Tranny Politics

Is it possible for Blaire White to be conservative and transgender? Are the "conservatives" which support him even conservative?

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>product of cultural marxism pretends to be opposed to it

Yeah mate, I've heard people describe themselves as "right wing" and still support that monstrosity. I don't see how a tranny can see himself as a conservative when in the past these people were seen as loonies.

If people want to deform themselves and play pretend I could not possibly care less. I have an issue with the denial of reality that exists around trannies though, and I think that pretending you're a conservative is probably disingenuous.

What is he/she going to conserve exactly?

fuck no. you can be "right wing" and gay, i.e Yukio Mishima
(but not trad con obviously). Trannies are just next level mentally ill degenerates though.

If a tranny can get away with describing himself as Conservative, that tells you there's a problem with conservatism.

Nobody controls what a person believes politically, and nobody forces plebs to identify themselves along the simpleton's meager line of "left" and "right." Conservative means one thing in America, another thing in Britain, and another thing elsewhere. Please educate yourself if your attempt was anything but a slide thread, though it seems fair to assume this is merely a slide thread and thus

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t. tranny

When did I say that people should be controlled politically? The Conservatives in the UK are cucked beyond belief because most of them are liberals, and not actually conservative in any way. However people that are actually conservative tend to be traditional, with their beliefs usually stemming from religion. Blaire White therefore is being dishonest when he calls himself conservative.

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>mentally ill tranny faggot

he couldn't conserve his own cock so what the fuck is he actually 'conserving'?

No and no.

>you can be "right wing" and gay
Eh... I suppose you can be republican and gay but you can’t be conservative OR traditionalist and be gay.

But wasn't homosexuality accepted to a degree in old cultures like in Rome and Greece?

I said right wing and gay, not """"conservative""""" whatever that means.

Mishima for instance was a huge nationalist who wanted to return power to the emperor, he may or may not have been gay (some guy accused him and was sued by his children).

Now I don't support or encourage homos, but it's not the same thing as being a tranny.

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Yes, because Conservatism is to lose slowly and to become progressive slowly.
It's a losing ideology, anyone who follows it is a moron without any ideals, principles or hope for the future.

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>Now I don't support or encourage homos, but it's not the same thing as being a tranny.
This is true. Transsexuality, despite its name, is not a sexual orientation, and a different issue entirely.

meme ideology, we've been gay for so long it's now ok to conserve gayness

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I want to eat his ass

quit larping fags

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>is it possible for a tranny to be mentally unsound and confused

Why yes, yes it is.

American conservative is just old fashion liberalism pretty much. The only thing they want to conserve is their wallets and the low-prices at muh Walmart.

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still fit