Why don't you own a Che Guevara shirt yet?

Why don't you own a Che Guevara shirt yet?

Attached: 1020-2-Che-Guevara-short-sleeve-T-shirt_grande.jpg (600x500, 25K)

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Communism is for collectivist faggots who haven't studied history.

You're so racist

Attached: Che and race.jpg (762x646, 100K)

Very bad goy. Shame on you

Attached: Shlomo Shekelstein.jpg (501x585, 157K)

It doesn't get more ironic than that

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Old fashion. It was cool between 14 yo mare than 10 years ago.

racism is only a problem when acted upon. this is why there's no laws against racism, just discrimination.

Because I'm not a faggot

Attached: tootall84_caf571.jpg (640x480, 52K)

cause im nazbol you commie faggot internationalist and globalists get the helicopter rides

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how ironic

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I do. Wouldn't wipe my ass with anything else

>he doesn't have a Che Gueverra decal on his Apple™ MacBook Pro© Retina Display with Touchbar Technology ®

Lol you must be poor

Attached: 1036-mac-10__64345.1435373907.560.850.jpg (560x560, 30K)

That looks like intentional irony to me m8.

Because commies are almost as bad as fascists

Only £4.99 comrade!

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Attached: che.jpg (563x500, 36K)

images.sunfrogshirts.com/2017/06/22/17646-1498115470908-Gildan-Men-Red-_w92_-front.jpg I like this version of the Che Guevara shirt more personally.


Only in America, where your thoughts are protected under the first amendment.

Racism is actually a good thing, as the oppressed race has to struggle and outperform the oppressor race to earn respect. Anti-discrimination laws just allow them to become a victim class who can blame another race for all of their problems, rather than be forced to introspect and improve themselves.


Got one from penneys made in China by kids, the irony

ya but that swings both ways, it's better to give the little guy a boost than instead of letting them gang up on the strong guy.

>than instead of letting them
Message unclear, please repeat.

If all the non-whites wanted to not serve whites, that would be allowed without discrimination laws.

That sounds fine. Make such a superior product that we have to get to your level. All's fair until the government gets involved.

"Mexicans are a band of illiterate Indians."

Oh Che...

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How'd the Melbourne election go? Lefty Green scum btfo again I hear? Oh well, at least you have the shirt.

You're so a faggot

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He only became communists cause guatmale went national socialist, and that was a big no to the jew(americans fruit co), used their influence( their lawyer was secretary of states bro, who was also in the firm).

America ironically created the spread of communism, by meme magic it was in SA they created enough tension that cuba after all other roads were blocked by the USA and the only one left was soviet.
They were not even gonna go communist until virgin castro became chad after numerous USA attempts to kill him.

Not product, service. You don't understand the difference, do you. I know you're an economy major, and that's how you know discrimination is GOOD for all businesses not just whites. This is why since the blacks were given equal rights, the collapse of the economy happened 30 years later.

Direction correlation like that cannot be refuted.

If not blame, Big Brothers, but support Trump (he's anti Big Brother)

Attached: ba6abe412914dc228d6ab5c7fa0ed35b--george-orwell-big-brothers.jpg (236x275, 11K)

seems legit

you should buy one

Attached: based che.png (759x711, 135K)

1. I don't buy shit like this.
2. Even if I did, the last thing I would buy is a shirt with that faggot's face on it.

>This is why since the blacks were given equal rights, the collapse of the economy happened 30 years later.
I underestimated you because of your flag. I guess you know about public choice economics, or the economics of trying to get votes instead of money. In a multi-ethnic society there will always be race-baiting, thus the alt-right is correct that there should be a nation for every race, as that's the only way to not be diametrically divided politically.

>but support Trump (he's anti Big Brother)
Unless you're one of those 4d underwater basket-weaving fags he's turned into a generic neolib/neocon. Definitely not going to "drain the swamp".

Though please, educate me on what you're getting at. I'm willing to be the idiot on an anonymous imageboard.