How long before we see a major modern city collapse? What will be the cause?
>Civil unrest
>Total economic fallout
>Widespread virus
>Chemical/nuclear attack
>Food supply chain breakdown
>Natural disaster
None of these are mutually exclusive of course.
I'd say Detroit or Baltimore could go based on crime, with some economic turbulence in the next decade. Los Angeles is an earthquake and another drought away from people killing each other in the street.
ITT let's make some predictions
It's debatable that most already have fallen but I suppose you already thought about that. I would go with economic and food supply break down. Most cities are one food truck and one gas truck away from that anyway.
>Most cities are one food truck and one gas truck away from that anyway.
Do you live in a basement?
Certainly many are on a decline, but I wouldn't say there's been an irreversible or catastrophic level collapse yet. Flint seems like a decent case for a failed city benchmark.
No. There aren't any basements where I live.
Detroit is actually doing okay.
It's my opinion that most American cities are irreversibly nogged out.
>economic collapse
Dubai seems plausible.
New York City was very close to complete collapse in the 1970's.
>major modern city collapse
Pretty hard, humans are pretty resilient eg Damascus and Antioch.
>Nuclear attack
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
>Widespread virus
Black Death
>Economic fallout
Doesn't seem to do much just makes everyone poor and hungry
>Food supply and natural disaster
Aside from examples of the Easter Islands and Central America, its probably the most plausible. In which case you're looking at a scenario where the city becomes physically uninhabitable eg permanently flooded or nuclear waste, lush green oasis turned into barren dessert.
He's right, look at something as stupid and innocuous as the whipped cream shortage from 2016.
It's got the top murder rate in the country right now doesn't it? Seems like it's getting worse, but I might be looking at it in too much of a vacuum.
Yeah, probably.
A police strike for better pay and better working conditions in an "urban" city. Once it starts it will spiral out of control as (some) people realize that they can get away with any crime, and police realize they can NOT reassert control. Eventually the area will have to be cordoned off like in the movie "Escape from New York".
Ten years from now I will not recognize this world anymore.
Words that I thought meant one thing now completely mean something else and I wind up in jail for using them.
I live my life like in a panopticon, knowing someone's watching all the time. Too scared even to fap.
>A police strike for better pay and better working conditions in an "urban" city.
I feel like if this was going to happen it already would have in a place like Flint or Chicago. Police just don't go to the areas they don't want to.
>Hiroshima and Nagasaki
I think we're reaching a point where if nuclear war happens it will not be nearly as restrained
>Black Death
It reduced the population by nearly a third didn't it? If something resistant to vaccine made it's way into a major city with how densely packed they are now it could be even more devastating.
>poor and hungry
It would definitely be an agitating factor, I don't think anything I've listed would happen alone. I'd definitely grant you that any of these taken alone would be surmountable challenges in the first world.
>If something resistant to vaccine made it's way into a major city with how densely packed they are now it could be even more devastating.
Stop please I can only get so hard.
Seems like we're going to reach a point where something like the flu mutates and turns more deadly. The "universal" vaccine is still years away and the latest year was a real shit show. There are tons of strains of various STD's that are resistant to treatment that have developed in just the past few years. People would likely riot, loot, and murder each other as things spun out of control in urban areas. Though, National Guard could probably get it under control.
National Guard members have families too. After a certain threshold you couldn't depend on them.
>Seems like we're going to reach a point where something like the flu mutates and turns more deadly.
I don't know enough about different flu strains to know if that's likely, but it sounds plausible. Like said, also they wouldn't just be deployed to one city, it'd be all over likely, which means they'd be thinly spread. In the case of something like the flu though, I'd wager there'd be a recovery, but we'd certainly lose a lot of people.
The only reason diseases were so deadly in the past was that people were severely malnourished, and we had no antibiotics nor antivirals.
The ONLY thing a pandemic could do today is:
>kill a bunch of old people
>kill a bunch of (previously) sick people
>kill a few small children
>overwhelm hospitals and clinics
>ECONOMICALLY cripple that nation for several years
>possibly cause a global economic depression
Of course if your nation is ALREADY an (economic) disaster area, then you might be screwed.
>kills boomers
>kills faggots
>kills nogs clambering for dem gibs
I like where you're going with this.
I was going to say if you think about Detroit could nearly be classified in that direction. When you are able to take stats and just by omitting Detroit every time the stats improve in a positive direction that says a lot.
>what will be the cause
Bitch, just say it
With the exception of economic collapse none of these will happen. World is too cucked and decentralized for that sort of violence and chaos.