
>some muzzies throw in the window of a Jewish shop 3 times because muh Israel muh palestina
>kikes organize a "treaty"
>treaty has several points
>obviously has a point that the city council acts when "anti-semitism"
>other points are you cannot criticize Israel because anti-semitism
>forced Holocaust/Shoah education on all schools
>mandatory museum trip for ALL 800k inhabitatnts to learn about how kikes get bussed off in WW2
>all this because a muzzie threw in some windows
>signed by all parties

Why are Jews so overdramatic?

Attached: DXos4y0WsAAWe_2.jpg (900x1200, 242K)

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good good..

>Why are Jews so overdramatic?
Guilt driven benefits, that's why!

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Go and throw in the same window again
Show you don't recognize the political leaders of Amsterdam as rightful representatives

Jews gonna jew.
But think about it this way: why is Amsterdam the only capital in Western Europe not to have suffered a real terror attack? Why do the Netherlands always seem to be spared the worst of kike directed muzzie violence?

Annabel needs glasses

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damn, joods is actually a word

Because we developed the khalergi plan

The fun starts when you realize they probably smashed their window themselves

Seeing how it leads to mandatory shoah education and forced museum trips ($$$), I wouldnt be surprised

>Why are Jews so overdramatic?
Because it gets them great political results.
Cost: three broken windows
Result: Total pro-Jew indoctrination campaign.
I sometimes want to convert to Judaism, because goyim are this stupid.

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"Paul Slettenhaar"


Do you have to buy tickets for the museum?

It's not Jews being over dramatic.

It's Goyim politicians that are too scared to tell the Zionists "no".

Because the Jews are really behind the terror attacks?
And by kissing their asses all the time they spared us?

I’m angry that FVD signed this. Ofcourse they have to pretend to not be racist but still.

Nah some shitskins actually attack Jews here funny enough. Does anyone have the video of a shitskin screaming “Kanker Jood!” (Cancer Jew) to a crowd of protesting Jews? I think Jewtube deleted a lot of anti-semetic videos lately.

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They get shit done because they look out for their own, and band together. Something that many on the right are incapable of doing. SAD.

>a shitskin screaming “Kanker Jood!”

As opposed to the hundreds of thousands of white Feyenoord supporters who scream "Kanker Jood" all the time?
Yeah....must be antisemitism no other explanation possible.

It wasn’t during a football match and it was aimed at Orthodox Jews with their weird outfit. I want all Jews removed from this country along with the shitskins so I don’t care if they fight or shout at each other.

No signature from denk :^)