Is jacking off a sin?

Is jacking off a sin?

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I consider it an accomplishment once you get good enough at it

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>christian meme flag
>arab hand jacking off a white dick
like clockwork

ooga booga

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Yes, God want you cumming in your hot teen wife as much as you can to create more babies.

It is bad for you, it converts what little testosterone you have into DHT. Normally this wouldn't be bad if your test lvls were normal, but this could lead to hair falling out, weight gain, depression (high T high confidence, low t low confidence), and other things.

Technically it is bad for you if you don't deserve it. If you live healthy you will have high test, and you will be able to pleasure yourself by woman or by hand all you want.


only if you believe that it is wrong. sometimes you just have to rub one out, then it's not wrong is it?

just makes you bald and gay.

Yep. This is literally what the bible says. That when men masturbate, they turn monsterous, and they begin to stink, lose their hair, etc.

If you've got a white cock and a black hand on the job, yes probably

the bible makes no mention of women masterbating? sounds like jewish tricks

Only if you do it alone. Two uncut guys jerking together is super redpilled.

it's a necessity.

especially when the larger cock docks over the smaller one

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Depends who you jack off.

women cannot orgasm; literally all that could potentially happen when a woman masturbates is increased vaginal lube; just don't touch yourself at all, for anyone; and don't worry about women if you aren't one or trying to become one. those were the rules set in place for men, by god, stop blaming people for your insecurities with Christ.

Certainly, it is the least mortal of all homosexual sins. Contact with human dick for the intent of deriving pleasure is strictly and ultimately gay. Sperm is a valuable, life-giving compound that can never be disposed of intentionally.

NO, God gave us a dick before a woman for a reason, porn is a different story

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The reason jacking off is bad is because you are wasting your seed. The female orgasm doesn't have any value, only her eggs. God doesn't give a fuck about some dumb bitch rubbing her cunt.

quit projecting your insecurities on others first

wasting it how? you'll make more

It is sin just from being brought into the world even though it was not your choice

yes but dont assume you can go through life without sinning

Watching porn is considered gluttony, which is a mortal sin.

I think it is because ti can be addicting especially if you use porn, but if you have to do it in my opinion do it with a clear mind and just let that itch go, also I notice that by after not fapping for a while and then doing it I feel a lot weaker during that day and just lazy.

so "wasting" your seed is better than bringing more sinners into the world is what you're saying

Evertime you cum it should be in a girl without contraceptives. God is trying to get you laid faggot.

i'm not 12

Entirely the truth.

but jerking off is neither, as a matter of fact, the only reason God created women was so we didn't have to jerk off, women would become our personal toys

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Not if it is your qt Asian waifu as in your pic related.

I thought it was lust? Probably a mixture of both.

Yes, don't you dare to do it ever again.

You're the one that's still jerking. Go jerk off to some pixels on a screen that resemble a woman instead of shooting your load in a girl that will provide you with children.

>nigger hand jerking off white cock
What did he mean by this?

Where in Quran is this? It’s my favorite verse, but I forget the chapter

> brown hand white dick

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Sadly yes, God killed that faggot Onan for cumming on the ground. That's why masturbation is not well look in Christianity.

Fap is fun, but ultimately it will just deteriorate you.

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fapping is not haram but watching porn is haram

Yes, it's disordered and a greater sin than properly ordered rape, according to Aquinas' Taxonomy. If the example rape didn't end in vaginal ejaculation then it's roughly as sinful.

>spilling his seed upon the ground
Turns out if you read the rest of the story, both before and after, it paints a picture of a guy who was supposed to impregnate his dead brother's wife, and instead of finishing the deed in her used the pull out method.

It learned it from the bible, it's called Genesis


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It doesn't matter, jacking it or having life brought into the world it's all sin

No, it's not.

Fuck you


So then when will he peel his lazy, worthless fucking ass off his cloud and make me a Chad so women actually acknowledged my existence?

Must be non arabic speaking brother. Allah created women because Adam our father was lonely so Allah created a companion for him

There's no such thing as "sin", Christcuckery and any Abrahamic religion in general belong in the Middle East. Sup Forums is pretty much retarded for allowing Jesuits to post here in the first place.

>Jesus loves all the shitskins, except for filthy gays like billy herrington

So the answer is no, there's nothing wrong with jacking off. Anybody who thinks otherwise is likely an idiot.

If Abrahamic Gods existed, they wouldn't have allowed the filthy shitskins in America and Europe to be born.

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onan was slain because a vengeful god couldnt get off without seeing a creampie

This. There were laws about continuing the family line for your dead brother, they took it very seriously and any man who refused would be spat upon and publicly shamed.

Really has nothing to do with masturbation whatsoever.

I think the more important thing to keep in mind is that masturbation is a worldly pasttime, and if it dominates your life and thoughts like money or politics, it's pushing you from higher, spiritual things.

>Certainly, it is the least mortal of all homosexual sins. Contact with human dick for the intent of deriving pleasure is strictly and ultimately gay. Sperm is a valuable, life-giving compound that can never be disposed of intentionally.

Ironic coming from the Puerto Rican shitskin, aren't you guys basically niggers?

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You dont have to be a Chad, just put some effort into your appearance and personality. Also, understand that there is a lonely girl out there that lives in an abusive home and dreams every day of leaving.

Apparently by the 15th Century there were Christian philosophers saying this, but who really knows. I mean there have been round about a dozen doctors of the Church, and they probably look at something like getting too fussy about sex, when it's not out of control, as rather minor.

Yes! you are a bad person and you should feel bad. Go kill yourself.

God is equal oppurtunity. Just because you cant compete with these shitskins in the most basic of your human functions doesn't mean God doesn't exist.

Yes but I'm not a Christ chuck who lets some magical Jew in the sky tell me when I can jerk off

how do people still believe this?

See you on /bant/

>anything fun is sinful

There is no hope if you are not a chad with western society. Keeping women on a thight leach is the only way to guarantee that every male will have a wife. Women are property and are not your equal

No, but watching porn is

I'm totally going to take your religion seriously, don't you have more niglets to import for your wife to fuck?

If God actually gave a shit about demographics, he would've stopped creating mudbloods, why should I worship someone who's giving invaders life?

Western society died the moment they accepted religions from Middle Eastern invaders after the fall of the Roman Empire. Abrahamic religions have killed more whites then any war in history.

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>Allah created women because Adam our father was lonely
What do you think lonely Adam did, that made Allah realize he was lonely? Unlike all other animals who were procreating
>so Allah created a companion for him
So he created women to please him since he was "lonely" or why else would he create women, my brother? Allah knows everything, he knew that traitorous bitch would condemn us all


>Abrahamic religions
This is heresy.

Fucking isn't sinful. Drinking isn't sinful. Sports aren't sinful. Dancing isn't sinful. Just because you think that sitting at home in front of your computer jerking off to tranny porn and douijin isn't fun.

Sane people don't accept religions that originate from the Middle East. Christainity isn't Europe nor American. Even the founding fathers wanted this country to readopt the Pagan/Med religions that were put aside during the Middle Eastern invasion that took place after the fall of the Roman Empire. Being a Christian is no better then being some white cuck who converts to Islam.

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It shows us to not ever trust a women or bend to their whims. Adam did and he was cast out of heaven into earth. Women were made for us to breed and treat as subhumans. That's why they are property

Virgin detected

Maybe it's because He thinks whites are weak and is allowing us to be replaced. Why do you worry so much about these retarded problems when you can get married and have all the children you want. Hell you can even adopt the children that pregnant white trash was going to abort but you convince otherwise. Quit being such a groveling faggot crying about demographics and do something about it you pussy nigger.

The only thing worst then a Christcuck is someone who LARPs as one. This is why I don't take Templar wannabes seriously, they're call you degenerate for having sex yet they don't mind fapping to boys wearing girly clothes while getting fucked in the ass.

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But wouldn't Allah know they were property long before that?

Wearing two types of cloth is a sin. You're all going to Hell

>being this cucked and falling for jewish tricks
Islam is the only savior for the white man, you must remove the jew first to save your race or be replaced
Islam is the alpha religion. My country is too cucked for Islam atm thanks to the jew king

>Maybe it's because He thinks whites are weak and is allowing us to be replaced. Why do you worry so much about these retarded problems when you can get married and have all the children you want.

So you worship him because he thinks that? Also good luck finding a woman in America that isn't a disgusting sack of shit. Most of them are getting fucked by the time they're 11. The "Prefect Wife" is basically a unicorn in the West. Hell I'd say it's effecting Asian countries more due to their age of consent being lower then ours. The only ones who are resisting this madness are Slavs and Meds. If you worship a god that hates you and your race. You're no better then someone who allows Muslims or Beaners to come into their nation freely.

You'll realize I'm right someday after when your local church is filled with Mexicans and Blacks. There are already Priests and Nuns importing loads of Niglets from West Africa because nobody wants to attend their dying churches. It's the main reason Minnesota has a Hmong and Somali problem to begin with. It's because Christians keep importing them.

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I want Judaism, Christianity and Islam all to fuck off back to the Middle East. You are the religions of invaders that my ancestors were forced to convert too.

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>thinks is smart enough to rule himself
you're just too dumb to realize that because we rule each other we suffer

Frank Zappa was a jew and the sin in the garden was Eve fucking the serpent and concieving Cain. It wasn't a thought crime. If it were, they wouldn't have immediately covered their genitals (scene of the crime)

"ancestors" Do you even have a linage? whats the name of your tribe or family that tracks for thousands of years? I guess you dont know that because you are a bunch of bastards born out of wedlock

I worship a God that sees past this materialistic nonsense and will free me from my earthly duty after I die. God isn't against separating ethnic groups or closing down your nation from invaders. Globalism and humanism are ideas that cam from corrupted teachings and fused them with enlightment values to push political ideologies. As for your perfect wife, I don't know where you live in this God forsaken country, but maybe you should move.


Somalians are Muslim you retard.

The Bible

The Church decides what is and isn't sinful, lad. You need to point to something relevant.

>this particular word of god isn't official because this man in a hat said so

>Zappa was born on December 21, 1940 in Baltimore, Maryland. His mother, Rosemarie (née Collimore) was of Italian (Neapolitan and Sicilian) and French ancestry; his father, whose name was anglicized to Francis Vincent Zappa, was an immigrant from Partinico, Sicily, with Greek and Arab ancestry.

I understand you christians like to be in denial, but this is fucking sad. There's a reason why younger people are less religious. It's because they don't want to be involved with your bullshit.

Ever heard of converting dumbfuck? The thing Christians tend to do a lot.

It doesn't matter where you live in the country, did you even see the walkout protests a couple days ago? The west is fucked and it's because of Abrahamic religions being the norm for over a thousand years. I've seen pre-teens talk about "daddies" and what not. If you don't think this country is massively fucked. Then you're in complete denial. Your bible isn't going to save you when nonwhites start killing and raping all your friends and family. You'll have yourself to blame for all of that. Because you accepted a religion that was anti-white from the start.

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Can any christcuk or Abdul explain to me this: If God exists, why did he created Adam with balls? Balls are for reproduction and women didn't even exist until after, so why did God gave him balls?

Thank you for the green-text. :3

Nice cherry picking

It's really quite the conundrum isn't it?

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>I understand you christians like to be in denial, but this is !@#$%^&* sad. There's a reason why younger people are less religious. It's because they don't want to be involved with your !@#$%^&*.
>it's abuse christians time
No, lad. No, it isn't. I object to your pathetic attempts to legitimise yourself with the pretense of anger.

Why would Christians import Muslims to convert them? That makes no sense you dunderhead.

>No, lad. No, it isn't. I object to your pathetic attempts to legitimise yourself with the pretense of anger.

So the anti-white hatred going on in my fucking country and Europe while you Christians do jack shit about it is "pretense of anger"? You bumblefucks only serve one purpose just like Muslims and Jews. You take it all in by believing in a god that hates everything about you and only pretends to give a shit. If God actually cared about you he wouldn't allow your country to be invaded by savages.

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