Why do European men allow this?

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She looks like she'll put him on a hitlist if he doesn't go along with it

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Cuckhokdry is the thinking man's fetish.

I want it to happen.

I've seen this pic a million times but just now noticed the print on the wall has a pyramid and the all-seeing eye lel. Got a better res image, I'd like to examine it more closely... creepy, given the context.

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The old generation (67+) is already retired. Their primary focus is, that for their last years their retirement fund stays stable.

The middle generation (35 - 67) is currently working their asses off to have somewhat of a retirement fund at all.

The young generation (younger than 35) eats tide pods while setting themselves on fire filming videos for youtube.

Are there any men left in Europe?

You'd think eating tide pods would harden a fella up

All european men died in the wars. What's left are the rape babies and cowards

This is not even cowardice. Even the most cowardly man would not wantonly invite a much bigger man literally into his own house to live with his wife.

the arab CHAD vs the european VIRGIN

really though, how is a starving "helpless" refugee this jacked and well groomed?

I hate you Amermutts over everything in the world. I hope you will die painfully you lardfilled asshole

Just that picture alone makes me rage.

LOL dumb eueotrash pussy, Muslims are gonna rule over Europe


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Europe is very influenced by the teachings from the field of pedagogy. Meaning that Europeans are brought up to see every refugee as a crying child that needs help. The man does not see the refugee as strong, but as incredibly weak. Even if the refugee becomes violent, the man will see him as a child crying and flailing its arms around. If the refugee becomes horny, the couple will see him as a child just entering puberty having trouble understanding how sexual relations work.
The solution to every problem of the refugee therefore becomes more love and understanding. Like a mother handling a little crying baby.

Europeans often become dissapointed when they finally meet the refugees, though. As they realize that they are adults just like them. But most often, the europeans never actually meet the refugees, only on tv.

The smug face on those two always gets me

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All the real European men died in WW2 along their genes.

I only see one man in pic related, and he's not European

Remember kids, traitors before enemies!

> muslim cucks him
> hates usa
> flag checks out

Pretty much this. The state of Europe today is a direct result of the cucked up "Allies" who literally destroyed the last chance Western Civilization had to survive.

Allow what? Two leftist journalists posing with a muslim?
They're not even dating, AFAIK.

those europeans really are big cucks huh

Do the muslim in that picture cuck the man or the woman or both?

'European men' is an oxymoron

Neither, they're not a couple.