>The Holocaust
>Hiroshima & Nagasaki
Why are white people so violent?
>The Holocaust
>Hiroshima & Nagasaki
Why are white people so violent?
Other urls found in this thread:
What can I say? We're just good at it.
why would you not list 2 world wars you retard
>fuck shit up with your neighbors
>bring the entire world into war
Why are shit skins and chinks so violent?
Humans are violent creatures in general as
's small list of non white conflicts, genocides and atrocities show. Civilization is just a gentlemens agreement to turn the other way and politely ignore that fact.
I would willingly enter an interracial relationship with that woman.
THIS. Plus read the leviathan you fucks
Fucking nigger jew kike you will not overthrow japan.
You almost succeded in the west, but you wont succeed in asia.
Bot thread. Sage, and report.
At least we are civilized enough to not eat dogs you soulless gook
>glorious Asian master race
Why is my dick so hard?
Sad but honestly probably because we were capable and willing. Technological advancement and more civilized culture allowed white people to reach those limits whereas other races fell short
so the lesson here is: don't make whites angry
everything was literally justified and we helped save each and every single one of those countries by doing the things we did
>Has not seen Chinese rekt threads
t.jewish puppet
The first one was Germans. They're a different type of white people. The last three were us just taking care of business.
You mean their long nosed overlords, kebab
>civilians need guns to feel safe.
pick one
Here's a jewess singing about how awesome it is to be fucked by violent whitey:
>meme flag
>meme thread
>The last three were us just taking care of business.
I hate how dumb you fucking yank cunts are.
Because no one wants to fuck off
All of the 'victims' in your examples cast the first stone, some of which were white themselves, 'we' just finished it.
Because we used to be the chads of the world
strength is moral glory
The Swiss eat cats and dogs
Just because you're upset doesn't mean I'm wrong.
All were literally responses to groups that felt they could fuck us over.
asians as white
>1 post by this id
Ha! Japan deserved what they got with Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They attacked Pearl Harbor and shook the bears cage. Japan can only blame itself for the bombs.
>unit 731
can point to plenty of japanese atrocities in the course of wwII.
African atrocities... too easy
your point is retarded.