1995 Oklahoma City bombing

Redpill me on him. Did he did the right thing? Why does William Luther Pierce praise him?

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There are probably a lot of FBI agents much more interested in not fucking over random Americans because of this guy. Today I get trigger happy at Ruby Ridge, tomorrow maybe my comfy office or someone elses turns into rubble.

who was john doe though?

>no manlet

so what was hit motive?

The government killed a bunch of American citizens at Waco
He went off on them


ATF did a great job at Waco.

Kill all the heretics!

Nobody should be going around killing anyone.
It creates a cycle of violence.

My hero desu senpai

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There's a conspiracy theory that states that Waco was an intentional provocation of the American people by the government, and that the plan was to incite multiple small scale domestic terrorist acts by civilians which could be used as reasoning for massive gun control sweeps, and that the government ended up getting significantly more than they bargained for with OKC.

Essentially it says that the government was expecting a few people to go postal at work or in a public place (multiple small scale events), but instead Timmo took out a federal building and in a display of rage and violence that was orders of magnitude larger than what the government was expecting, and as a result they halted intentional provocation events for years.

Sounds plausible I guess, but the simpler explanation was that Waco wasn't a conspiracy but was instead nothing more than a bunch of gung-ho g-men who wanted to look cool for the newscameras vs a bunch of nutjob cultists and Tim wanted to bloody The Man's nose in retaliation.

one of my favorites

>Nobody should be going around killing anyone.

Whatever you say schlomo

He took the fight back to the government. You work for em, you get a bull's-eye. You bring your kids to your government job, they get bull's-eyes too. Shouldn't fuck with the people, bloated bureaucracy faggots. Sometimes those people fuck you back.

Is the FBI allowed to pretend to be European?
Let's see the flag

>Let's see the flag

No can do son. No can do. We're not pretending.

>Waco was an intentional provocation of the American people by the government

Koresh had it coming tho

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fun fact

his favourite poem is also Nelson Mandela's favourite poem - so much so they named the movie about the Springboks after it.

It is also my fave poem and I can recite it from memory.

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No, like most lone homicidal men, he couldn't get laid, so he lashed out.

He was selfish.

Let’s hear it

>No can do son. No can do. We're not pretending
What does this even mean.
I'm willing to bet that your geographic location flag is American.

Out of the night that covers me
black as the pit from pole to pole
I thank whatever Gods may be
For my unconquerable soul

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced or cried aloud
under the bludgeonings of chance
my head is bloody but unbowed

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
looms but the horror of the shade
yet the menace of the years
finds, and shall find me, unafraid

For no matter how strait the gate
how charged the punishment of the scroll
I am the master of my own fate
I am the captain of my own soul


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>The government killed a bunch of innocent people so lemme just kill some more innocent people

>the government killed a bunch of my innocent people and now I'll kill a bunch of their innocent people
makes perfect sense. even if it didn't, there's no innocents working on the gov anyways...

Goodluck bowing down to your jew goverment

Some day in the history books he will be to Fed Gummint corruption what John Brown was to slavery.

IIRC he GOT the FBI office that “did” Waco. So it maybe that not everyone killed was as “innocent” as the kike media would have one believe.


Kill yourself fed.

Literal hero, wish he would have gone with his original plan of a series of assassinations instead, though, especially that sniper cunt and the Reno cunt

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Old fag here.
Timothy McVeigh and the bombing were one of the original false flags. All throughout the 90s the militia movement was growing across the USA. After the events of Waco and Ruby Ridge they were becoming even more militant as it became public that the government had no problem setting people up for crimes and then shooting their children, wives and even dogs.

Tim despite the public record was actually a special forces soldier and he made it in during his testing after his your in Iraq. His unit had always described him as a soldiers soldier. His first and only mission, which they knew he would carry out, was to bomb a federal government building to incite hatred and backlash toward the growing militias. That is why the ATF offices were empty that day. That is why there was never any pursuit of John Doe 2 who was identified by multiple witnesses. That is why McVeigh was apprehended within a day, and as one last hint, would only say his age, weight and rank when questioned. They crushed the militias with this.

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Seriously? Was he actually executed for this, or just sent out the back door? And was he MKULTRAd or just brainwashed if he actually did get executed?

Also branch davidians were a militia? I thought it was just a bunch of religious nuts who also happened to be handy with guns.

As far as we know he was executed. He could be an insurance salesman in Nebraska.

He was a crazed lunatic. Truly an evil piece of shit. There really isn't much more to it. Just a tragic event.

If he did, it was pretty fast. Most people stay on death row for decades. This guy was fasttracked and then some.

Executed a few months before 911. Great way to cover an escape.

Lone wolf actions are counterproductive. Collective action wins the day, not radical individualism.

They were one of the original right wing groups to be classified as "militant right wing". You may have noticed today that the term is vilified. I wonder how that happened

As I recall he was executed in like 18 months. A serious land speed record. Makes me think he is an insurance salesman in Nebraska. His buddy is probably the real sad story. Which reminds me his buddy may be about out by now.

>Did he did the right thing?
>tfw you realize white trash are no different than abdools

In a morbid way he took one for the team by showing what one dedicated and well-trained patriot could do in the face of injustice. Murder is wrong and I'm not condoning what he did, but it seems to have had the effect he was going for as the Waco and Ruby Ridge style overreaches stopped happening.

There are stories of torture done on suspected associates of McVeigh during the manhunt. The cops were really shitting their pants over this guy.

welcome to the watchlist

if you don't think that vigilantist/terrorist lone-wolf killings are used by the government as pretext to kill more undesirables you are literally pants-on-head intellectual pygmies

>Kill yourself fed.

thank god the watchlist only exists to spook people. Watch your mouth greek, we can send your IP to TSC anytime we want.

How come nobody called this bombing what it was? A FALSE FLAG.

And they even went to the point of hiring fucking crisis actors to populate the "daycare" with. Could these people be any more fucking obvious?

Moron globalist European


An insider told me Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was being used for child trafficking. A pedophile ring was working out of a daycare center in the building.

I like to think so too.

The Local police forces havent been held accountable yet, so you still get random acts of police brutality like that shitheel from Mesa Arizona making a guy do Simon Says in a hotel hallway before he executes him.

If police forces start being held accountable by a major event as retribution, maybe they will start to think twice about playing Simon Says before execution

im not here to argue with shills. i will just say tim was a true hero. if you want to know about him read "american terrorist" by dan herbeck

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Sage this shit there’s another thread almost titled the same. Shit is getting slid hard cause something is going down today

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Kill yourself

Is it not odd to have a daycare center in a building that also housed offices for the SSA, SS, DEA, ATF or was it convenient for them to do their pedophile shit on kids at the Daycare center?

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Andreas Strassmeyer

I guess McCabe’s friends think they can spook pol/.

False flag, as crazy as that may sound. For years I accepted the official "lone wolf angry about Waco" story. In fact McVeigh was probably a govt agent. Too many questions once you peel back the layers. For instance there were two other bombs inside the federal building and the ATF group that worked there were told not to go work that day
Judge for yourself:

>puts daycare center in a federal building that houses the secret service, military recruitment offices, drug enforcement administration, atf, etc..

No one sees this as odd.
No one questions it.

In May 1995, the Murrah Building was demolished for safety reasons, and the Oklahoma City National Memorial Museum later opened at the site.

They always make museums out of these buildings..
WTC area turned into 9/11 museum
concentration camps turned into Holocaust museums

He was convicted in a Federal Court and waived all of his rights to appeals. He literally asked to be put to death.

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>being this terrified of posting your true opinions on the internet
I expect this from a bong, but not an American

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Children's Discovery Day Care Center at 5 World Trade Center

Another child trafficking/pedophile ring was being run out of this daycare center in the #5 building..the building that mysteriously collapsed despite a plane never hitting it.

"WTC 5 was a nine-story building that stood east of the North Tower (WTC 1). The building had two dozen tenants, with its fourth through ninth floors being occupied almost entirely by Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse First Boston, and government agencies."

Beautiful, user

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He didn do nuffin okay!

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is this linus techtips

And yet others do the same thing and still spend 20 years on death row.

First, no, he didn't do the right thing. Everything below is explanation, not endorsement.
Context is, Waco and Ruby Ridge were bigger provocations than normies know or remember.
At Waco the FBI pumped flammable tear gas into an enclosed building holding women and children, then immediately breached it with tanks and flash bangs. There's very credible evidence they then machine-gunned people trying to escape the inferno.
At Ruby Ridge an FBI sniper shot an unarmed woman holding a baby in the head, in violation of their own already generous rules of engagement. He not only wasn't disciplined, he got an award for his actions.
And McVeigh punched back.
His target selection was terrible though, the day care was a major public relations disaster. You can say "don't build day care centers at FBI buildings" but that's not how normies think.
It's clear the bombing set the militia movement back in the public eye, but then the mainstream media and political establishment were always out to get them anyway, so maybe that only accelerated the inevitable. Hard to say.

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Killing government agents is a fine thing to do but this faggot parked his U-Haul underneath a fucking day-care. He claimed that he thoroughly vetted the site and made sure there were no children on site, when there were literally dozens of children in the floor directly above where the U-Haul was parked. That alone makes him a fucking despicable faggot.

not terrified, I said "welcome" because I'm probably on multiple lists. I just happen to know that Sup Forums is a honeypot surveyed by global intelligence networks, not only US

He also fought and won during sentencing not to be autopsied.
A witness said he was still breathing after declared dead.
The Fed prisons admitted to using a 'decoy' body on the way to the morgue to "make sure the public didn't carry out reprisals in McV's body".
The whole situation, as anything concerning the FBI and ATF stinks, but it definitely killed the militia movement until Bundy Ranch.
Then Richard Spencer and the alt right became a thing.
>Really gets the noggin joggin

Can you provide one example?

The US government was terriefied of the militia movement in the 80s and early 90s. The FBI infiltrated most of the dangerous ones.

I think McVeigh was set up by the feds but his handler fucked up and have him working bomb materials. There was a video of McVeigh getting out of the truck and it’s still confidential. Why?

Well because his handler was with him and was an FBI agent. Read about Jesse Trentadue for the real redpill

OKC was self-defense. FBI and ATF will learn not to fuck with the WILL of the AMERICAN MALE FUCK YEAH!


The children angle was great optics for the Fed. McV probably knew and did it because of the kids killed at Waco.
No matter what, Americans don't tolerate dead kids.

I'm not so sure. How many people admitted in that thread that they actually don't care at all about the kids that died in the latest school shooting? Is it just that the (((news media))) turns on the 24/7 "outrage" whenever some dead kids can be used for their purposes?

It's called collateral damage. Bush, Obama made calculations on how much innocent life they were willing to destroy everyday. Their bombs killed children too. Children were killed at Waco and Ruby Ridge.

>murdering a bunch of normie office workers
>not going after the corrupt political appointees and bankers who are really responsible for government overreach
He was a complete moron who damaged his movement while accomplishing fucking nothing. Basically an American version of Breivik.

He was killing civilians at random to strike fear into the public's heart long before Osama bin Laden made it cool

He was a SJW, an atheist, and more closely related to Antifa than any of us.

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I'm talking about the general public.
You start killing kids, you are killing the "future". It's a dark worldview, and the base of why people oppose abortion. In people's minds, children are limitless potential, even if genetics play a strong role and most act on this truth by selecting strong genetic mates.
People here know when propaganda is being pushed.
Sad thing about Parkland, no one names the victims. No pictures. Next irl debate you have, ask your pro gun grabbing think of the children type to name one dead kid from there.

>implying that you aren’t on a watch list already by posting to 4chinz

Early reports were that it was Bin Laden my dude. Check out WTC garage bombing.

It's not that unusual.

Lots of big offices have daycare centers for their employees. Even gyms have them.

And this was in the 1990s bloat of federal government spending, before the internet was really a thing and most people were redpilled as to how much money they truly waste.

Ehhh. I got some clearances and background and post here. It's probably more to do with if you're an actual threat or piss off the wrong person.

I don’t think that overall there’s a govt agency that “cares” if anyone posts here, but I’m sure that a list exists. It isn’t too hard to have a server track an IP address and link it to a person, especially since all traffic gets routed they the nsa anyway.
I can guarantee that agents post some “troll” threads to “analyze responses” or some faggot shit.

fucking lol

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No need to post to get responses. They use XKeyscore and create sentiment patterns from existing data.
I'm sure if you go autismo and actually commit a capital crime or terrorism they may pull up all your web history including here to build a case / profile / find known associates. There's more evidence the FBI is running down people from discord and Dropbox than 4 Chan. They interviewed an user that got a rare Paddock picture and had it on discord. He got it from here the night of the event. They interviewed him 6 months later.

But why?

I know FBI planted explosives inside the federal building, similar to the explosives inside the twin towers on 9/11. Mcveigh's bomb wasn't the only explosive to go off. But what was the purpose of helping McVeigh blow up the building?

And why did McVeigh keep from saying anything?

You wanna know why? hehe, read these post


43:15 for an explanation of Oklahoma city by Ryan Dawson

I see, this makes the most sense.

The NSA, etc. doesn't really care about Sup Forums neckbeards until they fit a certain pattern. And even then, they can't stop random Muzzies and school shooters.

If you start calling sketchy people on watch lists, exchange emails with them, start doing behavior that fits a certain pattern (eg: bombing bomb making materials, scoping out locations, etc) then you're definitely flagged. But it usually takes some links to overseas orgs or at the very least domestic people on lists to get the ball rolling.

tl;dr: NSA doesn't give a fuck about your merchant memes and tranny bashing.

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you have a point.

One would imagine you are correct. The Feds simply cant have enough manpower to check on every pol/tard that posts kys.

The only ones with anything to hide here are Israeli. They change their flags with thier tactics. You will never see a person speak rationally with an Israeli flag, they reserve it specifically to troll every other nation. When they want to try and bullshit you with arguments, they memeflag it

After learning about Pedogate being used by Elites and the GOV.

The children's care area took the brunt of the damage. Then there was the Officer that was a Veteran that was firlst on scene and reported seeing in-exploded bombs near the child care area.

I think there was charges of Pedophilia being investigated and destroying the place was the easiest way to make the problem go away.

It is hard for normal folk to even think of such Evil, but these people have holocaust millions in the past and have no problems with a few more children to further their Agenda.

They Sacrifice Children to extend their Lives.

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You failed your audit, data slave.

Seven important facts:

1. In April 1995, the Omnibus Counter Terrorism Bill was struggling to get through the US Congress. After the OKC Bombing occurred, the tragedy looked as though it had been tailor-made to rally public support for the tyrannical bill.

2. The morning of the bombing, the ATF office located inside the Murrah building was empty, unheard of at 9 AM on a weekday.

3. Oklahoma Congressman Ernest Istook told a victim in a taped conversation in 1995 that the OKC bombing was "a failed national security operation that used an FBI provocateur associated with a militia."

4. The ATF was already putting out a story that the Murrah Building was bombed "because of Waco" only a few hours after the actual blast and before Tim McVeigh was even arrested.

5. An unexploded bomb was found attached to a gas line inside the building, and a FEMA memo reports at least two additional bombs were found in the Murrah Building. Joe Harp, based on his military explosives experience, identified the additional bombs he saw removed from the building as being military in nature.

6. General Benton K. Partin, USAF (Ret.) stated in his OKC Bombing report to US Congress that "The bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, Oklahoma City, was not caused solely by the truck bomb. The major factor in its destruction appears to have been detonation of explosives carefully placed at four critical junctures on supporting columns within the building."

7. Prior to the OKC bombing US Senator Arlan Specter as well as Clinton's NSC director Anthony Lake had been advocating federal national security operations to stop militias in America. Anthony Lake gave a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in the Fall of 1994 in which he said the chief cornerstone of government policy was to "pit our society against militias".


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the ride never end does it?

" (((they))) got away with this, and 9-11(so far), your government continues to lie, falsely accuse and kill in order to maintain the balance of power. And because we are saddled with an electorate that is more concerned with giving up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety instead of standing up for their constitutional rights, these abuses of power continue to grow."

read michael collins piper's book "false flags"

>Why does William Luther Pierce praise him?
blowing up the fbi building was a scene in The Turner diaries, a novel written by Pierce.