Polish Holocaust, the Poles are trying to crack down on free speech and deny the Holocaust
The U.S.A must break all ties with Poland until they repeal this law. this must end now
Polish Holocaust, the Poles are trying to crack down on free speech and deny the Holocaust
The U.S.A must break all ties with Poland until they repeal this law. this must end now
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The Ruderman Family Foundation released a statement saying that "after a hugely successful campaign that went viral internationally and among American Jews and Israelis who have signed the petition – the Foundation was contacted by the Polish Jewish community and because of their concerns for their safety, we decided to halt the campaign."
>If they want to burn it , you want to read it..
If They Want to Burn It, You Want to Read It
>because of their concerns for their safety, we decided to halt the campaign.
Fucking kikes (american).
No one is killing any Jews here. What in the actual fuck!
I deny the holohoax myself. Good on Poland. They're standing up for what is right.
they are denying polish involvement in the holocaust, not the holocaust itself, that was just a misrepresentation by the video
Kikes are fucking miserable.
Be grateful you don't have as many as we do.
does anyone have the pic about jews in pain tend to exaggerate their suffering and involve their family
Fuck off dude no one her gives a fuck
37mm launcher requires no tax stamp
bait? probably a phishing link
lol thats hilarious, how come jews always get worked up over these things, its like that childrens book in india that called hitler a great leader got them really worked up and they got it banned
Spot the FBI/MI5/mossadnigger.
We denied nothing; clearly you and fucking mongrels like those retards that made this video did not realise.
We had biggest population of joos pre ww2.
Now i think we should have 0
fuck of ye jew shite
gas em all and deny nothin
I've learned something from the Jews, if you react to smallest of things threatening your narrative, no one will be able to push your narrative too far from the one you set, because even smallest diversion from narrative is ostracised.
>in this regard we should learn from jews.
>oy vey I'm so huit by this!
This is the most jewish shit ever
play up the jewish role in nazi germany and nazi poland like the blonde beast Reynhard Heydrich
I cannot understand why people are upset about this. Blaming Poland for the holocaust is historical revisionism. They were occupied by Nazis.
It seems like Israel's offense with this is an effort to blame the entire white race for the holocaust.
I understand that thought policing is wrong but this gigantic Jewish backlash raises some major red flags for me.
10% jews collaborated with nazis while less than 0.1% of Christian Poles did
+jewish communist criminals protected by state of israel like this one
jews were the real nazis
play up the jewish role in the holocaust while at the same time takin the counter position with #notalljews, very subversive, very effective
when the old man said "now"
i never in my life wanted to punch someone face so bad
We have a winner for the most punchable face ever.
it would be pretty funny if all those people actually got arrested
Same as blaming France and Sweden. Its about applying white guilt psyops.
Go hang your self for being wrong you stupid kangaroo fucker.
Jews are so annoying and uppity. Why would anyone care what Jews, or anyone else for that matter thinks. We are talking about the morale of an entire country here versus the fee-fees of some annoying people with big noses and nasaly voices.
Hahahahahaha, this is the most jewish video ever
>pretending to do something brave
This reminds me of the time a bunch of american jews were losing their mind when Ronald Reagan decided to meet a german Luftwaffe Ace and pay his respects to german WW2 war graves, including Waffen SS soldiers in Bitburg, Germany 1985
>pic related of the jews whining
Video of Reagan's visit:
Well they think they are the chosen people and at the top of the victimhood heirarchy. Thats why I love rubbing their sanctimony in israeli aparthied. I dont actually care about the Palestinians.
kek youre alright mr goldberg not all jews are fags
Oy vey where is your tribsl loyalty Shlomo
Finally some good performance art. Need to webm that video.
This guy keeps posting this link in every thread
Seconding this request
Better cool it with that antisemitism
This vid had like 600 likes and 39,000 dislikes when the kikes pulled it from its original posting. Even this copy has its comments and likes/dislikes disabled by Jewtube. They got their shit pushed in and are trying to spin it as further victimhood.
Its about always playing the victim.
Anybody capable of good video editing that wanna swap the phrase to "Hitler did nothing wrong"?
no theyre only standing up for jewish interests
>I gradually came to hate them.
This. "Anti-semitism" would end if jews stopped acting like spastic kikes.
It was New York Jews saying they're going to be jailed in Poland because of a law brought about by Jews slandering Poland because Poland refused to pay Jews $65 billion for no apparent reason.
We are now at the stage that Jewish agitprop is so lazy they just get on Youtube and scream at white people to give them money.
Israel Singer, secretary general of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) from 1986 to 2001:
>“More than three million Jews died in Poland and the Polish people are not going to be the heirs of the Polish Jews. We are never going to allow this. (…) They’re gonna hear from us until Poland freezes over again. If Poland does not satisfy Jewish claims it will be “publicly attacked and humiliated” in the international forum.” - Reuters Agency, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 19 April 1996
Basically the World Jewish Congress wants to blackmail Poland into giving $65-300 billions worth in physical assets = JEWISH TAKEOVER OF POLAND.
Basic history
Jewish lobbying
Polonia counterattacks
U.S. State Department responds
Explanation by political commentators
But they only make smoke and flare rounds. As a fed, you should know only the 40mm ones are the HE rounds.
What about the 6 gorrilion killed in polish death camps annually? Stop misrepresenting Poland. As a fellow Pole, I would want all Jews to forgive Poland for this atrocity.
As a Jew, I was already gassed four times and that's only counting today, only survived due to my young age and healthy condition.
The whole ordeal makes me relive 1968, all over again.
Repeal this law now!
Also give my grandfather his kamienica back!
Memes aside, it's not even denying Polish involvement, it's denying involvement of Polish nation to be specific.
If you say: "Pole Janusz Cebula, has killed my mother/father/dog/daughter/me." and can bring evidence to prove it, it's fine under the new law.
If you however say: "Polish nation participated in the Holohaux/Polish nation killed more Jews than Germans, etc." this is penalized.
Which makes sense, because we already have law that forbids Holocaust denial, while such denial can be more based in factual evidence, than statement above.
Hell, Jews participated more in their supposed Holocaust than Poles, there was Jewish ghetto police that helped in deportations to supposed death camps.
Most of the Poles that killed Jews, would often have no moral qualms against killing members of Polish resistance.
you know it cuts both ways...
>there was Jewish ghetto police that helped in deportations to supposed death camps.
but they did not know they were going to be killed..
Jesus Christ i wanna stove that guys head in.
Oh wow you changed some words
Oh hey then the German people and rest of Europe are absolved too.
>"look goyim, I am on your side"
>falsely playing victim in order to claim monies about falsely being victims during WW2
Wew lad, Jewception?
Stay steadfast Poland, you are on the right path. Momentary inconveniences are better than the coming islamic civil wars in Europe.
Don't forget who the real war criminals were.
you know that the Einsatzgruppen were not soldiers?
they were police, under the SS command.
it is basic facts like that that seem to be so difficult for deniers to grasp, although they are easy to look up.
point 2 is also incorrect - article 19 was about not using American technical rules - which the german lawyers (defense team included) did not know about.
also it was argued that the technical rules could not apply - there were not sealed scenes of crime with solid chain of custody evidence and forensics - any normal use of the technical rules would have ruled out just about all the evidence simply by saying that there was no proper chain of custody (so even signed orders would be inadmissible)
3 of course is also false - holocaust denial was not illegal for over forty years. and also it is not illegal to say things if you have evidence to support your claims. For instance no one goes to jail for saying it was fewer than 6 million killed - most historians say it is more likely to be about five and half million, possibly fewer
4 - it isn't ad hominem, nor name calling. learn you fallacies
5 big claim. Prove it
6 yep, you got that one right.
7 is actually not a bad answer as well
8 is just piss poor. it fails to answer the question - and it tries to ridicule things that are not that ridiculous. Quicklime was used to speed the decay of bodies. There is good reason to believe that a pneumatic bolt gun, as commonly used in abattoirs, was used at Sachsenhausen (foot switched triggered) - a very efficient way of killing millions of cattle, why not use it on people? the only thing ludicrous here is the idea that such things can be dismissed with mere scoffing.
9 still does not show that the germans were responsible for starving the prisoners for months...
10 the memo is not fake - just calling everything you disagree with "fake" is unsupportable. No historian - revisionist or otherwise - has said it is fake. and the calculations of burning times and capacity for each oven are based on ignorance and just pulled out of the air. Those figures supplied by the Nazis are accurate and possible.
11 is also simply false. there is no census evidence to support this. they would have to fake the census world wide for the following seventy years to support this.
12 they were not prisoners of war. or felons
13 those chambers were not suitable as delousing rooms - and the camp had delousing rooms (of a quite different deign) which were never referred to as gassing cellars. (also the query about the number is weird)
14 - utterly fails to answer the question, but nice try at deflection
15 again utterly fails to answer the question
16 again makes an unsupportable false claim, and fails to answer the question. No revisionist historian makes this claim - only deniers who have not ever looked at the evidence
17 again fails to answer the question (and displays ignorance about the way the operation was carried out)
18 the claim is not that he was planning to gas jews - the idea of gassing came later from underlings trying to find a way to kill en masse. it is that aim that Hitler referred to - the mass killing of the jews
19 again deflection - the correct answer is gassing, lethal injection or shooting.
20 - not only are there multiple spellings of the name of the town depending on the language used, and no need for insults, but the bodies were filmed when dug up some months later - the person answering the question is correct - but does not answer the question.
21 the oath was for the SS and other staff who were not just going to be killed after wards. so this invective filled response is not an answer.
and it is just as insightful adn meaningful
more so actually, because it is true, when applied to the deniers - every day they spew the same lies again and again, and everyday they are shown to be liars, and they come back and post the same shit the next day.
for a prime example
to a large extent, yes.
I do not deny that the industry of the holocaust is being abused.
You should be ashamed to have any laws punishing factual claims about history.
>polen occupied by hostile force
>hostile occupatiers decided to gas all kikes and race war now
>pollen has choice
>be race warred and gassed or not be race warred and gassed.
Honestly it's not like the polish govt today is a continuation of the polish govt during the nazi occupation.
>the Foundation was contacted by the Polish Jewish community and because of their concerns for their safety, we decided to halt the campaign."
Nope, it was coz whole county turned Antisemitc in seconds after this garbage got out. my whole fb feed was full on normies shitng on kikes
Literally hey rabbi what you doing.