Libtards won

Of course fucking cunts here in Australia voted liberals WITHOUT RESEARCH. Well now South Australia will have slower internet, lots of cuts, privatisation and poorly run economy.

If labor won South Australia would of been a advanced society but of course the millennials, soccer mums and foreigners who don't know about Australia.

>Voted for Labor
>Liberal wins
>We have slower internet and lower employment
>South Australia is known as a corporatised state

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Other urls found in this thread:

nobody cares about fucking australia you dumb faggot lmao

You know we are 2nd in the HDI making us more developed than you

Australia means NSW and VIC, specifically Shitney and Cuckbourne, the rest are irrelevant.

wow, hey man, maybe you should have another soy latte and just relax. coming on to Sup Forums and sperging out like this doesn't make your side of politics look good.

there's always another election in 4 years?

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I didnt fill out my vote because our labour candidate was a fat woman, does this make me part of the problem?

I voted for liberals

I voted for the liberals

Labor are reason why aussieland has forced voting.
Labor are commie scum.

Enjoy your neetbux slashed, no chance of employment, and no tafe/uni to go to for a trade or degree because libs slashed funding and funneled it to multinationals.

People seem to forget that in Australia, red is the left and blue is the right of politics.

The USA is blue for the left and red for the right of politics.

Fuck me









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>South Australia
>anyone giving a flying fuck
for the burgers in here, South Australia is literally the fly-over state of this country

did someone say corporate state?

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Only people cheering here are trust fund kiddies or chinese businessmen/women.
Don't even try and pretend to be a tru blu battler you entitled little shit.

besides, it's labor is and has always been in bed with the greens supporters.

Probably why they shut off the coal power stations and your reason for constant brownouts or blackouts.


Jesus you guys even voted for gay marriage. That's something we never did in the US. It lost on every state election ever held..twice even in California. CALIFORNIA!

Prepare for privatisation and advancements to go down. Lots of people are outraged because of liberal

I actually have a job tho, imagine being a degen

letting the 50 engaged homosexual couples in the entire of australia was a small price to pay to keep the progressives from using it to rally support for their side of politics

the choice was, letting 50 homo couples marry


letting half of the 3rd world hop on boats and invade our lands

so tell us wise ole burger, what would be the lesser evil for our lands?

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nsw and vic is too expensive to live in,im seein alot of vic number plates ,they must be getting sick of living with their mothers till their 50 and in NSW its 60S till they can afford a house that has a living area more than 100 squares

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And the liberal party is the bastion of workers rights? Makes sense mate. Workers have never been more worse off under Liberal governments, this is measurable fact.

Revolt. Do as we didn't. Don't stand for their Marxist bullshit before it's too late.

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Labor has helped with advancements thanks to partnering with Elon Musk. Well not anymore since the Libs won

I love seeing neets cry. Already got a stable job that gives good pay. Don't need to go back. Now chop chop the soda isn't going to fill itself.

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>state economy tanks
>get sacked
>no workers compensation because liberals cut it
>no dole so you can meet rent and eat
Heh at least i beat those fucking lefties rite?

the quicker they destroy it the quicker you can rebuild
worrying is a sign of doubt and doubt leads to lack of faith

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We all know you voted for Liberal you fucking larper.

Why would you get compo from being sacked?

No I voted for Labor wanker

I just put dicks all over my voting page. Who the fuck cares about Australian politics anyway?

>slower internet
Is that even possible?

I'm seeing people in a lot of pure white aussies in expensive clothing on TV who voted Liberal. Labor are people in shirts from target and foreigners.

votes for labor were votes for the final solution

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they're going to make south australia great again matey

>living in south australia

HAHA, what a loser!

why do you care?
you're in melbourne, where you can soon marry your dog

Because I don't need Liberal increasing corporate welfare and cutting budgets

>would of been a advanced

Isn't NZ your most unimportant state?

don't you want people to have jobs?

That has already been accomplished late last year

>be South Australia
>have to pay Elon Musk for a bunch of batteries because you can't support yourself off your own power generation

How do Australia's Liberals compare to the Canadian Liberals?

so, enough people have jobs then

Sweden has one of the best internet infrastructure after massive public investments during the late 90's by a socdem government.
You wanna be like us?

>If labor won South Australia would of been a advanced society

You're deluded.

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Yes, yes we do. Hand me a Swedish Passport

If you keep up with the news you could see that Jay was planning on advancing SA

Collectivists are really bad at speaking for themselves, eh?

Australia had this huge internet rollout project a few years ago which apparantly failed so hard it's now the joke of the century

In most third world shithole tier East European countries the internet is just as food, if not better than Sweden, so no Sven, you don't need to destroy your country with refugees and degeneracy to have good internet.

*good, fuck

Oh yeah thats because the liberals won and it went from 30mbps average to 4.5mbps

Delusional retard

Guys, spoonfeed me australian politics?

>Are ALP just as bad as UK labour party?

>Are liberals more like tories?

Sorry just trying to get some orientation here, and maybe UK politics closest to Aussie ones, for easier understanding?

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yeah you're spot on

tories = liberals
labour = labor

Can't you be criminally charged for not voting in Oz? Or did you just vote a blank ballot?

nah cunt nobody cares about pozzbourne either

wtf i love sa now

>I-i-i-its still in the p-p-planning phase h-h-honest
Seven years of serious thoughtful planning.

the same way mao advanced china?


Nah, you just get a fine. The Amount Varies, it's not that much honestly. I refuse to vote on these grounds, well legitimately vote.

You go in, write a short paragraph on the paper in protest, then black out all of the boxes so they can't hijack your vote.

Cuckbourne actually is more influential than Shitney, anything cuckbourne wants, the whole nation gets:
Multiculturalism, Diversity, Feminism, Rapefugee Welcome, The Greens, (((Clean))) energy, LGBTQWTF, you name it.
None of these was originated from Shitney.
Cuckbourne is Australia, to fix Australia, we must fix Cuckbourne first, it controls the brain of mass population.

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i still want pozzbourne nuked, just need enough warning to get my wife and kid beyond the blast radius

Shitbourne has a fucking high crime rate

I've been on Sup Forums too long... Everything I see 'my wife' I replace it with 'my wife's son'

Our Liberals are basically your Conservative Party.

When why is there a Conservative Party in Australia?!

>Voting Labor
If you don't put Greens last and Labor second last then you are literally and unironically braindead. Libs are the lesser of two evils and that's saying something considering how shit the Libs are
>muh slower internet
NBN has been a miscarriage since it's inception and neither of the 2 major parties have done a single fucking thing to rectify it. Stop talking shit OP you colossal FAGGOT

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You only get done in if you don't show up and get your name ticked off on a book. Whether you write anything on the ballot paper doesn't matter.

Federal liberal already cut a whole bunch of money from students such as changing the bi-annual scholarship to a loan. State govt has nothing to do with that and also none of you lefty cunts whinged or cared about that change when it happened.


Your tears please me. Keep crying leftist scum.

Labors internet can reach to 1000MBPS lol. Liberals is utter shit and they charge you more

Ok righist fascist

[citation needed]


I didn't know that political parties work as your isp in Australia

This is a board for discussing politics you intellectually bereft mouthbreathing barely sentient burger retard cunt. I'm beginning to believe that LARPer about JIDF paying American flags to act mentally deficient.

>shitpost a lot and talk tough
>turns out Aussies are the real soyboys

Good job Aussies reducing leftist menace, but there is still lot to be done. You need to get to our pwrlvl.
>tfw when there are no literal leftists and socialists in your parliament

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pay no mind to him Simo, his underdeveloped brain due to fetal alcohol syndrome has led him to not only vote for, but defend a party that has been slowly infested by the closest thing to open communists you can find in their preferences to the Greens Party.

I grow more and more jealous of you and Hungary by the day friend.

Labor had plans for this year to advance SA with elon musk

The orange seats are pro-EU centrist cucks, while the blue seats are the nationalists, right?

soy latte is so delicious tho.
10/10 would turn soyboy for.

What's your shitty reason for not joining the antipodean resistance?

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i never remember to use it when posting in a parenting thread or the like

my wife's son turns 2 next month and continues to look far more like me than like his mother

Labor Is left my friend

>can't even capitalise a name
>keeps screeching about "muh plans" without elaborating
>so FURIOUS he replies to posts that don't even quote him
I mean I know you are trolling at this point but at least put some effort in for the flag you mongoloid

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no u

I'm waiting for the chat to die

No (You)

>posting on multiple devices
>on pol
>on auspol
grow some balls like that r9k faggot and just end it mate

You ruined the meme, nice going grammar nazi

>would of been a advanced

OK, uneducated retard.

because liberal won and now we will not advance

SA has the most expensive electricity on the planet specifically because of his retarded policies