pretty much the only way to make a decent amount of money here

if it wasn't for the tourist season we would be seriously fucked

Our local Greeks are livid about us making their neighbourhoods unsafe from "letting them all in".
We are all leaving here soon user, there is nothing left

>The only question I have thou, why Poland and not Croatia. Croatia atm is pretty ok place to live.
Poland has a better position to conduct buisness.

That and Croats are basically southern Poles anyway.

Why did Sweden turn into a shithole?
Socialists and Bosniak Muslim immigrants.

>That and Croats are basically southern Poles anyway.
no, we are western ukrainians and eastern romanians

*we both i mean, by majority


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Great, give Breslau back to its rightful owners then.

ironic poles are the worst
it's shitthole and don't even try to twist that

>That and Croats are basically southern Poles anyway.
We are sarmatian, you both are iranian. Have you ever wondered why Croatia has got some many beaches? Because they are persian desert niggers obsessed with the sand, and since croats are just catholic serbs, serbs are also iranian.

Inhales deeply:
Hahahahahahahahahahaha XDDDDD

Pretty certain he was Bosniak. Probably fled Bosnia to Croatia then Sweden.

Year 2020*

croatian beaches are rocky though and poles are basicly White Croats
>croatian refugee
next thing you know our entire country will be blamed for all rapes in world because we refuse to ratify sođe bullshit about female rights

Where are you frpom and what did you do in Uppsala? Did you go on an exchange?

>The only question I have thou, why Poland and not Croatia. Croatia atm is pretty ok place to live.

He's a Serb i can assure you

"refugees" are hated in their country of origin, as elsewhere. but in croatia he wouldn't survive for a day

me, my wife, children, grant parents, wife grand parents.

they all have their money as they didn't work for any benefits, they are all family people, they are slavic, so they will easily assimilate.
more like them will come.
Poland-white superpower by 2030


jesu, hercegovac potvrduje

But I said that it's a shithole!

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Ljudi sto je s onom pederskom konvencijom

je li to samo drugi naziv za zensko pravo "sad cu te odjebat, uzet ti sina (koji je od sada trans), kucu i novi auto koji si sam zaradio i nemos mi nista jer je to u suprotnom zlostavljanje

Sarmatians are Iranians, faggot

>We are sarmatian, you both are iranian.
Sarmatians were an semi-nomadic IRANIAN tribe you faggot...

Attached: Achaemenid_and_Iranic_Peoples_in_the_Ancient_World.png (1732x1167, 344K)

Nobody will give you anything, nigger.

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Is croatia such a shithole he cant go back there?

You need to do it like the DDR and just prohibit to leave the country.

Because this guy is part of problem. He's only outspoken about the current wave of refugees and happily ignores the fact that the Balkan refugees caused (and still cause) problems in Sweden because they're not Swedes. He pretends to be some kind of big and tough guy that would fight for the places he loves (Sweden, Poland) but the fact that he ran away to Poland has shown how rootless he is.

What is this new degenerate trend of hopping from country to country whenever trouble arises. Whatever happened to loyalty to your homeland and trying to fight for fixing the problems you have there. Why do leftists think this is a sustainable way to form global society.
>Yes whenever there is crisis all of the able healthy working men with some money will run away leaving behind the poor, elderly and vulnerable to suffer, and you are racist if you dont welcome them

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Wroclaw belonged the longest to Slavs so gtfo.

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