Racist Chad

>Be me
>MBA tech skills trainer
>Get Korean waifu
>Super sexy with great education
>Wants to raise kids
>Also has a great job
>Move to Korea
>Her mom handles child care
>Shocked at how great racial homogeneity is for society
>Great healthcare, great education
>Love Confucian culture
>Start to think northeast Asians are the pure race
>Get job as business ESL curriculum developer
>Create book with "man in the street" style responses to discussion questions
>Other developer has (((cultural concerns)))
>She grew up in America
>Korean face but totally American
>I had chosen black college student pic for question "What traditional cultural item do you like the most?"
>I wrote her answer "I have an African drum that I like to play when I'm stressed."
>Also have man in Gulf States dress responding to question
>"What international food do you like."
>Write something along the lines of "I don't like spicy food or dairy, so Turkish is always a safe bet."
>Amerimutt Korean lady voices (((concerns))) that these are (((stereotypical))) statements.

DEEBLY CONCERNED that my half-yellow chillins don't end up bowing to the jew.
How do I resist the creep of (((multiculturalism))) in my workplace?

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Other urls found in this thread:


you sound like a total fag

Report them to HR for making a hostile work place environment. Set the beast loose on them before they can do the same to you

the absolute STATE of wmaf, folks

there's no avoiding multiculturalism we're all fucked.

you're a race traitor and there's a 90% chance your "super sexy korean waifu" has had 10+ plastic surgeries to look like a white woman

>reminder surgery can't fix genes, your children will look fully mongoloid with black soulless eyes

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This. When SJW people set you in their sights, I have found it's better to tell the manager on them rather than wait for them to go bitch to manager. Then there are two narratives floating around and they aren't sure who is right. Have had multiple SJW types report me for standing up for myself against them.

You know what OP... You're a motherfuckin faggot. And let me make myself clear I MEAN IT!

>having to get rid of cultural positives just so a hapa doesn't ree

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I don't give a fuck what you do because you abandoned your race.

Say no. Pussy.

>I don't know how to deal with women

No wonder you married a Gook,

LOL wife is 8/10, no plasticity.

10/10 waifus are more trouble than they're worth.

It's all about financial prudence and good childcare.

Yeah she took a secret meeting with the boss, also a Korean genetically who grew up in the states.
Convinced him that we're writing a middle school social studies book instead of an intercultural communications book. Total bullshit.

Northeast Asians are better than Amerimutts. No two ways about it.

resist multi culturalism by not fucking gooks you stupid fucking white piggu

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Pic related -- it's my wife.

>Implying you wouldn't do the same you fucking cuck

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we both know you're lying also non whites aren't attractive unless you're mentally ill

Every one of you would murder for what I have.

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What else do you like about Korean culture user?

looks like a boys body, no waist, no arse, no tits.

hows the allowance going? you know the one your wife gives you out of your pay each week.

we controls the money.

Cultural and racial homogeneity = everyone looking out for everyone
Subway is hyper-clean; so are busses and Seoul in general.
It's like the whole country is one big family.
It's what American could be if we embraced "whiteness" as a raison det're.

LOL you know your shit.
I get ten bucks a day, plus or minus exchange rate.
We save over 50% of our monthly income.

kill yourself race traitor

>NB4 pointy elbows
>T. Kissless virgin

a boy with a chink face?

OP, how good is her English, and/or how good is your Korean? I assume most Korean people you meet on the street can't speak English?

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Her English has gotten better -- we lived in the states together for 2 years.

>PIC related , it's when I was sunburned. She went and bought potatoes and a slicer to prevent sunburn.

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Faces come and go. This body is forever.

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Tooo busy enjoying pic related.

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so you married an asian roastie. congrats

The shilling gets more elaborate with every passing day.

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Take charge of sexual partners.
How to do with coworkers?
That's the cuntundrum

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I was an exchange student in Germany.
Met women just like this.
Complete idiots with no racial loyalty.
That's the conundrum.
T. racist Chad...

A chad, nay, a self-respecting man would have no problems finding and keeping a loyal and feminine white woman.
Good luck never being able to pair-bond with your children though. Males form pair-bonds with their children when they are 14-32 months old, via oxytocin and vasopressin. The bulk of the triggering stimulus is visual and olfactory.
You were doomed from the start and I am content you wont be polluting the white gene pool.

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She got no ass, enjoy your hapa kids though..

>T. racist Chad...

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That womb can hold a manlet baby at best.

your answers are lame more than they are "problematic".

You cant this mind virus was created by mother earth herself to cleanse herself of the cancer that is humanity

Why don't you just fuck little boys instead?

>upset about juden when your doing their dirty work

you are walking talking reddit

>>Shocked at how great racial homogeneity is for society
>wants to mix it (i.e. destroy it)
damn you're smart!!

my wife is from Taiwan and let me tell you that Taiwan is like paradise compared to living in New York

>smiling at another man

you are the cuck, my friend

>People replying to shitty b8 thread

this girl is wearing a shirt with her own face on it

would not bang

if you're an "MBA tech skills trainer," why the fuck are you teaching english you fucking loser? I promise your "korean waifu" relationship will end in divorce and whatever girl you're with has banged thousands of other white dudes just like you.
Have fun teaching english into your 40's - one thing about racial homogenous countries that people forget is that if you're not part of the racial group, you can't do shit. You'll live like a fucking slave/peasant making no money and locked out of any serious jobs in Korea for the rest of your life. I've seen it a thousand times.
This will lead you to make no money and you'll be unable to pay for your wife's expected frivilously expensive lifestyle of gucci purses and plastic surgery. You'll be divorced.
>t. white non-english teacher in Korea

my waifu

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Doing just fine desu
>t. Author of three published books drawing passing income
Enjoy paying off your student debt with social security garnishments, faggit.

open bob

You did breddy gud, user. Don't listen to what these faggots say, you didn't bed a nigger, kike, spic, or mudshit. You chose a partner who will give you children who know how to act in society & achieve academically. They're just seething over not being in your shoes. Regardless,
Hard to ignore gets like these. Clearly blessed posts.

>t. scorned beta

the absolute state of subhuman mutts

Chinc spammers are the worst.

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>amerimongrel logic
>yuz dun gud mi nigga at least you didnd fuc a sheboon lel

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>gypsy posts photo of himself
What did he mean by this?

He is right though, later on in your life you will become depressed as fuck and question why you ever moved to this country in the first place.

You will end up as just another suicide statistic here eventually.

shes cute but those jeans look retarded.

>marrying a gook
time to get into your brainlet cosplay gear lad

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show bobs fagit.
