If it's real how come none of the blood curdling terror stories came true.
London was supposed to be under the waves by 2006.
you can trust scientists to tell you facts like you can trust journalists to tell you current events
Global Warming
IDGAF about you. Am I being paid to be your special ed teacher? Do you need everything spoon-fed to you? Would you like a binky and your baba for nap time?
It’s just one of a bunch of things that can be used arbitrarily to destabilize a population, along with killer comets and out of control disease and the fallout from Fukushima that’s apparently killing thousands of Japanese as we speak
Sure thing, Hayim.
It's not governments, it's industry. The oil industry wants a carbon tax on coal. Oil companies own the largest natural gas fields in the world - they bought the rights to them during the early global warming years. Around 2005 oil companies started lobbying for a carbon tax on coal because if coal started being more expensive for powerplants, natural gas powerplants become economically viable..
Pic related.
global warming narrative is FEAR MONGERING
Climate change is cyclic phenomenon directly linked to sun activity (cosmos).
Just to let you catch the ball, "Carbon Tax" ever heard of that?
Well... isn't that the First WORLD TAX?
"Oh vey" what a beauty...
LIfe itself is carbon based, here on earth.
Seal levels are dangerously high guys, it's no joke.
t.Scandinavian fisherman
>not using the superior version