Should women have a voting right?

Should women have a voting right?

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giving them the vote has been the most catastrophic decision in the history of mankind. None of our other big problems would exist if women had no influence on policy, such as mass migration.

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No. Every western civilization that has given women the right to vote started welfare programs in under 5 years. The first thing women did in the U.S. was to bring about prohibition. Women voting led to the war on marriage, no fault divorce, child custody defaulting to the mother, abortion, the rampant rise of single mothers and with it poverty, mental illness, degeneracy, and crime. Women predominantly vote Democrat and socialist.

Women love black cock. Deal with it.

>Should women have a voting right?

Of course not. I can't even imagine the beta cuck men that actually let women vote in the first place. Our past generations have failed us.


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Nobody uses "ebony" in the context of bbc, it's a code word for black pussy and the "women" among which it's gaining popularity is actually larping teenagers stupid enough to register on a porn site.

BS. It is only Amermutts that love cuckold porn since they are sick in their heads. So your stats must be wrong


>Should women have a voting right?
No, neither should men tough.

Giving women suffrage was about as idiotic as giving control of our monetary system to the Jews.

i agree, democracy isn't a system that breeds strong leaders, and these weak leaders make for weak people

Can you give me some redpills/articles on men/women differences (Peterson style) and on gender stereotypes, that become truth, when there is freedom of choices/gender neutral society (North European countries style)? Thanks!

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Where is that graph from? The absoulte state of Germans.

Just to be clear. These changes are the result of immigration patterns. Islamic women are into cuckold porn and not into German porn. African women migrating to Germany search for ebony.

Exactly. Women are the Useful Idiots of metastasizing state power and social engineering

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>not actually posting the most popular tags (which have zero cuck or nigger shit in them), instead focusing on some silly trend shit

As we all know, never trust a statistic you didn't falsify yourself.

>Should women have a right?

>i-its just b-because of immigration
lmao get a load of this piefke faggot

Apparently love Japs a lot more

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How about you must have an X testosterone level to vote?

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I love this painting. It occured to me, even though Orestes kills his mother not alone, but together with his sister Electra, still it is only him who gets tormented. Activates your almonds as to who had a lot of influence in creating these stories. Some granny around the fire presented poor Orestes as a bad boy, while little manginas listened and perpetuated the myth.

That or the author realised that women are actually sociopaths.