Can we have a thread for the Netherland local elections coming up?
Who are you faglords voting for on Wednesday?
Can we have a thread for the Netherland local elections coming up?
Who are you faglords voting for on Wednesday?
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Who is /ourguy/ or /ourparty/ in Holland?
FVD in Amsterdam, PVV everywhere else
No one is /yourguy/ here. We have a pretty good system and /yourguys/ are often the laughing stock of the country. Sometimes however, they point out some real issues.
Fuck yeah Neanderthals!
Nothing will ever change in this country, people need to snap out of this delusion. If Janmaat couldn't do it when it was easier to be a bad goy, then we will never in our current state.
>Im a defeatist
shut up
kanker kanker
>"I think I'm making a difference in this world, my voice has a place in society!!"
I hope the levees break and all the Dutch people drown.
>nog fvd or pvv in my town
Dan maar SGP gekkies stemmen
>>Im a defeatist
So what your saying is; I should your just sit down, shut up and do nothing?
Fucking shill
You should start a new party. That party led by the old fart with bleached hair is retarded.
Option two would be to bomb the dykes so the country floods.
Sea water > Moroccans.
you should be encouraging the downfall of the west, white western peole cannot be saved, better make our legacy as shit as possible for the (sand) niggers that we leave behind.
Let's make Europe worse than Africa !
>Janmaat couldn't do it when it was easier to be a bad goy
Janmaat had a much harder time than Fortuyn or Wilders. Fuck even his wife was bombed and left crippled for life by Antifa iirc.
Dont care what you vote for but vote against the SLEEPWET!!! fuck that bill, more spying powers for the elites, we should make a bill that makes it mandatory to have livestreamwebcams in every room of your house if you want to be a politician.
Groen links
you're a nigger
No you dumb fucking cattle, you crash the system down to the ground by not playing bu the system's rules.
Use your head you useless fuck, by partaking in elections you legitimise everything they do.
This is exactly why less than 10% of any revolution is made of actual extremists while 90%+ are mere followers, because of pussies like you.
Have fun being a delusional good goy for the rest of your life, cuck.
People could get away with more, people actually went out and protested en masse, there were opportunities for revolution everywhere. These days it's all tightly controlled.
>crash the system by not playing
So your solution is waiting for the 90% to stop voting. Well good luck, you're on your own you dumb fuck.
Stem VVD
Hoi flikkers!
No PVV or FvD in my region, (((VVD)) and D66 are too degenerate. Think i'm going vote blank.
kzie jou bakkes hier niet opstaan
stem tegen sleepwet!
>voting for budget Justin Trudeau
DENK, just to trolololol.
there are enough people voting for that lolcow for real, so please don't.
We have it better than almost anywhere in the world
The fuck u talking about revolution udelusional manlet
Our elections are going to be hacked/manipulated
They purposefully chose unsafe software to count all the votes. I urge everyone to be in the room where they count the votes (it is your right) and to note the outcome and compare them to the "official" outcome.
So you are crashing the system by not participating while everyone else does and will continue to do so? This is literally LARPing
Leefbaar Rotterdam and no to the referendum. It'll be a disaster over here though, and i think some big allah inspired lefty coalition might win(Nida, SP, PvdA, GL and D66) in which case we're fucked. The coalition seemed to have exploded after a ''Israel = ISIS'' tweet by Nida(the muslims) but i'm sure they'll work together when they can get in power.
denk inshallah
>We have it better than almost anywhere in the world
Will you post GDP, happiness indices and human development for proofs?
Yes you will. Because you are a complacent gullible moron like 75% of your compatriots.
Horse shit next to a maggot overwhelmed corpse still isn't good in the absolute sense.
IHDI, happiness is not quantifiable. We are number 3.
>Nothing changes in this country
Objectivly false. Stop being a defeatist. We've formed a coalition in the EU against Macroni and Merkel, we've had decentralization, we've implemented assisted suicide, everybody is a donor now, we're going to regulate weedz, our police has been made incapable.
There is a shit load changing and the reason its not going our way is because of cucks not caring and saying ''muh nothing ever changes boehoe''.
>We are number 3.
Le 75%
Vote for whoever gives the least shit of Afrikaners.
None of the partys for my gemeente represent me or anything, so im gonna fuck it up by either drawing a dick by using the dots, chew gum and stick it all over the votingform or fill the form with glitters and deposit it. Because fuck my gemeente
how about we send these cucks to the US for a month so they experience extreme assaults on their sanity and see true stagnation?
So do i
Would have voted FVD but I recently moved to Maastricht, so PVV probably. I have done very little research of local politics here though.
I doubt it for this election, but they're unethical enough to try another time that's for sure.
ik alleen al van het idee om te stemmen op deze kanker debielen die nergens voor staan. landelijke verkiezingen zijn al een grap, dit voelt meer als een belediging
ik walg*
Although that seems preferable to the attacks we're having now on our nation state, freedom of speech, bodily integrity etc. and we're also suffering stagnation over here, household expandable income barely rised since the Euro. It's all crap, but at least try to be the change you want and go and vote.
I hope so, i don't want to become a mess like Amsterdam, which is basicly ruined by the lefty's like van der laan.
Its not bait. Its the only right wing party in my area.
>dams break
>all the native Dutchmen can swim or have a boat
>shitskins drown
Not a bad idea.
Nothing local? I've looked into the local party in my town and they are pretty conservative.
>VVD right wing
Corrupt corporate cock suckers are anything but right wing.
No FvD in my city so PVV it is.
>no mosques
>cutting of bullshit lefty programmes
>removing lefty white guilt school programmes (muh slavery classes)
>lower taxes
>more police in public transport
Where do you live user?
SGP is literally Crusader tier. they are fine, likely the most white communities in the Netherlands with the highest birthrates.
they also bring back exterminated disease and display Darwinism.
they are building up resistance against those diseases while the rest of the population is weakening. Vaccines are filled with horrible shit.
Vaccines contain water, a disease and aluminum. Aluminum causes inflammation. In this case that's good so the immune system will hurry to the injection point. You also can't build resistance to Polio, Rabiƫs and TBC as they will kill or cripple you 100% of the time without treatment.
I didnt have TBC, rabies or Polio vaccine and neither did you or most of the Dutch population you faggot. Vaccines can cause bad shit as evident by the multiple deaths (!) after the HPV vaccination for girls some years ago. There are also theories some adjuvant-disease combination causes autism, scientific studies are underway and so far it has not fully been disproven. Be sceptical.
t. biomedical faggot.
I'm voting for D66-slayer Jake Owen.
>vaccines cause autism
Into trash it goes.
You cant compare HPV vaccines to polio. I agree that HPV is useless and even bad for you, but getting a tbc shot is good for prevention. We dont get the diseases because we are vaccinated.
Biomedical faggot in high school, I see.
Not for some populist right wing fool that's for sure.
>all these normie christcucks
Hell is for ever!
Wat een autist.
I voted against the AIVD-law on the referendum. That's all i'm allowed to vote for.
being a cuck too!
Unironically this.
>Leefbaar Rotterdam that low
What the fuck?
>Not voting yes
I voted already, and I voted no.
Unironically tweet this to D66 with some pro-left message and that black meme frame.
Centjes, goyim
Voter turnout gets lower by the election nigger
Only pedophiles vote no
Face it. You are autistic weirdo's too afraid to socialize so you bought into the Sup Forums meme and became zolder terroristen
If only you knew what I had in my basement.
Shut up. W/o anonimity u have no real freedom of speech.
Telling us its ok to be spied on 24/7 means u have nothing to say
d66 072
thierry kan de kk krijgen
ben je een neger?
herrings are also eaten sour in Poland. You must think Tulips are also germanic and not Mediterranean.
eentje die zijn pielemuis eraf heeft gehakt. snip knip.
Hah why should i care? I have nothing to hide
Kanker cuck
je kan wel zitten janken om rassenverdeling maar hoe zit het nou met die sleepwet
Post your browser history. Do it now.
Cuckfight cuckfight cuckfight!