Why is Sup Forums anti-muslim if it's also anti-jew?

Muslims are generally anti-jew. Sup Forumslacks are also (obviously) very anti jew. So why are we against each-other? Have you not considered we're being pitted against each other, as a divide and conquer tactic?

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How about gas em all?

The jew hate is ironic

Why should we be pro-mudlisme just because we're anti-jew? Have you considered that it's taqiyaa to ease up your own conflict with them by dragging whites into it?

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>why is Sup Forums against semits, if it's also against semits?

They rape hundreds of your schoolgirls, and you ask why we're against them? Just fuck off and die Britain, have you no shame?

>you have to be either pro Jew or pro Muslim, thats how it works

lol you semites are all the same

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I'm against Muslims, pakis and pajeets in the UK and in the US.

I am only anti-Islam. Islam is bound to destroy civilization and all of which is good in the world.

I back Israel all the way in their struggle in international Islamism.

I never understood this shit myself. "Pick one". I don't want to, they're both terrible. It's like asking if I want a KIA or a Hyundai, as if I can't just go to a different dealership entirely and avoid either of those awkward and sad choices.

Cos islam and muslims are a threat to europe and have been proving that the last 1000years

Because pol/ is smart enough to realize my enemies’ enemy is not always my friend.

Fuck Islam. Jews are alright.

You're fucking stupid.
Not all of Sup Forums apparently.

True muslims and jews are same semitic race, with same global domination goals.

Muslims think it's alright to fuck kids so.... No. I don't think you're right.

Both are desert monkeys that mutilate babies' dicks.

Its because retards fell for the "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and "hitler loved islam" memes.

I'm just stating a simple flaw in logic.
Fair answer, unlike a lot of the replies here.

Incidentally I'm good friends with a muslim family, they've always been pretty good to me. That doesn't mean I agree with immigration policies and the obvious problems it creates

Why is everything pro and anti with you? Are you confined to dichotomy?

some jews are bad some muslims are bad its not black and white as a rule of thumb you can assume extremist jihadists are bad and rothschild zionists are bad

Why is Sup Forums anti-plague if its also against cancer?

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Hes in for a surprise

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The enemy of my enemy is not my friend, Hamza

Best one is when they want goyim to choose between kike faction and kike faction.


>Sup Forums is against cancer.
Good joke.
>Implying Sup Forums is anti-plague
Every hear of ebola-chan newfag?
Sup Forums loves shit that kills minorities, and since cancer and plague occur most commonly in minorities, they are /ourailments/.
Now get the fuck back to TD.

>you don't like spiders? WTF then you must simply LOOOVE flies! haha :D

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Americans are free and will not be Kaffirs or Goyim. F totalitarian ideologies.

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thats how Jews frame the issue, I think Muslims picked up on it and started using it now too.

All 3 are sand,mugger religions christianinity included.

Remember that times Jews got everyone to worship a kike on a stick?

Not to say we don't all have souls and there isn't a divine realm that it is a good idea to try and partner with.

Sometimes things really are like chalk and cheese. It's a pretty simple concept that you may have to look past conflicts with an enemy, in order to defeat a common enemy that you share.

I'm not a muslim

I conclude the mossad phyops among you all has been successful and you have no hope at understanding the true nature of the problems you believe you have.

>Europeans are anti-Muslim
>Jews are anti-Muslim
>so why don't you like Jews?

Fuck off whities, we don't need you and your jew friends. You're filled with degenerate behaviours , and you're going to disappear whatsoever

hating everyone equally is the way to go,never trust anyone blindly

If mudshits were truly anti-kike then why are the majority of their victims people that kikes are happy to see dead? Why do they suck up to (((communist))) shitlibs? In reality mudshits and jews are the same semitic trash.

fair point
see this guys response

Nothing short of complete genocide is acceptable.

>Europeans are anti-Muslim

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As I said, have you considered mossad phyops that pit their enemies against each other?. It's a pretty simple concept that the majority of you plebeians obviously cannot grasp.

you sound like you have a really low IQ. my guess is that you're a Paki yourself

Sure. Just as soon as you all stop immigrating to white countries and destroying other Muslim countries and start forming armies to attack Israel.

Go back to the ME and create your caliphate and I will support you.

If mutts could stop supporting kikes' army, we could try

The EU is anti-Semitic. Let’s not mince the facts here. You cannot be pro Islam and pro Jewish.

If they do the Jews bidding willingly they're kike lovers. If they are tricked into it they're idiots. In either case they are golems and unfit to exist.

That's wrong. At most, the EU is sometimes mildly anti-zionist.

I got nothing to do with that.

Seriously? If you had to pick one to stay why wouldn't it be Jews? There's barely any of them and half of them are right wingers like Ben Shapero and H3

t. Bilal

nope. i'm 100x more master race than you, cletice


No, It’s demonstrably correct. You cannot import millions of people whose sole purpose is to destroy the west and Israel and claim to not be Alti-Semitic.

>anglo shabbos goy
Why won't they ever learn?
They force me to purge a whole island.

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I believe that Christ and Mohammed we're both prophets and I've come to follow Christ, but I'm torn when it comes to Abrahamic religions in general. They all seem to be into raping kids and I want to kill them all.

Fucking this. Christianity produces a meek, pliable population, useful when you're an aristocratic family looking to rule, useless when your leaders are traitors and you're trying to save your race from itself.

"Import" implies that we seek them. We don't, they just come.

Has waswas invaded Israel yet? Didn't think so

Because Islam descends from Arabic practices and the Arabs were basically Jews who had been separated from the main body of the Hebrews long before and had developed slightly divergent religious practices. So basically they are all Jews.

This is a false dichotomy. When the only options are degeneration #1 and degeneration #2 it is in your interest to simply opt out.

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I guess I didn't frame my question in the best way, but I was more suggesting the Jewish overlords might be deliberately pitting its enemies against each other through the use of propaganda and phyops, than suggesting we should all convert to Islam.

Why is Sup Forums anti-cancer if it's anti-HIV?

Weak bait

Strategic alliances and "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" is literally The Way of the Jew, go be a faggot somewhere else

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So what if you're right? I'd pit my enemies against one on other to see either one killing the other too, given the chance. You seem to have the idea Jews are the final boss of a video game or something and we must unite to defeat them. But shit's shit and more intelligent shit doesn't make it less shit. Either way, shit gotta go down the toilet.