Reminder: while your women are thots, Muslim men get pure women

Their women cater to the family, are not self-centered or slutty, dress modestly, and they have eyes only for their husbands. So much for your "superior" civilization.

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Also not humans
May as well fuck your pet for the least compromise

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Ah yes. Shining examples of humanity in pic related.

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>14 year old British girls are "pure"

that's not true.

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>muslim women are pur-

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muslim women get their flower removed by their very fathers user

I see no skin. They wear their dress modestly unlike stupid mutt stripper who shows their skin

>I ride cock carousel in burka therefore I'm modest

Slavery is the best.

This is actually a benefit of islamic immigrants vs many others. They don't race mix, at all. Even the men may fuck white whores when they're young, but they have children with muslims.

umad m*zboi

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What's wrong in shaking your ass, covered from head to toe. It's the part of their superior culture.

Why mutts are this retarded?
You buy her from her dad with the guarantee that she is a virgin with an intact hymn. You whitebois dont even know what a tight fresh pussy feels like. I am saving up to buy a wife for myself and have multiple sons with her

Delete this at once.

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Brown nipples.

It's like opening the Kinder Egg and finding that the candy and the prize are both feces.

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heh, nothing personnel m*zbois

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But user-kun. Pork in haram.

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t.sandnigger cuck

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Subhumen mixed north africans are not Arabian. They are white mixed with niggers

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She is assembled well

the red head is such a cute!!!!
Ill be adding her to my harem when the west is destroyed inshallah

theres a fair bit of muslim whores who pretend to be pious only in front of their families, but theyre outnumbered by women with their hymen still intact. And even then, a muslim man can still import a hijabi qt 2.0 if he cant find a chaste woman, worthy of bearing his children in the degenerate west. It feels good to be a muslim man. I guess this was what it was like for European men, before they got cucked by feminism.

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If 14 year olds aren't pure, that 35 year old cunt is?

girls in western societies are unvirgin once they hit 12 by 14 around 90% have been dicked. The ones that stay virgin just have super high standerds

the red head is such a cute!!!!
Ill be adding her to my harem when the west is destroyed inshallah. We shall purify white women for you all inshallah

theres a fair bit of muslim whores who pretend to be pious only in front of their families, but theyre outnumbered by women with their hymen still intact. And even then, a muslim man can still import a hijabi qt 2.0 if he cant find a chaste woman, worthy of bearing his children in the degenerate west. I guess this was what it was like for European men, before they got cucked by feminism. Muslim can still expect certain things from their wives, like submissiveness, piety, humility, etc. Whilst western men have no say in a relationship.

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I used to fuck Muslim sluts in the ass all the time

fuck off m8, you dont know shit about muslim women. They are whores. It seems that the first lesson about women went over your head. You DO NOT trust women. I would literally take a whore then a hijab wearing, hadid reading , mortifiying pussy smelled “pure” muslim women. Anyday , everyday.


most turkish and slavic muslim women fall under the fake muslims category. The average Turkish woman has as many sexual partners as the average Australian whore, so im not surprised you feel this way. This is also the root of the low birth rates among turkish and slavic muslim women. But Erdogan is trying to fix this problem and inshallah he will .Turkish men gave their women too many rights and now youre paying the price for letting a cryptojew like attaturk dictate your social and religious policies. Turks and every other msulim nation that has followed the western way of letting their women become whores, are a few years from have a total population collapse. Erdogan the wise, sees this impending disaster, caused by female liberation and is trying to reverse it to prevent turks becoming a minority in their own lands.

I shit you not , we will round up all of you and fill your stomach with bullets. You fucking soiled our names. People think you are the “Turkish” and we are just converts or some shit. We will do to you everythig Ataturk didnt. You squandered his mercy but we will be ruthless. Anatolia wont have even a drop of semitic anything. Also like I said before the muslim women are absolute fucking whores. Its not about slavic or turkish , its just that they think they are decent by wearing that fucking piece of shit scarf. As always you think europe and the west is only about degeneracy. You are cherry picking . It was also the westerners who sent you to oblivion in ww1 and the war for independece. We will fucking bathe in your blood.

fukken saved

What is actually wrong with black-on-non-black interracial enthusiasts?
What is the appeal of seeing someone that is from a different race have sex with women that belong in your race?
I barely understand pornfags (I guess they just self insert) but cucks are a fucking different level of retarded logic.
Can you explain to me what this is cuckboi?

of course the aussie

this is only true in places like izmir and the southern coast. majority of turkish women are virgins at marriage.


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Is that really what you believe? Let me give you an example.

Earlier this year students were expelled from Imam Hatips(think it like a catholic schools but worse)because they were marrying before god(religious wedding) then having sex and then divorcing the women in the name of Allah. Rinse and repeat. Stop believing everything you read on the internet.

higher chance that your muzzie waifu has been raped by an ugly sandnigger than the thot, because thots only go with chad thundercock