What's more degenerate? Alcohol or Marijuana?
What's more degenerate? Alcohol or Marijuana?
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Which one are you on right now?
Hitler says: Alcohol
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Watch the documentary & find out today!!:
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Hitler was addicted to cocaine.
His views on substance abuse are not relevant.
Not as degenerate as website called Sup Forums.
Shut your mouth JIDF Liar
He was also a gay, psychotic, transgender, pedophilic methhead, too, right? Historians wouldn't lie about Hitler
Dual Israeli Jew Terrorists in America don't tell truth, we know who you are.
This is well documented
Well clearly.
He slept with his niece.
Marijuana. Alcohol is a food, it tastes good. Some bottles of alcohol sell for thousands of dollars a bottle. Marijuana is only consumed to get high. You don't smoke marijuana for the flavor.
atleast Alcohol has a place in Culture
Weed has too...in arabic culture being stoned is a thing
Weed makes people insufferable and partially brain dead, Alcohol in moderate amounts is fine, just don't over drink.
Whey protein is more degenerate
vrroom vrooom
Go get another drink.
On an every day basis?
Enjoy dying young.
slavs drink booze for eternity and we still rule 1/6 of this planet
I find weed far more addictive and therefore degenerate. I’m grateful that I’ve always handled alcohol well. Despite liking weed more, I get more psychosis and stomach issues from it, plus more sexual confusion. Memory problems too. I enjoy sex with weed more than w/ alcohol desu.
Weed is liberal Marxist agenda. Just look at the potheads.
>vrromm vrromm
Alcohol. It doesn't stop you from doing things.
>Alcohol in moderate amounts is fine
You can say thesame about weed too or to be honest about most of traditional psychoactive substances
Alcohol, I've done some.. let's say regrettable things with.. let's call them "larger" women while drunk. Nothing degenerate has happened to me while high.
>Weed makes people insufferable and partially brain dead
>Alcohol in moderate amounts is fine
>moderate amounts
Nigger u serial?
Hitler had 1 testicle, his opinions are irrelevant.
abusing alcohol will ruin every organ in your body and can make you die young
abusing pot makes you not want to leave the house and do productive things
so obviously pot is much worse and a tool of ((()))
the "personal equation" and the specific zone on which drugs, here including alcohol, act, lead the individual toward alienation and a passive opening to states that give him the illusion of a higher freedom, an intoxication and an unfamiliar intensity of sensation, but that in reality have a character of dissolution that by no means "takes him beyond." In order to expect a different result from these experiences, he would have to have at his command an exceptional degree of spiritual activity, and his attitude would be the opposite of those who seek and need drugs to escape from tensions, traumatic events, neuroses, and feelings of emptiness and absurdity.
Alcohol and weed are two different things, so moderate alcohol consumption is different than moderate pot smoking. Albeit this is from my own experience, but the people around me who smoke weed frequently in moderate amounts are the people I'd classify under the "Dude, weed" group.
the main effect of alchohol is inebriation you fucking tard.
You literally have no self control.
omg I need to drink and smoke look how in control of myself I am.
kill yourselves with a shitty looking shotgun.
Over drinking is bad, the hangover is evident that you've harmed your body somehow. So moderate drinking is preferable. Weed changes peoples personalities if they let it, because they are under the impression that it can do no harm. If a heavy pot smoker goes on a tolerance break, they will see a difference in their capacity to think.
Similar to my experiences. Most of the stoners I’ve known, myself included, were rarely moderate about it. I can sip on a beer with a meal but with weed, it’s usually to go on a voyage through time and space.
I do think alcohol is worse with driving.
That's why I said moderate drinking, you emu fucker. If drinking for you is to achieve a state of drunkenness then you yourself are a fucking mong.
Will marijuana make an ugly girl hot? No. Alcohol is the devil. Fuck that shit.
You don't know any actual weed smokers besides the stoners at school, right?
>This is well documented
by those with noses as long as yours i suspect
If alcohol had no effects I wouldn't drink it for the flavour bud
DUUUDDDEEE W333333333333333D! BR000000000000000000 SLAM THIS B3333333333333333333333333333R.
alcohol exacts a price
Amphetamines weren't illegal until the 60s, and methamphetamine was used by both sides during the war to improve effectiveness of troops. Clearly a leader during wartime during this era was on stimulants of some kind.
remove the cultures advertised around each item
and you'll see a drastic change in degeneracy.
Both are degenerate. Learn from Trump you faggots.
They are about in the same league. An alcoholic will fall first, but the long slow poison that is marijuana will eventually do the same.
This. It turns into "group I don't like does X, therefor activity X is degenerate" which leads to purity spiraling.
Do you really want to associate yourself with football hooligans and drunk drivers? Straightedge is the only way.
Sharia law
I've been smoking for 25 years. If I'd been drinking, which I hardly ever do I would be a wreck
t. Texas frat dude
If you die from an alcohol OD you fucking deserved it. Humans evolved to tolerate alcohol, which is something that separates us from other primates.
Even if I think weed is better than alcohol, this is retarded.
The only thing proven is that cannabis CAN slow down the making of cell structure and there for slow down cancer, nowhere is it proven that it "kills cancer cells".
The death toll for alcohol is including drunk driving and if you count that for cannabis it has been responsible for way more deaths than "0 deaths in history"
Taking prescription pain killers in moderation, in secret, with nobody knowing about it except your GP is the only non-degenerate form of escapism.
Everyone just thinks I'm a happy person, and the taking of the pain killers allows me to overcome anxiety and self doubt that kept me down for a decade of my life. It does no harm to anyone so long as you don't abuse it or drive under the influence.
I've always assumed it was a joke comparison picture. The unreasonable illegality of weed has caused weed advocates to become unreasonably positive and outright make up shit.
>The death toll for alcohol is including drunk driving and if you count that for cannabis it has been responsible for way more deaths than "0 deaths in history"
Have we devised a way to tell if someone is high on weed at the moment rather than smoked weed a week ago and is just still in his system during an accident? Testing positive for weed doesn't prove intoxication.
>nobody knowing about it except your GP
Did you really get depression so hard the doc prescribed you opiates?
have you never heard that some animals eat fermenting fruits to get buzzed ?
Both have hipsters that fucking ruin it, and people who consume/produce it that are stand up individuals. Personally I see degeneracy as more of a mental issue. People who tend to be consumed with substances use them to escape mental issues within their own life. Both are used to unwind, and to aid physical ailments, this is not a degenerate use.
Alcohol helps you make drinks safe when you live in a swamp like we do/did. Weed serves no prupose at all.
The answer is clear
one is a plant, the other a deadly poison
Weed, literally the only reason people use it is to get high and smoking in general is degenerate.
Getting drunk is degenerate, but people enjoy a couple drinks in business settings or with friends without getting drunk all the time. And there is nothing unnatural about drinking a beverage compared to lighting something on fire and sucking in the smoke.
Yes, I've heard of them. I was talking about primates specifically. Alcohol tolerance is something we adapted to better than other primates.
>there is nothing unnatural about drinking a beverage compared to lighting something on fire and sucking in the smoke.
source? its not just a beverage its closer to poison than anything you regularly drink
He never slept with his niece. He was into her, though.
Was hit by a drunk driver and diagnosed with severe crippling nerve pain, most likely for life.
While I get access to whatever pain killers I want, even the strongest opiates, I take the absolute bare minimum I have to on the lowest dosages and least side effects and try to tolerate the pain as best I can.
Meanwhile people get a headache once a month and get medicinal marijuana, and sit around all day binging on it and fucking society over with their bullshit.
Obviously alcohol. No one beats their wife or crashes their car on weed
>hit by a drunk
>turned to opiates
>calls marijuana users degenerates
You're an interesting person. I'm sure you know this, but using opiates to "overcome anxiety and self doubt" is a slippery slope. Keep up the moderation.
The eternal anglo. The kikes best slaves.
As I said, I have access to it but don't touch it. Self control is the difference between people like me and degenerates who drink until they vomit and pass out in the street, or people who spend 24/7 at home smoking weed and eating instant noodles.
One shares the same chemical in breast milk for babies.
The other ends up in babies when the mother drinks too much of it and damages the growth of the baby by increasing the distance between the eyes.
>he sees appendages of the same cause as separate issues
it's an addiction to escape, alleviation, and separation from one's permanent passenger: your rational mind.
Weed, it's illegal, crime is degenerate.
>insufferable and partially brain dead
Most people already are.
Do you understand what the bell curve is?
Most people are retarded. If you are under 120 IQ you are some retard and smoking weed wont fix it.
Everything looks retarded when women or retards do it.
Alcohol literally turns people into degenerates if you drink enough, and it degenerates your body by killing brain cells.
that purity spiraled quickly
The answer to all these questions: "Who cares?"
The latter
Both are degenerate, although weed i suppose is more so. Weed is less bad for you though desu, unless you're a heavy user
is this the ghost of Jim Lahey? Posting from leaf land too.
Alcohol killed 88k people in usa last year, I hate people that drink their degenerate as fuck
>alcohol in moderate amounts is what most people do and is not degenerate
I don't get violent and beat my wife when I smoke too much grass.
It’s conversations like this one that are degenerate.
>people who define their entire identity around consuming cannabis are really annoying
>drinking in moderation is okay though
Nobody in America or anywhere drinks in moderation 88000 people died how many died of weed is not even comparable you fucking leaf
Nothing is inherently degenerate unless you make your entire life about it.
Do you know what greentexting is?
All the potheads I know end up being failures while the drunks manage to be successful. I’d say weed is but both should be reserved for weekends only.
I could argue the opposite because alcohol is a toxin. Its effects are due to you literally poisoning yourself. Weed OTOH only affects us because our bodies have specific neuroreceptors for cannabinoids. Our species evolved alongside this plant. We’ve been using it for millennia.
None is degenerate, alcohool is Sup Forums approved because it can prolong life by alot.Most people who live over 90 drink alcohol daily,plus there is a famous big study that proved that alcohol is very benefic if drank in moderation.