You know who this is

Hey you fags, tell me how you think this oldfag had he political opinions changed by her interaction with this place.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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God you got fat. Is that why your political opinions changed...which never really changed. You were always kind of a retard. Just the owner of the website had a hard dick for you. You didn't matter then and were just another retarded camwhore...and you still don't now.

How does that make (you) feel? Yes, that feeling you are experiencing...IS your soul breaking, twat XD

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Yeh, I'm a little fat. that's not me. Uni + lazy made me fat.
Let's keep this political. How do YOU feel her politics were affected by her association with this platform?

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Her purpose was used up due to her own doing. She got bitter after mootles
>She shouldn't have acted like a hoe
That, and ppl change. Some grew up, some didn't, some grew aware, some grew angry.

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Hitler knew... that black lives matter'ed?
Watch the documentary & find out today!!:

Another must-see classic from The History Channel (un-aired):

Did Hitler hate Chinese people? Let's find that out too:

What about those Scandinavians? Hitler really hated those Scandinavians didn't he and his National Socialist allies? Well:

He totally wanted to take over America and totally did, that's why we're being White Genocide'ed today in all White European nations like KikeWars and Alex Jones say it's "da germane death kvlt elite nazi world order!!"
Yeah, if you fix the word "nazi" with what it literally means: AshkeNazi JEW (aka a "Germanic" Jew...), isn't it? He was gonna take control of America and make it only blonde blue eyed like that card from Yu-gi-Oh, the dragon one:

Okay well, Hitler (NAtional SOcoailist) totally allied with the Zionist Jews (NAtional ZIonist) against the Palestinians and Arabic Islamic Muzzies didn't he?:

Hitler did want to have a Japanese baby and eventually betray Japan right?:

Hitler and National Socialists really wanted to genocide and "HoloHOAX" the Portuguese and Southern European Peoples didn't he?:

Hitler and the NSDAP (National Socialists) saw the Irish as a Jew race, right?:

Hitler thought that Indians were poop?:

Hitler thought that all Romanians sucked:

Canada stands with Israel right?:

Interesting perspective.I respect you.

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Things used to be lighthearted until the shills came. We could just play and joke around and it was all laughs. Ppl were happy. That's been gone for a bit. Im sure her relationship with Moot, and how some posters acted (rightfully) in the aftermath, probably added to her mental slip though. She was also a 'pro-bama' chick anyway...she NEVER changed. Im just a little surprised she would be on the side that's opposed to free speech.

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JDF, you've posted this in every thread.
Lay the fuck off, the people that hate you are sleeping. Normal people exist. STFU, please.

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Being fetishized and harassed and stalked by thousands of creepy pedos probably turned her into a traumatized tumblrina

My penis stopped caring about her the moment she got that dyke haircut back in 2013 or so. She never liked Sup Forums anyway, Sup Forums propelled her to superstardom, yet she shat all over Sup Forums.

I could buy you a coffee for being honest.
Did not expect that level of honest, especially here.
She did change.She catered to the public until she was to popular to care.I'm curious what you have to say. thanks 4 posting.

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You are assuming that is me. Ever learn what copy paste is retarded OP?

I miss moot :(

LOL. I have her mailing address. the physical place she lives. She has nothing to be afraid of.
You might though.
it's all the same in the dark.

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Fuck me, I miss Snacks now. we need new mods.
I don't have to assume. you posted it.

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Do you even speak English?

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Something that always bothered me is how flat and small the top of her head is. Is she, dare I say, a brainlet?

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>flat head

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So let's reign this back in.
How do you feel the popular people who made a living off this board, have shaped thier political views????

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Mutt genetics

Ricky Lake?

You mean how Sup Forums changed boxxy's views on politics?
This board didnt exist during old Sup Forums days my fwend and i doubt she browses here... highly unlikely


Why does this bother you, because you will never see her?
How is this political?
You prose a question that is unproviable. neither positive or negative. What would a flat head matter?

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Boxxy turned into a fat ugly dyke...and she's a liberal

These two things are not unrelated

>She catered to the public until she was to popular to care
That's what famefagging does. Ppl do it for out of purity until $$$ or fame/immortality becomes involved. She let that shit go to her head. Forgetting that the very same ppl who 'made her'...could easily turn away. BIG money...ruins people. In fact, money itself ruins people. They stop being themselves. In turn...stop being happy.

I miss snacks too, he was fun, a fucking dick every once in a while...but sill fun. And the fun is what is and has been missing. Everything fun is deemed as a raid. Our MODS are still ok though, there ARE 1-2 infiltrated MODS though...on a mission to destroy Sup Forums, and anybody that posts regularly. I don't think snacks would be like that. He'd just zone ban N America for 30 minutes with the reasoning "Your all faggots and im going to fap for 30". And that's just funny XD. This 2 week at a time ban getting really fucking old.

who is that supposed to be? The guy who shot himeself? Damn, he is fat.

sageing and reporting because this is getting out of hand.

she browses here. and the last picture is Jessie (consequences will never be the same) slaughter.
Yes, i'm asking how Boxxys political views have ben affected by the internet (specifically here).
This board existed then. Boxwars? we were news then, but it was nothing different.

It’s that Sup Forums chick...Roxy

Your shitthy grammar also bothers me. Are you an illegal wetback? You will have to go back.

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ok. I'm curious how those things relate to her associations to this place.
We need a new Snacks.
Obamaleaf, take a nap.

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becuz i have not be grammar on internet image fishing bokoharm forum.
you sees?

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We need both Moot (w/o the Sup Forums hatred) and snacks back. And the 1-2 infil MODS need to get the rope.

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I abhor nostalgia fags

Infinite KEK

Dear Lord, put this thing out of its misery. Also sage & reported.

Moot w/o the hate can't happen. It's like asking for sunlight without light.
fuck me, it might happen with nu?pol?
Yep that's on poruposie. We have lost those days my friend. Best thing to do is adapt. Hiro is temporary.

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Illiterate fuck. nowhere in that post is the word "we".
Dumbass. Here, let me help you learn to read.

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>Moot w/o the hate can't happen
Naaa, ppl grow, ppl change. And in the passed 4 years I'd bet he beat 'some' of his cognitive dissonance. That and his /r9k/ faggothole can't stop offing themselves or each other w/o him. They are lost w/o him XD
I bet you moot misses it here. I mean, I know he doesn't miss the headaches, but he misses being a part of the community. I bet he regrets selling though.

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