>30's oldfag
>Aesthetic enough
>Large city
>Good body
>Do okay when I want to
Sitting here in bed since plans with 29yr old roastie fell through for usual roastie reasons
>Happens to everyone
It got me thinking of all the good and bad women I've met and will continue to meet over the years.
Unfortunately not all were good. A lot weren't even good people. I have learned that you can be pretty legit with a lot to offer, but unless you date homely women (and even then) you will always be in competition with someone else. Even if they're not a step up, it's just in so many girls nature. I say so many, not all. It's a lot of good memories and a lot of bad ones. But every fling is a story. It adds up to wisdom I feel, and can teach you a lot about the world. One thing I will tell you boys is that there are few feelings as good as telling a beautiful woman who is trying or already has started to fuck with you to eat shit. Of course you do this in the most gentlemanly and polite way possible, because you're not the bad guy here. Roasties lives are empty shit. They will continue to be, regardless of what you say. Take the high road if can help it. It will also drive them crazy they never got to end it on their terms.
>What would you like to ask/know?
Older and more experienced bros chime in please
Ask me about roasties/sloots
In the end "roasties" always win. We find a beta who is lonely and provides us with food and a roof. That old beta will be you one day. We have the pussy and we have the power. You want sex? You have pay no matter what. Even a prostitute will always win. That's the biggest black pill I have for you.
You are picking the wrong women.
>In the end "roasties" always win. We find a beta who is lonely and provides us with food and a roof. That old beta will be you one day. We have the pussy and we have the power. You want sex? You have pay no matter what. Even a prostitute will always win. That's the biggest black pill I have for you.
Oh absolutely, you knocked that one outta the park. It's an almost trivial existence seeing as most of the jobs, scholarships, opportunities, etc...are flat out given to a lot of you and since you gave up on children have started promoting your only value as the ability to shove dicks in your mouth. And you know what? Even after the headaches, drama, and unecessary hassles, I'll still be there trying to shove my dick in someones mouth. We're all trapped in a sick cycle. Fuck, I like you.
>You are picking the wrong women.
Roger that. That's why you get out when the red flags pop up.
I'm about your age and going through a similar situation at the moment. Tell me about some of the good relationships you've had and why they ultimately didn't work out.
Timestamped tits or exit.
women are shitty, therefore mens fault
Not when men start to beat women again like in the old times. Then you are fucked
You're a fornicator, a sinner. After all this sinning you're slowly figuring out that sinning isn't a good idea. Yeah no shit that's why it's a sin.
I’ll gladly sign a contract to have a woman carry my child for 9 months at which point the baby comes out it’s solely mine, then pay her and tell her have a good life. Hire a QT younger nanny who lives my house with my a tight ass pussy and her focus is that child every day unless I’m spending the day with him or it’s family time. She can make a modest living enough to pay for college after 2-3 years of nannying then onto the next nanny. That way you don’t deal with some nagging bitch who can use a kid against you and you get young right pussy whenever you want. Pretty legit.
until then you are fucked
>I'm about your age and going through a similar situation at the moment. Tell me about some of the good relationships you've had and why they ultimately didn't work out.
For sure man. Actual good, potential filled relationships have really only been two if I'm honest. One I dated about two months and she found out she'd be working in Europe temporarily. Would have been hard after such a short time we didn't drag it out. It was good, and seemingly as normal as you would expect after that period of time but shit happens. The other one was for about 8 months and was awesome. She was a brazilian girl, the only non white girl I've dated. Very good looking, loyal, and caring. But I didn't want to go to Brazil and it's hard to communicate with cultural barriers. That one is on me. What's up with you bro? 2018 is a hell of a time for dating.
Jesus christ, this one is so disgustingly spoiled.
Absolutely disgusting.
This has to be fake.
Also 30's oldfag here. A lot of what you say is true, but my problem is that I lack willpower when shown interest by 8+ thots. I'm pretty aesthetic too (not in a chad way, just tall and not fat with decent north European bone structure), so it happens reasonably regularly.
My last relationship:
>be with younger 8 qt who is fun but not waifu material
>she isn't very intelligent and dare I say a bit dull
>see her as a bit of fun before I settle
>end up cheating with 9 thot who I have known for years and always had a thing for
>gf never found out but relationship nosedived afterwards and we broke up
Current relationship:
>with 7-7.5 'homely' as you put it girl who loves me
>waifu material, she has good job and wants kids
>mfw I still think about the 9 thot a lot, and would probably cheat again if it was offered.
In conclusion, I think I'm the problem as I probably would never turn down a shag from an 8+ thot, regardless of how much I am happy in a secure relationship with a waifu type. Is this just primal instinct at work or am I an asshole?
I used to see this shit on POF all the time.
She says she wants to find someone to marry but will happily give you a blowie within 2 hours of meeting you while the kids are watching cbeebies in the next room.
Did she ever stop to think she's the problem?
>single mother
This guy's thought it through.
>You're a fornicator, a sinner. After all this sinning you're slowly figuring out that sinning isn't a good idea. Yeah no shit that's why it's a sin.
You're completely right. I would much rather find a good one to settle with. It really is an unhealthy lifestyle for people with a conscience.
>30s oldfag
Don't get an American woman. Find somewhere the left hasn't destroyed with their toxic jew culture and get someone from there.
>Did she ever stop to think she's the problem?
Never. They are always the victim. Always. They refuse to confront reality because they hate being the bad guy/wrong.
I like your style. I’ve given up on finding true love, and I’m not against marriage like some edgelord. I just think modern morals have fucked up the women to a point I mainly just want to knock up a decent one. Hopefully I’m successful enough to pay for the child support or have nannies and full rights. I want my mom to have a grandkid and I’d like to have a little shit of my own.
I’ve been single most of my life despite various roasties/hookers that being alone doesn’t bother me too much.
>Is this just primal instinct at work or am I an asshole?
you have no honor
>lives where he's not allowed to beat misbehaving women
You need to grow a pair of balls first unfortunately.
My ex is this way. She is 31 weeks with our daughter and we split in December. She broke up because at the time I wasn't enough for her in a sense. Might be pregnancy hormones or something else. I agree that most women especially voluntary single moms are fucking insane. They are digging their own grave.
Get some fucking honour, man.
When the thot is waving you in, go straight to the gents and rub one out.
You're kind of a dick for cheating but it doesn't matter. She may have too. You have to do what makes you happy brother. If I found a solid 7 even with a killer personality I would consider the ring. Even those seem far and few between though without baggage. Don't be afraid to give something a chance if you're okay with it and don't want to play game again.
Sven what the fuck is this? I didn't even notice the little black baby until after I noticed the their /there issue. Are these Swedes? Why do you have these?
>You want sex?
Yes and i'm stronger than you.
tits or gtfo
>Are these Swedes?
If it was in Swedish, I would not share them here.
>Why do you have these?
It is a bit like porn. I get a satisfaction out of them.