18 yo American girl got arrested for amusing banter.
Is the 1st amendment kill?
Drugs aren't first amendment
How did they know to search her? Hmmmm?
Perhaps she smelled like pot
It's what I would consider to be a dead giveaway
Isnt it legal to say that? It is not a threat of any kind. What law is it against?
if she wrote 'i hope..y'all white males get shot' ... she would get an award and a show like the crisis actors.
She did not make any specific threat but she fucked up by having a weapon on her. She was probably scared... she should drop out and get a GED.
Watch her sperg now. I would if I got arrested for some BS.
She had a knife and pepper spray. Obviously didn't want to be raped by niggers who hate her because of her brother.
Technically, yes. Nobody is going to defend her and her comments after what happened in Florida.
Here come the hate speech laws. As a white person, you will not be allowed to be critical of the immigrants your leaders will flood your nation with. When that happens and is well understood the floodgates will open.
>All of this is planned by the elite to justify population control in the future.
Morgan Roof, 18, was also charged on Wednesday for having pepper spray and marijuana, according to local sheriffs.
Investigators also said she posted a racially charged Snapchat post on the morning of the national student protest walkout calling for gun reform.
No-one was harmed and Ms Roof was not allowed to return to the school.
>arrested after making threats with possession of marijuana and weapon on school grounds.
>actually following the laws of this retarded nation
Liberals fight for freedom of speech until someone says something that hurts their feelings. Fucking pathetic.
Mohammed speaks truth here
Smuggling drugs and firearms into a school isnt protected speech you stupid fucking nigger
>people literally mow each other down shitcago
thats okay
>some school shooters sibling said something
Why is Amerikano such an ugly language lads?
>Liberals fight for freedom of speech
I’m not trying to say that she didnt deserve it by having drugs and arms on her but to make this news and shouting it is prime hypocrisy.
>Implying children have freedom of speech
This is the problem with free speech. The left hates it, you can't have free speech in a leftist country. Certainly not a country with right and left. Freedom of speech is truth, but leftism can never exist if their is truth in the world.
I want to wife her.
Are you turned on by trailer trash or something?
>a white girl proud of her race, related to racial holy warrior Dylan "The Storm" Roof
Wife material.
Better than Arabic Mohammed
you deserve amerimutt DNA. 56% will be a damn miracle.
>White Amerimutt
>Can't speak her own language properly
>Nose piercing
>Vacant zombie eyes
>>>>Wife material.
Both you and her need to go in the oven.
Whatever you say Joe.
>tfw no probable cause to search me
>tfw my civil rights were violated for exercising my constitutional right to free expression
>tfw statist niggers on Sup Forums defend this
Is that guy wearing a shirt of himself holding other women in the exact same pose?
Not gonna defend it but on school grounds they don't need probable cause
Even to search a car in a parking lot
Swede flag, you don't have any rights to talk. At least the dude will pound out some kids, and teach them right. You are just a cuck. If you want to change my opinion, do something white man.
That's how they talk in the south. I don't know why
Japanese flag aka le based azn women are the future white man come home XD aka le teaching english to gooks is my true passion im totally not a weeaboo pervert looking to fuck my teenage students :PPP aka tamagotchi gf is superior to real gf.
If pumping out children is the goal then what the fuck are you doing?
Currently, making a career, getting stable, and looking for good poon. You know, like every other responsible person. I'm only here to watch the world burn. I'll join in once the movement either reaches critical mass, or people actually get serious and DO things, whichever comes first.
I just want to protect her and hold her and tell her no fucking nigger scum is going to harm her ever again
Was Cruz's bag too low?
>Nobody is going to defend her and her comments
I will
You sound like a defeatist cuck
>Being responsible
And you sound like you are trying to fight for no reason, Swede. Don't you know to never punch right? Or was I right in calling you a cuck?
Costly to admit, but sven had some better bants this time. Step up your game japs
He probably is not a sven but a east europe or Persian political refugee who got in despite the islamophile idiots there.
Still, good one swedeanon. Every little bit helps to get the boulder rolling.
As Kosh says, once the avalanche starts it is to late for the pebbles to vote.
So you don't want agency on this or at all, just lead a lemming life? I thought you nips are less bugmen followers of the hive than the rest of chinkasia.
Oh, I'm just gearing up. Learning things. From what I've seen so far, there's no point in helping until there are legitimate actions being taken in Europe. There are none. The 'alt-right' is a joke because none of their leaders have been to prison...and none of their leaders would survive prison unless they went in there with AR-15's and actually started killing people.
But, white people are all afraid of breaking eggs. What about law enforcement? What about bystanders? What about children? Until they can kill all of the above without question or hesitation, they will always lose, because their enemies will ALWAYS have the initiative. On top of that, they are in an inferior position. For an analogy - for a white man to take down the current bank structure, he would have to kill every bank teller in America, until no one will become one, regardless of how much they are paid. The same goes for police officers, military members, etc.
I don't currently see that happening, so...I'll just sit out till people get serious. This ride is going to get bumpier before it stops...and no one is going to get off, either.
lol yes. Good eye.
If you would be responsible then you would stay in your country and help your fellow countrymen and not flee like a pussy. You expect others to make a change while you sit in a different country... And why can't you have a career in your home country? Got cucked by some shitskin?
All I get from this is that you're a weebfag that have a big ego after fucking webm related.
>here come the hate speech laws
Nope. We are the only country with real freedom of speech. We will not have hate speech laws. It is that simple. It is very clear.
>implying most bong posters aren't currently/come from background equivalent to trailer trash
Kind of like those real clear second amendment laws.