You guys might be interested in this... you ever done some digging on the whole Jimmy Savile affair?
Lots of oddities. Doesn't look legit, thing is. I think it's one of our first examples of media assassination. We need to dissect it and learn from it.
Isaiah Russell
The troubles that eventually befell Steele and McCabe’s team have no bearing on the simple facts >They worked as partners in prosecuting a campaign of innuendo against Carter Page in September >and again in placing him under surveillance in October
What is more, the surveillance order went beyond McCabe’s team, to the highest levels in the FBI and the DOJ. >James Comey had to sign off on that decision — and that fact implicates him in a serious abuse of power.
Steele’s description of Carter Page’s activities in Moscow is comical. We have a word to describe the use of fabricated evidence to make an innocent man appear guilty The Obama administration framed Carter Page But not only Carter Page According to Steele’s dossier, Page was in Moscow to cut a deal on another’s behalf: >He was an emissary — the trusted agent of Donald Trump
Without Steele’s allegations against Carter Page — without, that is, the story of Page negotiating with Sechin to remove the sanctions — there was no credible allegation of a Trump-Putin conspiracy >The FBI, therefore, carried out a campaign of innuendo against Donald Trump in September >And the Obama administration placed him under investigation in October, if not earlier. The Obama administration framed Donald Trump.
During the Watergate scandal, the press popularized the phrase “the non-denial denial.” >The Nixon White House had a special talent for issuing statements that sounded like categorical denials of allegations but that, upon close parsing, affirmed them to be true
In the matter of the Steele dossier, Obama officials, some of their allies in Congress, and senior leaders in the FBI have developed an analogous ploy: the “non-verification verification.” >These are statements that distance the speaker from the laughable fantasies of the Steele dossier while still affirming that the tale of collusion it weaves must be taken seriously.
The unrivaled master of the non-verification verification is John Brennan >In a recent appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press, Brennan defended the FBI’s use of the Steele dossier in its FISA warrant application >He railed against the FBI’s critics, whom he depicted as partisan hacks >He played the role of sober intelligence professional >Expressing his personal appraisal of the dossier when he was still director of the CIA, he said, >“There were things in that dossier that made me wonder whether or not they were, in fact, accurate and true.”
Exactly what things? Was it the dossier’s view of Page as the diabolical mastermind of the DNC hack that struck the CIA director as credible? >Avoiding the dossier’s specific allegations, Brennan maintained his front and asserted, with the somber tone of a button-down national-security professional, that Steele’s reports contain valuable intelligence leads >“I think Jim Comey has said that it contained salacious and unverified information,” Brennan continued. >“JUST BECAUSE IT WAS UNVERIFIED DIDN’T MEAN IT WASN’T TRUE.”
The non-verification verification is central to the distinctive nature of the Obama administration’s abuse of power >Most of our debate has focused on how the FBI used the Steele dossier to validate the investigation of Carter Page This issue is important, to be sure, but it must not deflect us from seeing that the reverse is also true: >The administration deliberately used the investigation of Page to validate the dossier.
Consider, again, Brennan >When questioners push him to explain what in the Steele dossier he finds compelling, he habitually takes shelter behind secret sources — evidence hidden behind a classified screen, where only he, the chief intelligence professional, was permitted to see it >“I was aware of intelligence about contacts between Russian officials and U.S. persons that raised concerns in my mind about whether those individuals were cooperating with the Russians and it served as the basis for the FBI investigation to determine whether such collusion [or] cooperation occurred.” Brennan’s somber and self-righteous appeal to hidden secrets.
John Brennan sees things that we cannot see If he indeed has access to secrets that transform stories from Steele dossier into the stuff of everyday reality, then he has done a very poor job of explaining what they are >Moreover, no disinterested intelligence professional has supported him
Justin Nguyen
It has mechs but I only watch it because it's lewd and I need to understand the memes. The only anime I watch are those /ptg/ has recommended...SSR, Spice and Wolf, Yuru Camp...
did McCabe walk into a GEPOTUS Trump 8D chess trap? but his whole statement was about OIG investigation. now EVERYONE wants to see it...and it's due to drop any day......
With respect to the framing of Trump, however, the second-sight scam required elaborate orchestration, the work of many hands
The key was the double-tracking of the dossier Hillary Clinton’s enablers channeled it simultaneously into the press and into the government >They then recruited people inside government to verify to the outsiders that it was a serious document, a guide to the intelligence that reporters were not allowed to see >Without this double-tracking and official or quasi-official authentication, journalists would never have believed that they were catching a glimpse of what Brennan and the FBI saw in their crystal balls — pardon me, their top-secret monitors >And without leaks about investigations, journalists would have had no dossier-related news to report. Official statements that the dossier “was being looked into” transformed it into a legitimate topic for reputable news outlets.
This con failed in its primary goal of preventing the election of Trump, but it was nevertheless a partial success >It instilled in a significant portion of the American public the conviction that Trump indeed conspired with Putin >This conviction is especially prevalent among the lofty-minded — a class of people that includes Republicans as well as Democrats.
The bipartisan character of the delusion was the greatest factor that legitimated the appointment of Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel leading the investigation into Trump’s alleged relations with Russia The lofty-minded have greeted every indictment that Mueller has handed down as confirmation of their collusion delusion In reality, those indictments only prove that a phalanx of crack investigators armed with nearly unlimited resources, a grand jury, and an expansive mandate can draw blood almost at will >Mueller’s indictments are just the latest form of the non-verification verification.
Regardless of Mueller’s intentions, his probe serves as precisely the kind of “insurance policy” that Strzok seems to have been discussing with his lover, Lisa Page, in August 2016 >Trump cannot shut down the Mueller probe and excise the rot in the DOJ and the FBI without appearing to obstruct justice In practical terms, then, the Mueller probe is the cover-up.
Bentley Cook
>be hungry >too lazy to drive >call pizza hut >woman answers phone >mumble >hang up ordering pizza should not be this scary
Luis Rogers
kek you can stop now, I gave up shilling for Ichigo after the siblingzone
McCabe was stupid enough to devise a secret evil plan with the dumbest FBI agents in the world, I'd be surprised if he didn't walk into some sort of trap.
Of course, the lofty-minded refuse to see it this way >The political damage that Mueller’s team is inflicting on Trump helps explain why a surprising number of people mount passionate and sincere defenses of the dossier and the super spy who compiled it The logic of partisan politics will always lead a significant percentage of people to insist, with varying degrees of true belief, that a sow’s ear really is a silk purse But partisanship is not by any means the only factor at work here >Even people with well-deserved reputations for intellectual seriousness passionately defend the integrity of Christopher Steele, a man whom the New York Times insists on calling, despite all contrary evidence, “a whistleblower.”
For a complete understanding of the dossier’s tenacious hold on lofty minds, one must supplement conventional political analysis with psychology What we are witnessing is nothing less than a textbook case of denial and projection — the most perfect case imaginable.
The event that shaped the dossier more than any other was the hack of the DNC. Guccifer 2.0 first began releasing documents on June 15 >A week later, Steele produced his first report The Hillary Clinton that emerged from the DNC emails was preternaturally unsuited to a populist moment. Here she was: >the Hillary Clinton who made high-priced speeches to Wall Street on the eve of the Iowa caucuses >Here was the co-executive of the international slush funds of the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative >Here was the power-hungry political boss who worked with the DNC to fix the Democratic primaries. Clinton’s supporters instinctively understood the size of the wound that the hack opened up, and they worked frantically to cauterize it — which meant deflecting attention from the greed, entitlement, and sleaze that characterized Clinton, Inc.
Andrew Perez
Moar pls
Xavier Sanchez
okay /ptg/. for your information.
the communist Red Party, with its one and only member in The Great Thing, has issued a vote of no confidence against Sylvi Listhaug and the government of Norway. (yes, our parliament is called "The Great Thing".) the ruckus is over an edgy meme Listhaug posted, targeted against the Labour party regarding terrorism. which is a touchy subject for hopefully obvious reasons. (hint: Breivik) it was in very bad taste but the leftists are blowing everything out of proportions like always.
the socialists, the Labour party and the Farmers' party have all decided to back this. which is not enough to take Listhaug down. but: if the Christian Democrats also support it, shit's gonna hit the fan. and it'll be a huge political victory for Bjǿrnar Moxnes and the communists. and a huge political defeat for the conservatives.
they're deciding on Monday.
I think the Christian Democrats will save the day. otherwise, we will have an actual happening on our hands.
worst-case scenario: Norway loses its conservative government. second-worst case scenario: Listhaug is forced to resign. best-case scenario: Listhaug gets a slap on her wrist.
The dossier quickly became a tool for denying the deficiencies of Bill and Hillary Clinton, projecting them onto Donald Trump Is Bill Clinton a sexual predator? That’s nothing Trump pays teams of prostitutes to pee on him! Did Hillary Clinton preside over the failed “reset” with Russia? That’s nothing Putin is blackmailing Trump, and he fears Hillary Did Bill Clinton pocket a $500,000 fee for a speech he gave in Moscow, shortly before the sale of American uranium to Russian interests? That’s nothing Trump’s been dependent on Putin for years! Do the emails from the DNC prove that Hillary Clinton rigged the primaries? That’s nothing Trump conspired with Putin to rig the entire election!
In the wake of the DNC hack, leading figures in the press and senior officials in the Obama administration faced a choice >They could depict Carter Page as he really was: an unknown man of modest accomplishments who played no role of note in the Trump organization Or they could conspire with Fusion GPS to promote the fiction that he was a sly operative in a sinister network In a fateful choice, they opted for dishonesty and deception over truth.
Once the enablers of Hillary Clinton compromised their own integrity, they internalized her program of denial and projection >Their own egos are now invested in perpetuating it >To avoid owning up to their shortcomings, they insist, in ever-shriller tones, on the personal integrity of the super spy and the credibility of his reports >The mere acknowledgement of a simple truth — that the “dossier” is junk — would constitute an admission either of deep professional malfeasance or of gob-smacking gullibility.
Choose your poison, Hillary enablers: You duped people and thereby abetted a gross abuse of power; or you were yourself badly duped. Choose your poison: You duped people and thereby abetted a gross abuse of power; or you were yourself badly duped. That is the dilemma that the lofty-minded now face The choice is excruciating >It requires abandoning satisfying self-images and embracing painful self-truths — while also handing a well-deserved victory to a hated political enemy As a consequence, the Steele dossier has proved to be as consequential as it is asinine. Of course, no one is in deeper denial than Hillary Clinton herself
If there is one thing Hillary Clinton does not do well, it is contrition In an interview last September, she clung to the fiction that the election was stolen. Her belief that Trump conspired with Putin was absolute >“There certainly was communication, and there certainly was an understanding of some sort,” Clinton said. >She had “no doubt” that Putin sought a Trump victory, that there was “a tangle of financial relationships” between Trump and Russia, and that Trump’s associates “worked really hard to hide their connections with Russians.” Were those, in her mind, clear signs of collusion? >“I’m convinced of it,” she said.
She will remain convinced until the day she dies The alternative, a rigorous examination of conscience, is too painful to contemplate How much longer will Hillary Clinton’s damaged psyche hold America hostage?
>deep professional malfeasance or of gob-smacking gullibility. Never forget that the CIA spent $20 million on a cat, which was killed immediately after beginning its mission
"Labour believes that the rights of terrorists are more important than the safety of our nation." If I've understood the situation correctly, she wanted to be able to pull citizenship and visas for people suspected of terrorism without a verdict, which was voted down.
>We are being held hostage by angry uneducated, rural dumbfucks. That's kind of a rude thing to say to the people that literally allow cities to function as they do, or maybe they just think that the food magically shows up, and all that electricity comes out of the air, and the gas filters into the pumps from the ground.
I don't see anything wrong with that post. What a world we live in to get forced to resign over something as little as that.
Tyler Wilson
Best thing about Saturday is there is no Joe is Joe. Although today I rather wish the Morning Jew was on. I would tune in for the first time in months to watch Joe is Joe lose his shit over McCabe.