Ask an Estonian anything

>Woke af

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How often do you brush your teeth?

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Tell me about some estonian conspiracies

Every day before I go to sleep

We still belive that Latvians have an extra toe on their feet

that lithuania actually controls estonia

Also our goverment may have been influenced by Latvia cuz of the alcohol, tobacco and fuel taxes that are incredibly high thus driving half of the population to buy shit from Latvian border stores.

What do you think about finns? What are relations Fingolia - Eesti like?

I just like most Estonians have nothing against finns but you see their relationship with us is like yours with UK, the bribong says fucking polish cunts come here take our jobs and mess around drunk do all the crime etc while Ahmed and Ibrahim fuck their lil girls in the streets and they dont say shit. This is similar to us - Finnish bashing Estonians for doing cheap labor and acting like slav-monkeys in Finland while they dont say shit about their brown pets.

Would you join genocide of niggers in Finland if asked to? You would be rewareded iron cross of highest order and Estonians would get full respect and honarary status in the upcoming Khanate of greater Finnrand.

The only thing I know about Estonia is that Encino Man is from there.

What do you think of Russians living in Estonia?

They used to like us for our cheaper alcoholo, but like I said our taxes are now so high even they have been driving through Estonia to reach Latvian border liquor stores.

How do you say "twelve months" in Estonian?

Yes, I would help Finnish if asked to,

Be my bf

Cocks - Taste - Good or Kaks-Teist-Kuud

hmm... interesting. What about the rest? Russia and baltic states?

Most Estonians don't like them, the friction/barrier still extists but it is not violent, it is moslty everyone keeping to themselves. Personally I like that we have Russians, cuz they are the driving force behind anti-faggotry, anti-nigger bullshit.

>Once a day
Third world shithole.

What do you think about Finnic peoples and Poles?

you're not white. estonians/finns are mongoloid

We have no solidarity with our Baltic brothers. Noone cares, sure historically we fought and died together but now in the materialistic individual mindset nobody even cares to ask how our neighbours are doing. Basically our taxes go to their goverment thats the closest relationship we have with Baltics.


At least im not a britbong, they never wash

kas need paar senti on seda läti draamat väärt?

>needs to shower to wash his dick/ass

I can buy land and have woman

Ty, happy Legioners day bro. I love Dainis Zageris btw.

Dude I was just thinking earlier tomorrow about this stunning pic

I have no questions, thank you for sending qts over to American universities.

Yes you can, with your salaries you can easliy aquire some nice aparments here and fuck our women.


I think many Tallin Estonians hate Finns because Tallin is a popular destination to get wasted and create general mayhem.

>Finnish bashing Estonians for doing cheap labor
Not really in 2018 I'd say. Most ''cheap workers'' come from Poland nowadays. I've no stats to cite but if it a decade ago was ''damn estonians taking muh jobs!'', now it's definitely ''dem polacks taking muh jobs!''.

Reaalselt Brüsselis või Proxy

It is forest brothers day, not the legonnaires one. That was yesterday.

>Dainis Zageris
I appreciate you not being a buthurt bitch.

Piss off

I want to buy land and farm it. Is option?

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thx Eesti-kun. What is estonian wewuz maymay? Khans? Golden Orde?

>nigger faggot
Pick one

väga reaalselt ja tõesti selles linnas, rõõm eesti teemat näha!

Yea we get those article quite often where one of our white estonian bros smashes ur bus stop window or smlt, gets arrested and all the commentaries are like "fucking estonian cunts come here to trash around". I dont think you hate us but it is a slight mixture of dislike.
Tallinn does not hate you as long as you bring your shekels to our night clubs and shops.

> woke af
you're bluepilled as normie retire you spineless cuckold

What are you saying about us?! Speak a normal language please.

> Cucked by pseudo-Russians
top kek

>Personally I like that we have Russians, cuz they are the driving force behind anti-faggotry, anti-nigger bullshit.

Interesting take, but Estonia has probably the only explicit Ethnonationalist party with relative success in Europe so I would say that Estonians are quite based themselves.

>Yes you can
>fuck our women
t. extra cuck

Yes, that too is an option. Land is cheap (for your standards) but know that most of your shit doesn't grow or grows badly - mostly potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers and such basic veggies are good. But not corn, olives or other exotic shit

Who’s running things among Baltic states? Lithuania? Who’s their Merkel then?

>come from Poland nowadays
Nani? I have never heard about this. I thought our bydło goes to UK, Ireland, Iceland, Norway and Germany.

Oioi, tere vennas, kuidas seal mudalimuskitega lood on, meil TTÜs professorid rääkisid ikka ja jälle kuidas nolgid neilt rahakotte Brüsselis rottisid jms huvitavat

What does the average Estonian woman look like, are they qt?

>they are the driving force behind anti-faggotry, anti-nigger bullshit
You seem to have a completely different kind of Russians from us then. Ours are welcomist-liberals whose only "right wing" views are being anti-Latvian.

Estonians making trouble in Finland? Maybe I'm living under a rock but I've not heard of such cases. Except that one famous case with Mart Kuus selling mushrooms on the marketplace. It's not like anyone would write news about such minor things like smashing glasses. I don't live in Helsinki either, maybe all crazy Eestis are gathered there. Although Helsinki definitely has a bigger and browner problem than Eestis..

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I'm sure you have great shit that can be grown in your hardiness zone, just need some imagination and a big greenhouse for extended growing season and soil temps.

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He can fuck yours too with half the price, u have no concept of the nature of women do you my latvian bro

Average, probably sixty kilograms give or take, 170cm light hair (brown or blonde) not trained but good enough to look at. They are bit thicker than Russian qts but have better personality overall. (Talking about young whores of)

Aww, I don't want to exploit your women. It's sad that they can be bought, but not the good ones. You're getting close to incelposting.

What is the overall population (versus political power/ representatives) sentiment about:
Latvia, lituania, finland, russia

Then how corrupt is estonian politics/institutions and how woke is the general population?

Finally what is your favorite democratic process (except voting)? (or any instance where population have power vs state)


Yes in such circumstances u can, i was thinking about large landmasses packed with veggies not greenhouses. In such case grow anything you want.

Do you have sister that wants to live in New York?

Depends. In the case of military coordination it's Lithuania, and enterprises and businesses are Estonias forte. While we are banking and cargo transfer central.
This still doesn't make you any less of a cuck.

>the good ones
Ain't no such thing.

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neid üldiselt ei näe, kui normaalses kohas elada (mis mõnes mõttes paisutab kaasnevat probleemi, n-ö vaiba alla pühkimine). ok, paar korda nädalas lähen ma mööda 100a+ vanast suurest mosheest, aga see on ok ja midagi hälbivat ei märka. nt õhtuti on füüsiline turvatunne pigem suurem kui eesti linnades.

mis sa arvad läti rallist? mina näiteks belgia aktsiisi juures teatud tooteid siit ei osta (aga on teisi, mida ilmselgelt võiks) võrreldes naaberriikidega, aga ometi ei tee sellest suurt numbrit. kuidas on selline asi saanud märkimisväärseks poliitiliseks teemaks?

Jesus Christ, that's blatant incelposting. You niggers need to fuck off. If you make a woman feel secure she will never leave you.

Well most Estonians arevery conservative - no fags, no niggers, no mudslimes etc but here's the key, when elections come and the propaganda starts, all of those values are forgotten and votes are given to the liberal money-promising parties. After their victory a year goes by and everyone is like "Ayo Who the fuck even votes for these fags" but then it happens over and over again. Thanks to Refucheese crisis, our conservatives have risen to pretty good status.
Estonian goverment is corrupt. Nobody just speaks about it. The crime is not being corrupt, the crime is getting caught but the shitstorm is usually masked by "Russian spy meddling etc" and everybody forgets it.

>make a woman feel secure
>in the baltics.

>she will never leave you
>he really believes this

Is the potatoe export business to Latvia any good?

No sisters, if I did i already promised her to Tyrone and Ahmed in Berlin so sorry bro

Comfiest place in Estonia?

Are you into single mothers?

No, why?

Be a man, make a home. Your ancestors did it. You don't need money if you can gain access to resources and land. Save up, make good decisions. Don't spend all your money on booze and porn while hating women.

Ise ei ole Läti rallis osalenud kuigi olen Pärnakas. Enamus inimesi ei mõista, et see ei tasu ära (mul vaja sõita kokku 130km) ja selleks, et end tasa teha peaks võtma sealt ca. 100 liitrit kütust. Paaki läheb pool sellest. Kui võtad 200 jääd ca. 10 euriga kasumisse, mis on tühine ju selle nimel, et päev mingi kütuseralli peale raisata. Alkoholi ise ei tarbi seega ei tunne kuigi palju kaasa neile, kes peavad sadu liitreid oma kaubikkuse laduma seal piiri taga. Aga jah debiilne on kogu see jama igal juhul, fakt on see, et riigikassas on suured augud ja nad vinguvad (ja valetavad) nende suuruste kohta, kuid muudatusi aktsiisisüsteemi samuti pole loota, kui just mitte kõrgemaks ajada.

What happens on estonia’s Two little island provinces?

Have plenty of those here.

To Latvia, doubt it. Rather Scandinavia where shit is more expensive. They already buy our forrestry and metal-work products.

>Savisaar was infected by CIA
>Non EU migrants with fake certificates being accepted to universities in thousands
>Foreign NATO troops stationed in Baltics as an insurance against future nationalist governments
>President is a reptile

Our summer captial (home of weekend festival) - Pärnu

Are you a single mother

Not Hiiumaa?

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Saaremaa/Hiiumaa I take you mean them. Nothing happens, They are dying but not dead. People are gravitating towards capital and larger cities with more factories and jobs. Also wages there are low.

The only thing my ancestors did was get annexed, ruled over, and killed by foreign masters.
>You don't need money
>booze and porn
This is not America. You ABSOLUTELY need money at all times, otherwise "your" land will get taken away. And I don't know anyone stupid enough to pay for pornorgraphy. Plenty of idiots who let their alcoholism drive them into the groud though, but it's ok - most of them die soon after.

Never been there desu. But doubt it. You'll grow tired of it quickly cuz of the lack of shit u can do/buy. U have forrests and sea in Pärnu too

>If you make a woman feel secure she will never leave you
you mean making money

We wuz armoured trains n shieet is probably our kangz moment.

During our Independence war 1918-1919 we btfo red russian armies after they had taken half of our country by force.

Nogs got pushed back beyond our borders and we helped white russians (not the drink) get up to St. Petersburg but then got told to fuck off by our politicians and to make a solid, written, recognizable peace treaty with the current russian government. White russians ofc got dunked on after that.

Landeswehr army got also btfo after estonian kang trains rolled up into Latvia.

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Ivans fucked off back to Russia?

do you want to join the Scandiclub now, or did we become too cucked?

You hepled the reds alongside with the rest of us, the whites were the enemy. Also those trains weren't yours.

This is our WeWuzKangz - Battle of Tannenberg line

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Do you miss the ENSV

OP skipping questions

I've been to Pärnu actually, it's a nice town to be in summer.

I like u Denmark, Finland is fine too and Norway relatively if I dont read the news. But Sweden....
Scandi is great but if it means taking penis up my ass whil my gf gets blacked.....idk man, something seems not rite

Srry Mr Luca, what was ur question

The f* is an assault gun?

Sometimes. Noone likes foreign power, censorship and all the shit it comes with but there was no forced watching and homo propaganda in schools etc, so it had its moments

Commies got wrecked on multiple sectors so I wouldn't call it exactly a wewuzkangz, but meh, I guess I can roll with it.