***BIG BRAIN NIBBA THREAD*** ***please consult the pre-req for a scientific theory before discussing.***
what should be discovered in order to disprove evolution? every scientific theory functions in a way it can be disproven if certain facts or theory come out. Meanwhile, evolution, while being the current paradigm, seems entirely unfalsifiable (Poppers prerequisite for scientific theory). like the test for real witch - If she dies she is probably a witch, if she survives she isnt.
Example 1: if it survives its more adapted (ergo superior), if it doesnt its less adapted (ergo inferior). That kind of logic should also apply to human races so if whitey dies, he actually wasnt the masterrace, if he survives he actually is. This is mythology and circular reasoning, not scientific reasoning.
Example 2: "useless human body parts". Appendix and wisdom teeth are considered an evolutionary relic...until few years ago when appendix was discovered to be very usefull for keeping gut bacteria. Wisdom teeth? Idk I still have them.
In the end theory of evolution doesnt predict anything like a good sci theory should, but explains things backwards. That isnt what scientific theory should be - good theory predicts instead of making a story about things that happened (like myths do) - e.g. IQ theory and genetics is a great scientific theory since both can predict life outcomes on individual and collective basis.
in essence, evolution is a Catch 22 of science. If some human part turns out to be usefull in the end, you just claim:
1) "evolutionary adaptation" or if you cant find a certain fossil you claim "we havent found it yet but based on evolutionary theory it was there"
2) or if you dont have a certain body part "it died because of evolution", or find a certain fossil "I told you so I FCK LOOOOVE SCIENCE"
same with homosexuality: 1) disgenics since it doesnt procreate and it diminished the chances of survival 2) EVOLUTIONARY ADAPTATION towards overpopulation of Earth
Do offspring inherit traits from their parents in any capacity? Do some offspring have mutations?
These two axioms prove evolution in the context of reproductive animals.
Regarding the question of homosexuality, have you considered that it is not the result of human evolution but the result of parasite evolution?
Luis Miller
That guy is a porn actor in the Party Hardcore and Drunk Sex Orgy series. Just wanted to point that out.
Jayden Jones
Glup si ko kurac. vrati se u prvi razred Zbog debila poput tebe deca nam beze iz domovine
Lucas Perry
Estás utilizando este traductor mal.
Adrian Gomez
>Do offspring inherit traits from their parents in any capacity? >Do some offspring have mutations?
these 2 thesis are factual and can easily demonstated in selective breeding of dogs or even humans, but you made a big logical jump for that to be a proof of 6 billion years. knowledge of genetics predates darwins theory (mendel).
Robert Hughes
As long as you don't find another theory that better explain how humans came to be, this theory will stay the best. See pic.
>As long as you don't find another theory that better explain how humans came to be, this theory will stay the best. See pic.
evolutionary theory cant be refuted since its entirely unfalsifiable. The lower part of your pic (scientific revolution) will never happen since evolutionary theory is a closed system.
>Reminder that evolution is God works
>evolutionary theory cant be refuted since its entirely unfalsifiable Then maybe it's true? I mean you can literally see evolution happen live with bacterias. I don't really see what your problem is with the theory.
Ethan Nguyen
another great example of a pseudoscientific theory are freuds defense mechanisms:
A) you think that way because you hate your father B) "I dont hate my father". "That is exactly what a father hater with an activated defense mechanism would say."
you can have knowledge of 1 and 1 without yet putting them together to make 2
with those two assumptions evolution is proven true literally by the principle of mathematical induction
Kevin Long
> not falsifiable Of course it's falsifiable: if you observe God creating a new animal fully formed, then that falsifies evolution. If you see an animal giving birth to a completely new animal, nothing like its parent, then that also falsifies evolution.
Wyatt Johnson
>what should be discovered in order to disprove evolution?
>with those two assumptions evolution is proven true literally by the principle of mathematical induction
You can claim Earth is 6000 years also and natural selection mechanism would still fit.
>A rabbit in the precambrian
not a genetic mutation of an isolated species in precambrian that died of.
Lincoln Sanchez
Intelligent design and evolution are not mutually exclusive you nong, intelligent design was applied through the process of evolution.
God isn't some old bearded man in the sky - God is the consciousness which permeates everything and creates order out of what would otherwise be complete chaos. God also permeates you and your cells and can guide you in amazing ways if you let god.
Ethan Peterson
there literally isnt a one complete skeleton for proof of humans with bone vestigial, just regular stuff you see in museum of medicine
>God isn't some old bearded man in the sky - God is the consciousness which permeates everything and creates order out of what would otherwise be complete chaos. God also permeates you and your cells and can guide you in amazing ways if you let god.
Daniel Myers
If you don't want people discussing you OP pic don't use it.
P.S wisdom teeth are amazing, they actually do bring wisdom because they highlight parts of the brain (near the back of your throat) you otherwise might not have used much. Biggest mistake I ever made getting mine pulled, jaw has never been the same sincen
Dylan Thompson
>You can claim Earth is 6000 years also and natural selection mechanism would still fit.
Yes you can fit the model of natural selection, but you can't fit the model of divergence of species. Even if we look just at humans, we can trace back DNA mutations to a common ancestor around 150.000 years ago for mitochondrial DNA. Even if you believe humans as a species were put on earth 6000 years ago, that wouldn't explain the diversity in our DNA.
Josiah Russell
>This retarded Croat again
Jason Collins
>that pic
honestly amazing, im a creationist now, thank you OP
Carter Williams
If you can disprove evolution, write a paper on it and collect your Nobel prize.
Joseph Ross
What a garbage thread. Thanks for shitting up Sup Forums OP.
Remember to use sage if you absolutely have to reply. And don't use images.
Hudson Cruz
fuck off, you bring shame to Homeland maloumniče
Jose Wood
Creation doesnt imply someone is a christian. Earth being 6000 years old was a secular paradigm just 200 years ago
>wisdom teeth are amazing, they actually do bring wisdom because they highlight parts of the brain (near the back of your throat) you otherwise might not have used much.
Im not senpai with that. source pls
>Even if you believe humans as a species were put on earth 6000 years ago, that wouldn't explain the diversity in our DNA.
true, but why should it be explained by 6billion years? if we go the less parsimonic route/more extraordinary, we should also have less parsimonic/more extraordinary evidence like skeletons with vestigial traits which are completly lacking
>If you can disprove evolution, write a paper on it and collect your Nobel prize.
science doesnt work that simple. group think is present.
remember, many Croats are retards, but not all retards are Croats
Jason Lewis
Are you gonna make this slide thread daily? Evolution isn't a theory, it's a logical conclusion to an imperfect self-replicating biological machine.
Liam Morales
>Are you gonna make this slide thread daily?
Ill stop only after anti-intelelctual poofters like yourself properly adress my arguments instead of using TED talk buzzwords.
Dominic Cook
the day of the rock approaches
Julian Rogers
>big leap >from selective breeding by humans >to selective breeding by the environment
Austin Gray
>that pic Explain to me why we need toes, or the ability to wiggle them. I'll wait.
Oliver Harris
>group think is present give me a one example in modern science (2000 — present) when a single, robust piece of contradictory evidence was ignored and not put into testing.
Samuel Allen
>Explain to me why we need toes
to walk.
>one example in modern science (2000 — present) when a single, robust piece of contradictory evidence was ignored and not put into testing.
pharmacology. ritalin, antidepressants and their use on children, all chronical diseases related to digestion...history of medicine is filled with those examples.
Chase Carter
>robust piece of contradictory evidence was ignored and not put into testing.
homosexuality, transex and its longterm destructiveness are entirely ignored, affect of pornography HASNT EVEN BEEN PROPERLY RESEARCHED in time when you see more and more ED and more and more pornography.
Nathaniel Gray
You didn't give me an exact event but instead resorted to obscurantist broadness. Again, I need one case of modern science going against robust evidence and outright ignoring it.
Wyatt Adams
>where are the sources
tipical russian. in what of the numerous examples presented have I lied?
Sebastian White
You presented literally nothing, sweetie
Ryan Moore
>a scientific theory is not a scientific theory
Evan Campbell
Aiden Williams
It is impossible to disprove evolution
The phylogentic trees that show our linkage as a species starting from the LUCA of the domains of life is extremely well documents