Import Asian qts to raise fertility rates and increase competition for men among women.
Solution to the demographic problem of the West
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Right now the ratio of men to women is about the same if we exclude older people. Imagine what would happen if there were 120 women for every 100 men
Remember to keep the thread clean and hide butthurt white roastie and male chink posts.
Does anyone remember that article by a Swedish feminist bitching about Swedish men marrying east Asians? Yeah, that, reckon they'd have "refugee welcome" signs if the migrants coming in would compete with them for the better men?
If they all go to university, it makes no fucking difference anyway.
Stop pushing for race mixing propaganda. It's unhealthy, and furthermore your suggestion is retarded because asiatic women are even less fertile than white ones.
>meme flag
We are already importing million of shitskins in the West each year. Why not limit immigration to Asian qts?
>meme country
im honestly not sure why there are so many fucking faggots and losers here complaining about breeding and fertility when the last woman their touched was their mother lmao
Not all racemixing is the same you giant retard
It always causes outbreeding depression. For example hapas are about 50 % more likely to develop skin conditions or headaches than their asian and white counterparts. Furthermore, they're twice as likely to have mental illnesses.
Fuck that. Transgenic catgirl harems and cloning chambers.
Mina is a rare bird. Most asian women look like fucking dogs.
It's edited to capture the Amurican spirit more accurately
Anyone else notice how the (((mods))) always delete threads promoting White male Asian female friendship but let oil drilling and blacked threads up for hours?
Probably because the former is eugenic while the latter creates amerimutts and genetic abominations
So the kid was given away?
>import non whites to fix white birthrates
Amerimutts should be shot
lol almost happened.
Let's see how long it takes Sup Forums to notice something.
Asian women are essentially hWhite
I'm getting tired of this meme. Of course the West has low fertility, it's because we have overpopulation. The two phenomena are directly related. If you have a high population in a certain area, then having more children will be more problematic. There will be crowding and competition for resources; The prices for "living" will go up, and having large families will be more difficult. So the fertility rates will go down.
Furthermore, the longer people live, the lower fertility rates will drop. And people in the West today are artificially kept alive until age 90 or even age 100.
So we don't have a problem with "low fertility rates". We have a problem with overpopulation, and wealth redistribution. Our fertile people (the workforce) are being taxed, in order to pay for the artificially extended life of our infertile people (pensioneers). Damnit, i wish people would see this simple truth, but i expect too much of the plebeian masses.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
No. You are a stupid mutt most likely that thinks he is white.
You americans deserve to be carpet bombed
gook genocide best day of my life
>But Mao dragged the talks back to Chinese women.
>"Let them go to your place. They will create disasters. That way you can lessen our burdens," Mao said.
>"Do you want our Chinese women? We can give you 10 million."
Lol this is hilarious based Chinks. We need to bring back patriarchy fast. My plan will assist that by decreasing the value of pussy and put roasties back in line
This is basically true. Also we would have no fertility problem if we weren't importing cheap labor, but I guess that is related.
Notice how the shill stops responding once the truth gets uncovered.
>person with contact lenses and died hair somehow changes her race
>le race is skin deep meme
All race mixirs are the same shit as leftists. I just hope this kind of mental illness stays out of my country
do not involve TWICE, please, thanks
I want them here more for political reasons, than racial reasons. Short term, yes they do in fact bring down the percentage of the white population in the US, but long term effect is that they're naturally xenophobic, and are more resistant to feminism. Well that, and of all the mixes, white/asian tends to be the most benign.
Hapas are approximately 2 % of the US population. Quite high!
Half blacks always look disgusting. Big thick lips, kinky hair with long European heads and caramel coloured skin. They always grow up with chips on their shoulders, as kids they're always bad mannered and rude too. Why is this?
Respond to what? If you are so worried about a slight increase in health issue incidence I am sure you also support eugenics in general right?
squat somewhere else ivan
She's an elf now.
Most Americans are race mixing freaks anyway.
Between coalburners and rice burners they are doomed
Double the rate of mental illness and 50 % increase in almost all ailments is not slight. It's massive. Depends on what you mean by eugenics.
Imagine having children with that thing, I'd rather take ugly white girls tb.h, there's a reason why whites immigrate to white countries maybe 8/10 when they want work, even though there are some excellent economies in non-white parts of the world
>step dad 37
Well califonia just overtook india as the number one streetshitter in the world. US is basically hell at this point. I think nuclear fire is the only solution.
the original mom went and coal burned with a dirty nigger probably why they got divorced in the first place
Yeah imagine that...
Who the fuck thinks this shit is attractive?
Now remove any data from mixes with inferior (SEA, han chinese, non-germanic white) races and tell us what the hapas are like. Oh shit, they're fine?
Your data is shit and it's hilarious to read this as a perfectly healthy hapa, while it's being posted by another hapa
>inb4 finns are white i'm actually a crypto-swede
She's really young though id be more convinced if you put one that was +18
We need about 20,000,000 Asian female "refugees" to offset all the male nigger and hodgie "refugees" we have gotten over the last 40-50 years.
Unless you support a comprehensive eugenics program which means screening everyone for genetic diseases and banning certain people from having kids you have no argument.
Hapas have problems associating with the society at large.
At least the kid is raised by two Euros.
If you mix with an Indian the child comes out somewhat Italian looking. Maybe we should mix with poos?
Mixing with blacks is an abomination. Nobody wants their child to have that horrible course hair and big lips.
What is this?
Dear children of pol, take a look at this shill. A typical tactic among shills is to bring up completely unrelated topics once you call them on their shit. Learn to identify the shills and counter them.
you're already half asiatic dude
Why would an italian mixing with a chinese produce any different results than a german mixing with japanese? I can go to lengths about explaining why mixing is bad. Also I have nothing agaisnt you, but it's simply a fact that hapas tend to have all kinds of health issues.
This is a good post.
>completely unrelated topics
No you retarded faggot. If you are so buttblasted about an increase in mental health issues (which isn't even related to genetics probably) then I am sure you also support banning down syndrome people from having kids banning people with genetic diseases from reproducing etc. So unless you support a massive expansion in state power to regulate society in every level even the most personal intimate part of picking a partner you don't have an argument
Probably because they're basically finns trying to live in countries where they're expected to be more outgoing and impulsive than finns are, and not being so nigger-like is seen as weakness
We should all take our hapa children and move to finland so they can be happy
Well, maybe finland isn't so great. I guess the Russian chad types made this one feel insecure.
North Sweden?
Finns are actually something like 99 % white genetically. We merely have some asiatic features like slightly different skull shape and different haplogroups.
You're commiting a nirvana fallacy. Please stop using logical fallacies shill.
Butthurt hapa spotted.
>It's another hapa has beef with hapas episode
You're a weird autist because you're a fag and your mixed heritage has nothing to do with it, my yellow brother.
mods are mostly asian males, they get really triggered over the AF/WM topic
>Finns are actually something like 99 % white genetically. We merely have some asiatic features like slightly different skull shape and different haplogroups.
She's Korean but Chinese/Japanese look a lot better
most of the asian women around here are all really attractive unlike the white women who are extremely overweight
She's right tho ...........
That's the source of racism.
White men have to compete with immigrant men for White women. The immigrant women are usually ugly (dark, or wrapped-up due to their religion). So these immigrant girls don't provide any competition to white girls. That's why white girls are so pro-immigration and liberal.
There is hardly any racism between White and Asian people in White countries. That's because Asian men are not a threat of taking White women. Whereas Asian females are potential attractive mates for White males.
They're bad mannered and rude because they're part bigger. You can't easily breed the violent ghetto monkey genes out of them.
plastic surgery can't fix genetics
do not cook the rice or you will pay the price
It's still white genocide regardless. Also it helps Asian men hate us. When we really shouldn't be having any problems with our far east bros
I'm sorry to break your illusion. You know the asiatic genes which finns have aren't even found in chinese, koreans, japanese, etc?
he's an idiot don't pay attention to him
Those are some strong ass Jurchen jawlines
Where are they found then?
What are you reminded of when you see abbos?
their jaws adapted for their diet which consists of cats and doggies, you need strong jaw to chew down a mean like that :)
Around Kore-a, bad DNA.
With Japs, comfy naps.
>Okay, we're special Asians
Do you also make chow mein that's better than anything in China?
Some siberian people who live in north russia.
Yeah, yeah Koreans are not what they seem...the others though are prime compared to the slags around my parts desu.
Why won't Indian qts date me?
this webm is hypnotizing
fucking asian whores is okay i guess same goes for any non white whore if you want but it's a complete NO to breed with them, asians have dominate genes and your offspring will look 100% asian.
are you a south indian?
Wow a meme that wrote a good post
Nah East. Bengal.
just bleach your skin and work out and you'll get all the indian qts