Well Sup Forums? How does it feel?

Well Sup Forums? How does it feel?

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I don't eat shitty carbs.

women going to get THICC from this i approve


Those cookies look disgusting

I'll just take two.

>go to Britain
>order biscuits and gravy
>get a plate of soggy cookies with chicken broth poured over them

Could go for some oatmeal raisin cookies right about now.

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>can put cookies on the side of your cup, not to the spill crumbs all around your desk

>top tier efficiency while carrying the cookies, they are in your hand, still have one hand free for moving around the world

10/10, would eat


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What did you expect?

you tell me

Unlike a woman, I won't complain. I'll just do twice the work so I have 176% of what they have like we currently do.

Then they'll demand I am given 76% less.

How fucking dare you...

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Wow powerful

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Simplest troll in the world; flip over their little sermon and write "PACMAN COOKIES!" on it . People will even say they taste better.

lol and they wonder why western women are so fat.

wtf, women arent allowed to have pacman cookies? that's fucking sexist, women play pacman too.

They're probably soy based or some other wicked shit like gluten free, no thanks bitch.

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will the gender pay gap meme EVER end? how can something so provably counter-factual continue to be a mainstream opinion?

like i'm about to have 2 plates of cookies in a bag in my pantry

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Indifferent, those cookies look like shit

>Implying this wasn't a pretext for some fat ass (((feminist))) to eat 12% more than her legit ration.

It pretty much sums it all.

>identify as a woman
>100% cookies for me
>bigots btfo

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>nowhere does it say you only get one cookie

Sell my own cookies at half the price, now I earn 100% more than them.

true, true...

slide thread
KYS shill

>Lauren Southern gets banned from UK, invited into EU parliament
>Pettibone and Selner get jailed for wrongthink, their voices get amplified
>Another muslim rape gang uncovered, rape rates similar to Congo
>Lord Pearson in parliament says we sharia law and wrongthink real
>BBC openly discriminates against white native population
It is time to seize the day lads
Lower and working classes are redpilled
Middle classes outside of Londonistan are redpilled somewhat, especially up north
We need to drop redpills everywhere, carpet bomb internet with low dose, none offensive redpills
Under press articles, twitter facebook etc of police forces, home office, MPs, BBC, press etc
Say how British state is actively working against white majority
How any dissent is squashed
How people who want to protect their families and communities are jailed for hate speech or wrongthink
How police covers up crimes of non whites
How police detains anyone who points at the problem
How other issues like heroine abuse are left to rot

race war now
gas the kikes
its da joos
be offensive
be threatening
get banned

Anything offensive will be purged
Cold hard facts are best redpills
If we can make this into longer lasting operation it will perpetuate itself pulling overton window our way long term
Time has come for another battle of Britain and we are masters of memetic warfare
Take this pasta and drop it in all shill threads, that immediately stops them
Shills are afraid of good ideas

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Feels great because a WOMAN made the cookies for a MAN

Thanks for playing.

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These cookies doesn't look tasty. Feminists can't cook.

I would just take all the cookies for myself.

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Biscuits and gravy.

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no they're biscuits

and now I'm hungry. Fuck you

*beats up woman and gets 188%*

Americans are retards, they don't understand that "biscuit" is a superset of cookie. They call everything that isn't a cookie a cookie.

Arrowroot? Cookie. Chocolate digestive? Cookie. Garibaldi? Cookie. Custard cream? Cookie. I don't know how they manage to order an actual cookie, but I think it's just because they're so lardigenous that they don't actually know non fatfuck types of biscuit.

Meanwhile, they call a scone a biscuit. Probably they'd call a chorley cake a biscuit, and an eccles cake, maybe even a jaffa cake.

Until now though I literally had no idea they don't know what gravy is, I thought that was just a kfc specific retardism, not the nation as a whole.

You're a sick man.

Hes here..
that ID those #s

>wicked shit like gluten free
All that means is that there's less than 20ppm of a protein that literally does not matter for cookies. It's not fucking phyllo dough.

Gluten free cookies are usually made of rice, potato, tapioca, arrowroot or other flour. Most of which have a natural sweetness to them that you don't get from wheat. Hell, if you use something like buckwheat, you're also boosting the protein content of the cookie.

*takes cookies on right*
yeah fuck their sings, in all honesty, whoever did them probably poisoned the left side

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I rarely eat just one cookie. So, I'll take a handfull of them.

I would be happy for her to at least spend time in kitchen, which is rare in USA, but it would be foolish to think that's enough, not by quantity, i am talking about where's my goddamn dinner and desert?

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say that you identify yourself as 4 lesbian females.
take 4 cookies. run away laughing. problem solved.

You can tell the lady who took this photo is fat. Look at how her feet bust out of her sandles.

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>assuming the world is binary gendered
Confirmed cisgendered shitlord discriminating against transgenders.

Scones and goo.

Pig disgusting.


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"Biscuit" is the French term for "cookie". It means "cooked twice".

Biscuits and gravy is fucking awesome

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The male cookies look much happier laughing together

>talking shit about other country's food

Business idea: incorporate the ugly-attractive pay gap into a bake sale

Carbs and fat.

>you shouldn't discriminate based on gender
>youshouldn't assume someone's gender
>gender is a social construct
>there are more than two genders
>you can be born the wrong gender

Only a liberal could hold all these ideas simultaneously, and do this.

That's nowhere near 12%.

>women into maths.

How do we fix sexism?

With more sexism!

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Gluten free cookies are delicious desu senpai

doesn't exist by every metric, still claim it's real and the media runs it. the most pathetic part of your argument is that when adjusted for hours worked all pay discrepancy dissapears. Get fucked.

Is a woman going to use the patriarchy to stop a man from taking more than his share of cookies? If not, then I'm afraid she's shit out of luck when the cookie monster appears.

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What's stopping me from identifying as a woman and taking one of the girl's biscuits instead?

Grab a hanfull of the full ones, turn 360° and walk away saying it was my privilage.

Like nothing.
Here we have 20 less life expectancy. Fucking cookies is not big of a deal to be concernd of.


>woman spends extra labor to make a point
>to get less profit
This is why women never become CEOs.


Ah this is why lefty "girls" are all fat fucks, now can someone make a pic explaining how they got so pig ugly I would appreciate it

The best red pill on this issue: when you unpack the facts and establish that women earn less because they work fewer hours in less well-paid roles, you realise that wage gap campaigners who demand 'equal pay' for women are, in fact, demanding that women be paid more than men per hour of work undertaken.

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Good, men cookies have 12% less calories.We Always win baby.

They are both cookies, and biscuits, but they err more on the side of non-cookie despite the chocolate chips, because of their size and thickness. A cookie is a circular dough biscuit embedded with chipped flavourings with a diameter about the size of a hand, that is thin and can be pulled apart by pulling both sides, rather than snapping apart.

>Unavailable in your country
I get the feeling I wouldn't have liked the video anyway.

The mens cookies are bigger

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Just tell her you identify as a woman and there's nothing she can do about it

Take whole plate and shit on the woman's one. Thats what they for being uppity

>Be man
>Work harder, get more biscuits regardless

>Be woman
>Eat half a biscuit and leave the rest because "ehhh i have other things to do like oh my god life isn't just work"
>later complain about only getting half a biscuit

And that is how the wage gap works.

You gotta be some type of faggot to not only eat cookies that were laid out for you, but to also eat cookies with some spiteful message on them. I mean you might as well assume that someone jerked off/pissed in the batter.

You can keep your faggot ass pacman cookies, you pitiful cunt. I'm a grown man. I can buy a whole box of them shits with my grown man salary, but I won't because sweets are for children and pre menopausal women.

Yep. Women work few hours than men on average, are less likely to negotiate for pay, less likely to relocate for a job, and are more likely to take a comfy office job instead of physically demanding and hazardous work.

polite protocol dictates you only take one, uncultured biscuit bigots


>tfw getting Packman cookies at the price of regular cookies
Feels good bering a man isn't it?

So what's the lesson here if instead of taking free garbage cookies with a bite out if them I go to the store with my superior MALE WAGE BONUS buy myself an entire thing of decent cookies and then eat the entire thing at my leisure? It seems like all it proves is that free shit is usually trash but women generally get more free shit then men just for being women while men get better shit cause they manage money better and can buy themselves nice things.

Ill get 12% less fat, thanks

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N. Main st Columbia, SC?

the wikipedia article for "list of salads" literally contains "snickers salad" because of lardmericans. You even convinced yourself a bowl of chocolate and whipped cream is a fucking salad. Our historical dishes come from cold weather, functional root vegetable unspicy cuisine, sure, but your "cuisine" is just type 2 diabetes in an oversized bowl.

This, you can tell a feminist made them. Probably gluten free. Fucking gross!

>Arrowroot? Cookie. Chocolate digestive? Cookie. Garibaldi? Cookie. Custard cream? Cookie.
Whisky Bisky? Cookie.
Gobbly Globule? Cookie.
Stuffun' Chew'n'run? Cookie.

Why don't you crooked-toothed pinched-faced toast sandwiched faggots do us all a favor and let the sun set on the British Empire? I'm tired of you upjumped peasants pretending you've had rich feasts since time immemorial. I've studied my history and I know what the poorfolk of England ate. There's no rich culinary history there. I shit out my ass better meals than your average fishwife could cook in 1650. Now get outta here. I don't even wanna look at ya.

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sometimes i wonder if we deserve to be mistreated by the ruling elite.
how can people be this fucking stupid.

It’s a female country singer named Margo Price who wrote a non ironic song about the pay gap and played it on Conan. It’s embarassing. She was talking on NPR about it.

Her music sounds generic to me.

We call it whatever the fuck we want because we won the war. Get fucked nerd.

TFW don't have to use growth hormones to have food.

Do you think you're some fucking genius? Goddamn. When women ask for "equality", they mean "preferential treatment", and since they've always had preferential treatment to begin with (in normal countries, not some ass backwards hellholes), the "equality" they demand now is actually preferential treatment ++

the only thing preventing woman from complete male dominance is the very patriarchy they are against...

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When you are ordering something you don't use vague names like that. When you are in line you don't ask for a "soda" to the guy making sodas, but they are called sodas.

Britians are ruining English by changing names to things ever so slightly just to get a reaction out of America.

Literally looks like someone chundered tuna chunks onto a hot cross bun. Happy easter.

feels good knowing women are stupid enough to take precise chunks out of each cookie because they think they're proving a point besides how stupid women are

You're jealous that our salads taste good?

wow heathier cookies with 12% less calories sugar and fat!

also some fat woman must have come up with this since food is all they think about. and the fat woman that made this must think its shocking and horrifying to eat less or smaller portions.

you are now aware they have been thrown on the ground multiple times and wiped off and put back on the table.

Holy shit, didn't notice that. Excellent observation.