I want to start physics from scratch.Sup Forums recommend me some good books

i want to start physics from scratch.Sup Forums recommend me some good books

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Other urls found in this thread:

wiley.com/en-tm/Principles of Physics, 10th Edition International Student Version-p-9781118230749

feynman lectures

Tesla, tesla and tesla, sure it's not physics. Who cares.

Leonard Susskind’s lectures on Theoretical Physics. Literally everything you need to know.


so what's your background?

Tesla was a reddit-tier conspiracy turd that made good inventions. He wasn’t good at visualizing quantum physics or general relativity.

Sup Forums-science.wikia.com/wiki/Physics_Textbook_Recommendations



Given that you’re a pajeet like me, I’d also recommend Thanu Padmanabh’s lectures on quantum physics in the Philosophy of Cosmology youtube channel.

Physics is a circle jerk of underachieving brilliant minds being wasted on a jew that larped decades ago.

Name me a single thing theoretical physics have contributed to the world. Tangible actual contribution.




cuz relativity is fake

Yeah he got a lot of flack for it but politics shouldn’t care about science just like science shouldn’t care about politics. Susskind is a physics professor, I wouldn’t hear anything from him about politics.

Also reminder that if you cannot deal with the flack or if you cut out actual science education due to your political beliefs you should be put to death because of how weak you are.

The collider is fucking pointless, before you mention another billion dollar Larp.

That opinion is relative to you, thankfully physics doesn’t give a rats ass about your opinions about its reality.

> orange godzilla

Scratch your butt first. If it stinks start with bathing and toilet paper. After that then try physics.

Coming from Engineering Physics masters student. Did BsC in thermal engineering and I must say if u want to prolong ur childhood and waste time dealing with branches that died more than century ago with some old ass professors who should have died too a century ago, then my all means go physics instead of engineering.

mixing politics and science is a bad idea and undoing for the second bu it happens all the time and what can you do about it?

Werner Heisenberg, his uncertainty principle is taught in organic chemistry to visualize atom orbitals.

I can mention more but your shilled out brain will deny it because you hate (((Einstein)))

>Literally everything you need to know.
>He wasn’t good at visualizing quantum physics or general relativity.

He is not against physics per se, what he means is that the foundation of it is driven my funding and funding usully comes from (((them))) or someone leaning towards (((their))) ideologies thus the shit u deal with is universally known as wasting taxpayers money on global scale.

I mean it’s a given that if you’re studying physics because you fell for ‘i want to learn about the universe’ meme, it’s trash. But most theoretical physicists today get into engineering via condense matter physics.

He called Gravity a sham. Don’t get me wrong, edison duped him pretty bad and he wasn’t given enough credit for what he did. But his underrated work has given him a spotlight as big as a fucking god, which he really wasn’t. He discovered some stuff that lead to inventions which people think should belong as patents to him. Thankfully engineering and science doesn’t care about intellectual property.

It's not hate. I just think the most brilliant gentile minds are being lead astray by false theories, all on a wild goose chase.

this is a pretty series if you know some calculus
once you're done with that one there's this

Publicly funded research is usually 80x better than private research. Privately funded research gets you crystal healing shills like Quantum Gravity Research on youtube.

Cant confirm that statement, theoretical physicist dont usually go into engineering. We have our faculty devided into applied and theoretical physicists. The latter focus on quantum mehcanics, spin of some BS particles that cant yet be detcted (not saying its hoax, just saying that pumping infinity funds into this blackhole is not very brilliant considering there are real world areas needing that money) and mathematical physics.

If there's money to be made with R&D, integrity and professionalism is out the window.

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Don't be too successful.

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And yet it is public reserach groups that are the ultimate shills for diversity and gender quotas. We have young phyisicst recruitment program here too where u can apply to get in and do research with real scientists in CERN for like four to six months. The problem is that every year it is some girl that gets chosen. Of a group of 20 people where there are 2 girls on average they always choose the whore, what a coincidence. Thats just Estonia, look at some of the photos of CERN young "brilliant" minds and u ll see the perfect examples of diveristy is our strength.

Go to some place, where you can get free lectures, like Khan academy and look up for some basic courses there. Generally you'd want to have basic knowledge of kinematics, mechanics, waves, optics, thermodynamics, flow dynamics, electricity, electromagnetism and the very basics of atomic theory. After that pick a field in physics that you are interested on and then try to find some more in depth sources for those.

>Name me a single thing theoretical physics have contributed to the world.
How about the fucking atom bomb you dumb fucking mapplenigger

>which he really wasn’t
The concepts of ionosphere cavity resonance alone were fucking mindblowing for the time.

Austrian physicists were responsible for chain reaction discovery and they were actually atomic /early nuclear physicists not theoretical. The latter is a different branch desu.

Will look into it.
That’s fair. I think I got into physics because of the ‘learn about the universe meme’ but got out and switched to comp sci. Still a meme degree but a better paying job. I have a cousin currently who got into condense matter physics and is looking for a job atm. He had lots of programming experience so I don’t think it’ll be hard for him but I can agree that theoretical physics at this point isn’t a good long term investment.

Prolly also explains my shilling for it.

or if u are talking bout actual bomb builders (moslty jooz) frisch, oppenheimer etc. they too were rather nuclear physicists if not nuclear engineers.

Agreed, similar backround instead of CS went into thermal engineering - better money, more interesting and also producing real world value.

That’s fucking awful. I kind of agree with you too given how minutephysics ended up a communist.


when physicist meets a bikini model sometimes reality wins with physics

ThunderboltsProject on YouTube. The Electric Universe Theory makes Physcs obsolete.

You know, Pajeet, it doesn't seem likely you're going to stick to this learning project of yours if you can't even snap out of your stupor for the moment it takes to figure out Sup Forums is not the only board on Sup Forums.

Yeah. I don’t really mind learning theoretical physics in the side via theoretical minimum and other youtube mumbo jumbo. Personally find the shit interesting but I do see why it doesn’t have much practical value other than quantum computing (if it does take off). It would have plenty application in the cyber security market.

Fpbp. Concur.

>not choosing Cognitive Theoretical model of the Universe put forward by Christopher Langan, 200 iq and fellow Drumpf supporter.


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I too found it interesting but then I realised that there is a whole industry and hype around this subject that produces exactly nothing (has potential for computing like u said and also was useful for MRI, laser technology etc) but overall this God-particle-String theory unlocking of universe reminds of some sophisticated NEET.

>start from scratch
>Sup Forums recommends university lecturers and leading scientists

browse the school physics books

Holographic Principle is decent enough desu. Tegmark’s and Tononi’s work on Integrted Information Theory if well applied would help us build the Experience Machine put forward by Robert Nozick.

Another thing that put me off was the fact that when I was reading and studying this whole subject, there was an overwhelming representation of jews when it came to Too-High-Level-For-Goyim-To-Understand-Physics.


To be fair, you have to have very high iq to be an Ashke(((nazi))) physicist.

Stop helping the pajeet, once he learns the newtons laws, he'll parrot them at ur US customs and is automatically led to Silicon Valley to censor u on facebook.

What kind of brainlet can't start at uni level

Depends what you mean by physics.
If you want to learn about vectors and friction that's simple.

Everything else is garbage. Don't look into it.

5 step program to learn physics:
>start with math until you reach a calculus level (integrals is a must), since physics is math restricted to our universe's laws
>the real physics start with classical mechanics, i.e. Newtonian
>follow it with statics
>then dynamics
>After, there it is just quantum, relativity, higher degree physics
Start from simple, like (pic related) and UNDERSTAND what the fuck you're doing, not only monkey see monkey do your shit through

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I would be so much better at math if teachers would give real world examples of the particular thing they are teaching. It's just endless memorization of, to me, pointless shit. Whenever I asked teachers in school, such as when we were graphing functions and other stuff I've since forgot, "why?" I'd always just get answered with "because you have to", "it's in the curriculum", they didn't know. If I can't tie the knowledge to real world use I won't remember it.
It's frustrating, I know it's useful knowledge and I know I could be good at it if it was taught the right way

rather he go there via Sup Forums than be a Sundar Pichai. I’m pajeet too.

Idk what Sundar Pichai is pajeet, what are u doing in pol pajeet.

pajeets are born with 10 points in intelligence, you don't need a book

Mathematics doesn't even have to be connected to the real world to be interesting. It just has to be motivated by a supporting structure of other mathematics and inquiry.
Here's an example:
You can just tell someone that the formula for the area of a triangle is 1/2 * base * height.
Or you can get them to see that any triangle is half of some rectangle by making a copy of it and forming a rectangle with the same base and height of the triangle you had.

H C Verma

This has no place on Sup Forums. Reported

well I have a strong grasp on all that elementary stuff, like I did real good in high school up through basic algebra and trig/geometry which I use all the time at work and doing carpentry.
I got lost in algebra 2 and didn't need the credit to graduate so I didn't care. Like an example I just googled that I remember, 'inverse functions: quadratic' with a graph and f(x) = (x+2)^2 + 1 for x > or = -2.
Like wtf would I ever need that for? I'm sure it has some cool use and if I knew what it was I would be interested in learning more

He probably would be if he existed around WW2.

Spend at least half a year studying linear algebra. Then about a year or two studying advanced calculus. Then you can start studying physics in the usual order. Mechanics, Dynamics, Thermodynamics, Electricity and magnetism, Nuclear physics, Quantum physics and finally other more theoretical physics. Takes about 10 years to get really good.

Maybe because quantumn physics and relativity are pseudosciences.

Says the guy who doesn't even know what they are.

One thing small minds need to consider is that when people question the theory of gravity, no one is denying that things fall to the ground. What is in question here is why they fall. And in that regard relativity doesn't give a sound answer when investigated deeply.

I'm so sorry ur wheelchair god failed, but at least u still got the magic NASA nigger.

physics is basically just math

If you want to understand why, it's because the guys who came up with it were all mathematicians who got boners every time they saw a balanced equation.

So study math, and you will in practice be studying physics
There are just a few minor little tricks you need that are specific to basic physical problems. Such as those around torque, angular momentum, and circuits.

things get really exciting once you get to electrostatics, that's where you start to see the beauty of it all. Pick up Griffiths electrodynamics book for that

try to get "modern physics for non-scientists"
this got my ball rolling
then move on to
"physics for future presidents"
for more in depth
then you can move on to any lecture

How do you explain the accuracy of gps if Relativity is pseudo-science? faggot you dont know shit. go back to sucking kangarroo dick with your wombat wife cunt

Read this first and you'll already be ahead of everyone else.

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I had this one in 1st year. Basic physics, pretty well explained. You can always find a lot of stuff online
wiley.com/en-tm/Principles of Physics, 10th Edition International Student Version-p-9781118230749

Lol the myth of relativity being used in GPS. It's not even true. Ur just repeating someone else's opinion.

I bet you watch big bang theory.