
After some time thinking about creating software that would be useful for politically engaged people to practice my programming skills I still couldn't think of anything, so I'd like to know what any of you would like to have that would be useful for you in a political sense, it could be anything, just state what you would like and why it would be useful for you.

I'll be reading the answers here for some time

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Other urls found in this thread:

Spreadsheet of politicians separated by nationality that allows you to filter by Jewish status

Ethnic demographic constitua ntsy and in relation to general wealth / quality of life

You know how they used deep learning to find out if some one is gay just by using photos? We need the same to detect stupid people, communist and the mentally insane.

You can easily do that yourself with excel

You mean relate the constituency demographics with the quality of life they have? It would be more like a statistics software if that's what you meant

I can look into that, idk what kind of neural net was used to achieve that but if it is available I can make a software that lets you give an image to it an then it tells you if they are or not

Anonymity, deep web access, big data downloading and parsing, how to create bots, analyzing metadata especially from images
Already know some stuff but would like to know more about these. Particularly data parsing and stats although there's already R and similar for that

Fields to calculate the height and weight of every politician so when the day of the rope comes, we don't waste resources and get the hangings just right.
We are not animals, we need to do it all with dignity and as painless as possible.

You're basically asking for information, not software

The same goes for you

Mobile app that provides you with various political issues on a daily, perhaps randomly, with a short, easily understandable description of various widely recognized stances on them. For each issue, you can rate the stances present to you on how strongly you agree or disagree with them. You'll always have to decide on one that you feel the strongest about. Once you do, the app allows you to anonymously connect with a person who feels the strongest about a contrary stance and exchange messages back and forth. If both of the people communicating aren't total idiots, they should each at least get the basic understanding of where the person is coming from by the end of it. It's not about budging on your convictions, it's about promoting understanding and turning smart, but otherwise jaded people into real intellectuals.

That's actually a good suggestion, it would be a like a pathway to redpilling normies, I'll write it down here

What I think would be nice is if someone built a completely serverless message board system. All data would be communicated peer-to-peer using UDP. The threads and all the board data would be build in a local cache from peer requests.
I considered doing it myself but i'm like really lazy.

Attached: braaaapzil.jpg (500x732, 104K)

Or bluepilling the (((all-right))) and turning everyone into a shabbos goy, kek. Either way works. Just think it would be fun. The one thing I can already see a problem with though is that the majority of people aren't anons blessed by God or enlightened by their own intelligence, so the moment some roastie would get her feelings hurt, you'd have to deal with a constant flow of SHUT IT DOWN OMG :( requests if not actual fucking takedown attempts on the Android market or Apple store.

That would be an interesting project, but I think this would be too general and not quite politics related.

It seems like a political tinder desu

>It seems like a political tinder desu
Khazar milkers for the goyim, shiksa tatas for the Jews. Do it faggot, save the world!

wtf I didn't type desu

Attached: mummy.png (746x1104, 869K)

The mods know that you're a weeb senpai, embrace it.

So are you saying it should be a bit like
For current news events. Except with multiple positions rather then just Yes and No. Also including the comment section for each.

and of course it is the fucking leaf that posts cuckshit
fucking off yourself

Can the mods edit your messages?

retarded newfag monkey go kys

>So are you saying
A little bit like that, yeah. Each day you'd get a different topic assigned to you to get that noggin joggin and because it would be anonymous, people would actually tell you how they feel about shit, much like they do on Sup Forums... Sometimes. And yeah multiple answers on each subject, because the yes/no system would only turn it into a portable version of leddit with upboating, fuck that. I'd much rather have people connect to each other directly, because a comment section would only encourage group think and following the herd without actually thinking on your own.

Only if you're a cuck. Work on your Google-fu and type in "Sup Forums word filters", it could save your life one day. Also, checked.

Nice digits, I like your style Szczepan.

Attached: lobstah.png (1920x2160, 3.17M)

thanks, Kręciwór

Witnessed. Kręciwór got you a sensible chuckle, have another (You).

Should it be anonymous or should it have accounts? Like if it weren't anonymous you could actually recruit the normie if you convinced him of your point

Ok I think I have a better understanding. However I don't think it should be limited to being a 2 people debate on a news event.
This is a really interesting concept that could work. I see elements of Sup Forums,, Flipboard and other new aggregators that could be mixed in.
The platform could control the news articles (threads) that start as well as the participants that can comment. YOu can set your preferences on the types of articles you want to read and political disposition. The as news articles are classified and tagged the platform can setup the shitfight.

The thing is how many people per debate should be

Even if it's anonymous, you should be able to program it in a way where both parties can keep the conversation going should they wish to do so and either retain or delete the messages. I'd go for as much anonymity as possible myself, accounts may be useful for you though if you'd want to make any money out of this. You've mentioned Tinder before, well - various dating websites and apps oftentimes introduce a system where you can't send more than, say, five messages a day in total unless you're a subscribed customer. Make it a dollar a month even and you've got yourself a steady additional source of income, even if it's not much at first. But in terms of using accounts the same way they get used on message boards, no. It would turn into a dick waving contest, "hurr durr as you can see, I've participated in 1302 conversations using this app so far, you are nothing kid". And the way I see it, it shouldn't be about recruiting anyone to anything, just exchanging ideas and actually talking one on one without the crowd telling you what to think or say. You could add a function of targeting people based on your geographical location, so in the end no one would stop you from forming local grassroot movements, but I'd still like for it to connect people with opposing ideas instead of just turning into another circlejerking echo chamber.

That's an interesting idea in itself too. Fuck it, if OP (or anyone else really, as I know people tend to get lazy when it comes to actually doing shit a lot of times) feels like it, you could have it work both ways. You start the app, you choose your preferred method of communication for the day and then you go wild. Sky's the limit.

Well there should be an upper limit. What is more important is that the platform balances the participants by political preference. So if 3 people who described themselves as liberals post a comment which registers them as participants, then no more liberals can join until some conservative participate by commenting. Same applies to libertarians, traditionalists and so forth. The algorithm will need to factor in the membership breakdown and so on, so don't expect perfect balance of participants.

Point is that you get a range of perspectives with no side winning due to sheer numbers. No shill threads because the platform starts them.

can you make me a bot program to spam pro-russian propaganda on Sup Forums? my hands are getting tired

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Yeah, but you know this would be really complicated and an app like that would need a company to run, I'm talking more about a side project to get some experience

Mein sides.

I want a map of all Jewish homes and businesses.

Also a DB of all people who speech anti-gun shit in the media and especially politicians who have voted for ANY law in the past that INFRINGED my right to bear arms in any way whether that law actually passed or not.

I can probably think of a lot more, but let's start there.

academic research tool, im currently using

>analyzing metadata especially from images

An emulator that spoofs websites into believing you're not using Tor.

Ah, well, what you do is start small.
So make a news aggregator app, then you add features...
Such as comments.
Then preferences to tailor what users see.
And so on, as you shape the platform to be what you want it to be.

A globe of the Earth with major current events pinned to the location on the globe where they occurred. That's to filter out the Trump hate bullsheeeit so the masses can get a better view of what's going on.

To add to that, you could do different spectrums to the globe.
Have one globe that filters for say "armed conflict"
One that filters for diplomacy like "U.S. Ambassador flies to Saudi Arabia..yadayadayada"
And other filters.

Just to add to my last comment. As a start, emulate as a starting point. That is a new aggregator consisting of curated content geared toward a certain audience. So do that, and gear the content to us. Then add features to grow into a balanced online debate platform.