G'day cunts. How we going? Looks like its been a while since anyone has made a decent AUS/POL/ so I thought I'd come back and make a special edition.

>SA election: It could be D-Day for more than one political leader

>South Australia heads to the polls for unpredictable election

>South Australia heads to the polls for unpredictable election

>Xenophon not swayed by late bad polls

>SA election: Record number of voters casting ballots in unpredictable poll

>South Australia election: Complex race could take weeks to play out

>South Australia decides in forecast close election

Other Aussie news:

>Big Australia's rubbish future does not have to go to waste

>So many Australian place names honour murderous white men and their violent acts

>The Australian dollar is still getting smoked

>Shorten shares 'outrage' over UK spy attack

>ASEAN summit protests: Turnbull shaking 'hand of blood, the hand of exploitation'

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Other urls found in this thread:

Australia-chan is cute! CUTE!

Is anyone even still awake for another thread?

Leddit threads to keep an eye on for a laugh:

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fuck off you fucking abo
no one cares

Any Darwinfags here? Based on all the news I saw today everywhere but mine got pretty fucked over by the cyclone. We still had power all day and no damage.

I'm awake and I'm fucking livid. Which one of you faggots voted labor.



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For the QLD elections I wrote "Greens" with a love heart and a cock
I wonder if the vote counted :^)

So tell me guys. How did xenowog do? His numbers were in free fall the last few weeks.

Please tell me he JUSTED himself. Fucken hate that cunt.

Also, ignore flag. Am from down noarlunga way

Cat 2. A literal nothing burger.

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Labor's policy on franking credits is actually good. Only a dumb cunt wouldn't be outraged over boomers gettng free money.

He gave up his federal senate seat to get a slot in the SA best dole line.


Well yeah that's what I expected, but people are losing their shit over water contamination and lack of power right now. There were also some explosions at some of the distribution substations.

Her name is Aussie Girl and she's from /bant/.

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>Water contamination
Abos been swimming in the septic ponds again?

Fucked if I know. I've worked at our water supply company so I legitimately have no idea how it's gotten contaminated. I think they're just being cautious right now since they actually haven't gotten around to testing the water.

Howdy from Texas you magnificent bastards.

Not one seat, might get some legislative house seats though.

>Aussie girl.
Not aus-tan or aus-chan

Fuck this place. Newfags are the fucking cancer.

Fuck off we're full.

this looks like pre-rape picture

sause on song victory?

Cool. Just checked results on the advertiser. So he's likely not gonna be an mp in SA and no longer in the senate? Awesome. He'll be behind the scenes still.

Gotta say am happy with the result. Gay Jay really on the nose, he had to go.

>16 years of labor
>suddenly lose one election
Fucking kek

nvm I found it

thread theme:

Yeah, it's pretty good for craft beer and food.

>do very little for the time you are in power
>wtf how did we lose!

my god, how did the greens lose in batman. what a clusterfuck that is

anyway, what's going on in SA lads

Hope you're from the non cucked part of Texas.

right wing won matey

Cheers lad, might check it out sometime. Had no idea there was one there.

Nick got too cocky he had to go. Should've just stuck it out in the Senate.
I'm I little pissed about the result though I wanted labor to get slammed.

Commies BTFO by Batman with Labor winning the seat and SA state Liberals won in SA.

who won in batman?

>Fuck the old people
>sa about to hit its stride.
What the fuck were they doing for the last 16 years

I would have liked to see Australian Conservatives win a few seats for the absolute anal annihilation that would have occurred. But Corey is a dumbass who did no campaigning so he's only got himself to blame.


Fuck all. Highest bills in the world, fuck all job prospects and the highest amount of "young people" leaving the state for others on the mainland. Woop woop.

Commies lost to socialists. Not really a win in my books. Literally antifa losing to sjws.

It's always just about to turn into utopia according to them

Conservatives were just family first. Pretty sure theyre still for mass chink migration aswell.

He will still feature in some way. He's never had a real job, can only do politics so we're stuck with him.
Labor deserved to be fucked up big time. I expected worse for them. But if it means they got a big chunk of sa best votes that's ok.

I hate xeno heaps, but even he isn't our states worst politician. He'd be down about number 3 imo. After SHY and that freaky creep Pine. He fucking triggers me.

This. They've fucking known Holden was leaving for fucking years. Didnt think to attract more private business did they. Ontop of that the public sector has diversity quotas and the Sapol are gonna be feminized and diversified. I hope the libs kill the feminazis bs

>Labor's policy on franking credits is actually good. Only a dumb cunt wouldn't be outraged over boomers gettng free money.


Worst polly for the state is penny Wong.

It's Melbourne. If I had my way I'd wall it or nuke it I don't give a fuck.

As an Adelaide user I know all too well. Thankfully I have a pretty secure job as far as I'm aware. Doesn't pay the best but it gets me by and it's better than welfare. Hopefully the Libs don't shit the bed any worse than Labor has this past decade.

You poofta cunts better not be Drinking for ST Patty's day

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Can't, they had to cancel shit up here

Nah Sarah Hanson Young is by far. But Wong is a very close second.
>hurr I'm gay yay me
>in power but oh no gays shouldn't get married blah blah blah
>suddenly in opposition
>wahh where's muh fag marriage
Fucking hypocrite should have been shot.

At least you have work. I've been unemployed 4 years now. Though unemployed I've never once taken the dole.

No they aren't you fucking kike shill.

>Cory Bernardi's party calls for pulling out of refugee convention and halving immigration

I'm drinking but it's not FOR St. Patrick's Day.

How do you live?

How on earth did Xenophon fuck up this hard? Just a few months ago, his party was polling first and he was the preferred premier.

I understand why Pauline Hanson flopped in Queensland, because she's divisive and has a lot of baggage, but Xenophon? What happened?

You have the will of a saint. I'm proud of you for not being a welfare parasite. Though I'm okay with people who use it momentarily to keep themselves afloat before getting back on their feet. It's the decade long plus welfarefags that I loathe.

How do you cunts in uni stop fucking around when there's actual work to do? I've got an intelligence assessment due in 24 hours and my attitude is still "she'll be right mate"
This shit hasn't changed in 3 years

At shitty as it seems, Wong had no choice. Crossing the floor is literally forbidden in the Labor party, and she was a front bench minster at the time which meant she also couldn't openly oppose party position.

Sarah Hanson Young however fucking sucks. I'm a near lifelong Greens voter and I wish she was gone.

At the start of the night they were saying that Sarah Hanson Young's seat was under threat. What happened with that? Did she hold or what?

Well you're gonna fail assignment, aren't you?

I'm not sure but I'd take a week off work and celebrate if she lost it. FUCK her.

Australian intelligence assessment.
Oh Lordy my sides!

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Mitigating against damage from the collapsing manufacturing sector and keeping the murray alive so the state doesn't run out of water and/or trigger mass suicides in regional SA, they also did a lot of work improving health services and streamlining public transport around Adelaide, extending train lines, purchasing new fleets of buses, installing digitized timetables around the CBD and rolling out metrocard.

They struck gold with the battery plant deal and attracted a huge amount of interest in future technology projects in SA but that's probably all fucked now.

I couldn't and ended up dropping out and then becoming a NEET. At least I'm not on welfare, although I might need it at some point to dig myself out of this hole.

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Savings from when I had work. Cash jobs and the missus has stable work.

Spoken like a true povvo cunt.

With all the tax I paid in the past I worked out I could do on the dole for 8 years before I would owe the state a cent. I just don't want them in my finances reporting my income every month.

I started the work the night it was handed out and then fucked around while everyone else was imploding from stress.

Every other time I've done this, I've knocked something together in the last 3 hours so there's no sense of pressure but it's never my best work by a long shot which makes me depressed
Should I watch sortyourselfout man?

Basically me, there was a year long period where I had no work, after about 3 months on welfare I stopped, one because I was sick of leeching, but mainly because I was so fucking sick of putting up with job agencies that don't even bother trying to help you.

No assessment in uni ever takes more than 2 hours to do, so in effect, yes, she will indeed be right mate

Pull an all nighter at the uni after hours. Several if needed. Dont listen to music and break every hour for a 5 min ciggie unless you don't smoke then smash an espresso coffee or some shit.

Fair enough atleast you're doing something. Good luck dude

r/afl is full of pooftas who unironically prefer wafl to afl

As soon as I posted that I remembered about Wong. Yep she's right up there. A traitor to our country.

To be honest, I'm in the same boat. She probably won't be right though. Might have to end up doing tafe.


as a man i'd rather watch a bunch of woman tackle each other than a bunch of fags.. so... what's your problem here?

watch porn then fag

Someone pls explain


>Mitigating against damage from the collapsing manufacturing sector and keeping the murray alive so the state doesn't run out of water and/or trigger mass suicides in regional SA, they also did a lot of work improving health services and streamlining public transport around Adelaide, extending train lines, purchasing new fleets of buses, installing digitized timetables around the CBD and rolling out metrocard.

Literally all shit that would have happened under the libs. Except we wouldn't have feminist diversity quotas in our public service. Young men leave the state hand over fist. There is no work here and it's all been going backwards under labor. Not to mention the state debt keeps fucking growing under them. They also got screwed at every turn for all major infrastructure projects they've implemented

Bullshit she had a choice. If she was so adamant about her beliefs she could have resigned her front bench position in protest.

But no, Wong is a smarmy, slimy scum sucking career politician who'll say and do whatever it takes to cling to power.

Labor and Liberal have had hit job ads playing the past month on radio and TV as well as posters on stobie polls. Wouldn't surprise me if it worked on the gullible swinging voters.

>They struck gold with the battery plant deal

Kek, no.

We were literally taken for a ride by Elon.

Wrong parliament. SHY is federal.

I've gone back to uni which means I probably won't be earning enough to pay tax. Why should I pay 30% on the few dividends that I do get?

It isn't the dividend imputation that's fucked up it is the tax free super system. But no one is brave enough to touch that so I am OK with Labors current move.

This. She also was one of the people alongside Shorten who voted against Rudd, then against Gillard to reinstate Rudd. She's has zero integrity.


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Thats what I thought. I heard it on Channel 7 and thought they were retarded but was praying for the best. Imagine a world where that ogre lost her seat.

The wafl is better than the vfl+someinterstate teams though

Leave my boy Buckle alone, cunts

The only train extension was 100% paid for by the federal government.

Replacing buses isn't anything special, it's routine fleet management.

The Murray was never going to run out of water.

Their plan for improving the health system was working so well that they scrapped it.

If you've ever travelled outside of SA then you'd know that Metrocard is a fucked implementation.

The battery was unnecessary and the government kept all the financial details secret... probably because it's a rip-off.

I dont have a problem with this.

hahah seriously?

Also why do faggots on reddit check your post history if they disagree with you? Shock horror I don't agree with you in other subs aswell. Fuck these people are retarded

>stobie polls.

Every place on earth has power poles but only SA manages to squeeze them into conversation. What is wrong with you people?

Every politician aside from leyonhjelm is.