Tomorrow is the election and there is a pretty big chance that a commie will win this one. Pavel Grudinin, the leader of Communist Party of Russian Federation, has around 80% of the votes on the online poll. We can't count on Putin winning again - not many people will vote for him because of all the liberal Navalnist propaganda spreading through younger generations. I am fucking scared.
So, how can i get a greencard?
Tomorrow is the election and there is a pretty big chance that a commie will win this one. Pavel Grudinin...
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This just makes the situation more fucked up.
I never went to the polls ,but this time I'm definitely going to vote for Grudinin. A candidate from the people!
>We can't count on Putin winning again
Putin will win, how fucking stupid are you
>Still believing polls of candidates the worlds MSM doesn’t like
yes he will win. but there is this SLIGHT chance that he won't and russians don't know how it is when their leader isn't for life
then they'll get another leader for life, case closed
Putin will win, the elections are pretty much a formality. He IS president for life, much more now that the chinks announced Xi jinping is also permanent.
he's not really a commie from what i hear, just LARPing as one for votes. nevertheless, i cant imagine russia under anyone but strong uncle volodya. when putin eventually dies you guys are gonna be fucked
Look like he could be Erdogan brother.
If Putin wins again, there will be a lot of protests by liberals, lefties, and people who are tired of his regime in general. The country is fucked either way.
Is this so called ironic shitposting?
>is a pretty big chance that a commie will win this one
12% at max
Enjoy Vladimir Vladimirovich
well what if this new leader somehow looses his power and they get ANOTHER ON?! that'd be too much for them ruskies
>has around 80% of the votes on the online poll
are you 12, Putin has been killing it in the polls. He'll take more than 80%. Although I might like seeing Grudinin win, he stands no chance even if every young person votes for him
forgot the picture
Calling it now
Some loyal hired guns will be paid to grab him
RIB commie pavel
How many "happening" threads will pop up after Russia becomes Communist again?
>has around 80% of the votes on the online poll
>polls on commie-themed platforms
Seems legit.
>Pavel Grudinin, the leader of Communist Party of Russian Federation
u mad nigga?
Definetely Grudinin. Fuck you Pootin and fuck you Navalny soyboys
Nah, russians are too low-energy for this.
>Sobchak is more popular than (((Yavlinsky)))
Pottery right there
dont forget to join putin team, chuvoki!
Here is the poll for anyone who speaks vodka.
Why are communist parties allowed?
Virgin Putin vs Grudinin Chad
This is post made by trolls of olgino. Russian dont have any election. Putin wil win 100% because all canditats had been creating by putin. True oppossition have not admited to the election or death
>russians don't know how it is when their leader isn't for life
>who were Gobachev and Yeltzin
Swiss education
Idk. In fact, there are two of them participating in this year's election. KPRF is just the most popular one.
mysterious death when?
It's called freedom of expression, look it up, Swissbro.
Navalny bot, please
>putin might lose
what have you been smoking?
>to a commie
pic related
This is a lovely games of olgino make rebuff
Russians of Sup Forums, who are you voting for?
I dont even think they know
Tbh imo zhirinovsky or the glorious and everlasting. Putin actually brought some stability to the country, while zhirinovsky, despite being the leader of liberal-democratic party, is the most conservative one.
We dont have any election. This is the putin's re-election. Only troll of olgino all day try to convince you we have election. And after election this troll will be to continue a convince what russia is a power country and purin is a savior of all white peope
>Putin won't win.
Do you realize your country isn't a real democracy? You sad, stupid fucking Rusky?
>Putin losing an election
yeah right
This had been message of troll of olgino. Just skip it
>Isn't real democracy
>Coming from an americuck
Really makes you think.
>implying USA is
>So, how can i get a greencard?
how did Trump win if its not?
>inb4 Hillary WANTED him to win
>So, how can i get a greencard?
i wish we could trade citizenships. i would gladly go live in your stalker wasteland if it means never having to see another nigger
This fella even looks a tad like Stalin
WTF is going on in Russia??
You'll get screwed over if you go communist again. another 70 year sentence
You missed the opportunity. I live in Siberia and i still sometimes stumble upon a nigger, and not to mention all the asians and jews. There is literally an Autonomous Jewish Region on the South-east.
>There is literally an Autonomous Jewish Region on the South-east
>he thinks we dont know about birobidzhan
there are hardly any actual jews there. a few years back putin offered to pay people to move there because its so empty and he was worried about chinks coming in
>niggers in siberia
bullshit. pics or it didnt happen
He's a legit entrepreneur though, he owns some successful farming businesses. Sort of nu-commie, I guess.
Gee, who would legitimately compare Russian (Where 130% people vote for Putin) and USA elections...
Can't show pics of them in my local mall, i don't usually go around taking pics of random people in the street, but here is a photo from my local university website, Tomsk Polytechnic University, you can google it if you want.
Not many people vote for Putin these days, people are pretty much tired of him by now. Even my grandma, who fits the Putin-squads niche, said she didn't want to see "this rascal" in the president's chair. Only the most gopnik of gopniks would vote for him now.
Then why does he win every election by more votes then there are people in Russia?
niggers in tomsk... all that i once was is dead now
i'm voting for our honorary goy, so that commie kike won't come second.
don't participate in fraudulent simulation of elections
they will announce the results they planed to announce regardless how you voted
So you're saying a nazi party is allowed as well? It won't be shut down?
>Non-American thinks they can speak publicly without imprisonment.
Send me a link when you publish your article! I wanna see if you get murdered in prison too!
I have more freedom than you, mutt.
Yeah, it is, depending on where you live. Russia, the US, and even Germany has one.
Guys, I still doubt. Yes, he has a chances, and he, as I understand, a left nationalist, which is closer to my views.
But won't I vote for repressions and etc? Voting for him.
Every time.
Howl wind
Through ruined bones
Will blow
Sick and weak
We'll stay
Despite them all
Bowl of blood
Just take the part and go
Pick the darkest trace
And mark
The soul
Wake me up this night
Cause we must win
In the nuclear war
Baby hold me tight
Hold me so tight
Like you never before
it's from a song Brandy Kills - before the war
I wanted to past a different thing:
He's better looking than Putin
>two-party americuck state where the two parties are either neocon or ultra-neocon
Nice democracy you got there, mutt.
>big chance
He's not a real commie. A socdem at best. Also he's goin to pull some shit that literally kills the merchant. Like bailing out of WTO.
The new stalin eh
мeня пyгaeт чтo пpoгoлocoвaв зa нeгo я пpoгoлocyю зa peпpeccии и пpoчee :/ дyмaю мoжeт зa Tитoвa? нo oн пpaвый, a я cкopee coцдeм.
и шaнcы пoбeдить ecть y Гpyдининa.
Peпpeccии? Пepвoгo кaнaлa нacмoтpeлcя штoлe?
Я cмoтpeл дoхyя eгo чpeвoвeщaния и зa peпpeccии oн нe тoпит нy вooбщe никaк. Или ты ycлышaл чтo oн пpo cтaлинa oтoзвaлcя пoлoжитeльнo и тyт жe в yжac впaл?
Дa, cкopee втopoe. Ho хз, мoжeт и пpoгoлocyю. Хoтя нe иcключaю Tитoвa
The only thing they have in common is facial hair.
Кaк пo мнe, oн eгo yпoмянyл чтoбы хaйпaнyть. И этo cpaбoтaлo. Oн вooбщe нa HЭП фaпaeт, кoтopый пpи cтaлинe cвepнyли кaк paз.
Кcтaти, дaвaй нa инглиш пepeхoдить, нe пpиличнo тyт выpaжaтьcя тaк, чтo никтo нe пoнимaeт.
Vote the Kremlin Kleptocrats out of office.