how do i get rid of my disgusting indian accent?
How do i get rid of my disgusting indian accent?
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Easy. Kill yourself.
practice english/american pronunciation
Mke a vocaroo so we can hear how bad it actually is
Most universities have vocal training classes. Try that.
Pause for a moment and realize that no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, to us you'll always be Pajeet, and we'll always be able to ID you from a mile away.
yeah because all indians look the same
>learn to talk like Solid Snake
No matter what any of the faggots say on here. I would rather be surrounded by a hundred pajeets then one nigger. Way better.
Its not the looks bro, its the smell.
Jewtube is your friend, curryboi.
i don't smell bad seriously though
most indians smell bad because they are hairy as fuck
practice only american pronunciation, english might get you into trouble
Keksimus maximus
I knew some Indian guy, real nice, who smelled fine nornally but once went to a party with a horrible smelling homemade hair gel. I've always regretted not telling him it was wack while he stayed at the party.
Have you tried pooing in the street?
>brown skin
>dark hair
>stupid moustache
You all look the same.
If you gonna practice American Pronunciation, you will looked at as an uneducated culture cuck. British Received Pronunciation is the standard for foreigners.
You are retarded.
>one mildly mannered black guy
>100 pajeets yelling at each other in punjabi, smelling the entire area up with BO and feces
Trust me I got to a college with a large pajeet student population. They have no sense of social awareness or manners.
Why do you even care about your English anyway ? You people were always bitching about how the empire oppressed you. Stick to your filthy dialects Pajeet.
Where is the lie my dirty friend ??
t. Kremlinbot
I guess British pronunciation was mandatory for gassing that ex-spy.
You sure you're not talking about yourself there Brazil ?
I live in Las Vegas and on a flight back from Panama the plane originated in Sao Paulo. All the Brazilians on the plane looked pure Euro.
Meanwhile, I used to be Mormom and can testify that Northern Brazilians who were involved with the curch were generally black by American standards.
hang out with non-poo's and try to imitate their accent but not 100% at a time, ease into it, get words like 'the' and 'and' right before moving onto the bigger ones
also, if im to assume yu have the classic indian accent, dont curl your tongie when you talk, try to push the sound to the front of your mouth, indian is spoken in the back of the throat english is at the front of the mouth
Just because there are always a few slowpokes in each thread who ask what the fuck...
Poo To The Loo is a real campaign, it exists independently of any and all internet memes, UNICEF created it.
In India, people shit in the streets and wherever, their government had programs to bring indoor plumbing to places in India without it, but they prefer to shit outside in the street.
This is not a joke, this is real, hundreds of millions of Indians are literally less sophisticated in their scat management then many other kinds of mammals that at least bury their waste...and it falls to foreigners to try to teach them how to not fill their streets with their own shit.
Yeah I'm just picking at Brazil for fun. In reality most communities south of Sao Paulo all the way down to Argentina are mostly white.
>At least the ones that can afford to fly
>the majority of brazilian rich people are white
>the majority of brazilian poor people are black
what a surprise. meanwhile, middle class are pretty much a mixture of niggers, whites, browns and mutts.
What he said you filthy shit skin monkey. While you're at it, kill a bunch of your shitskin relatives so there's less of you subhumans around.
Yeah... This is one of the few things that actually makes me think that going genocidal and eliminating an entire "people" can sometimes make sense.
Yes you do; it's the turmeric. As long as you are eating turmeric and garlic ginger paste, you will smell. I know this from experience.
Fuck you. The mustache makes the man.
that's what you get for not disposing of your slaves correctly after use.
The subhuman 'man'. Indians are so effeminate they have to compensate by growing a facial hair. It's our fault for not killing you all out like the subhumans you are.
i don't eat that trash
you know there is other food available in india other than indian food?
>that trash
Kill yourself. Even Nips like curry.
Also kill yourself.
I have a pdf of a fantastic accent reduction book but I can't share it right now because I'm literally on the loo rn. If you're interested let me know and stick around
Imagine waking up one day to the news that supreme leader Trump has authorized the population to kill pajeets on sight. That would be glorious.
How come Australia never had any slaves? Too arid for cash crops or was the cotton gin already invented?
Supreme leader Trump likes pajeets and thinks we are a hard-working, industrious people. HA.
Is your accent similar to this?
We did. Abos and and the subhumans from the surrounding islands. We just didn't bring any niggers and certainly not procreated with the livestock.
>why you fuck me I fuck you bloody basterd
How can you not love pajeets?
kill yourself and get reborn as a african nigger instead
I think Australian slavery was the best, then. Lots of good things come from Australia.
Ow the edge
Oh fucking Americans. I think it might be too late to save you. But then again the previous president was a nigger, that tells you a few things about you and your politicians.
I eat what you would consider an insane amount of garlic, because our traditional food relies heavily on garlic, olive oil and onions. I smell completly normal. Its the shit you eat that makes you smell. Not the healthy food my dude.
A nice diet does wonders in ALL aspects. Havent needed a deodorant in years for ex.
Look up American Accent Training by Ann Cook
Learn to pronounce the alveolar 't' and 'd'. That's an immediate givaway that you're from the Subcontinent.
aur main koshish kar raha hun ke hindi/urdu yad karun.
>he thought he was safe on his island
Be nice or I will shit in your street.
Yeah, last night we had this thread where one portuguese bro talked about. I agree with you but he said some pretty good point about the royal family as well. Shit was complicated but our king should have killed all the niggers.
I would think you could read the newspaper or something into a recording machine and listen to yourself and work on the stuff that sounds wrong to you. It might be a start. Hell, without eating curry you might be able to pass for Mexican. Not sure if that is a step up from pajeet. Probably not.
don't, be yourself, its ok dude, we all got issues man deal with it, no offense
>haven't needed a deodorant in years
You probably do but people are too nice to tell you
>i eat lots of garlic
You ignored the ginger and turmeric part, and turmeric is a very healthy food. But turmeric and other spices in curry, like chili powder and cumin, come out in sweat and they make the characteristic smell of pajeets. I only know because I grew up eating indian food every day at home and then I went to college and suddenly stopped smelling like a pajeet because I started eating burgers and pizza like a normal American.
Now I only make Indian food on weekends.
Put on a suave British accent like 00poo until it just becomes second nature. You'll eventually have to concentrate for a moment to be able to switch back if you ever want to.
It really works me old m80 so you can do that easily, for real.
This is true. Was banging a qt Desi girl from uni, but her accent was fucking horrible, especially during sex
>yas mah datti yas mah datti (repeated like 100 times)
>owen dat pusssi
Fucking ruined it.
El ogro de las americas is born out of two mistakes: Not killing all the abos and niggers, and actually fucking them and allowing offspring to survive.
Garlic is the best broad spectrum anti biotic in the world, organic and raw.
Everything is fucked. I'm aware. Let me dream in peace mut.
Hire an accent trainer. Learn by studying. Getting rid of a native accent is somewhat difficult unless you're willing to put the effort in.
yas mah datti?
YOU don’t think you smell. You have friends and family that are polite.
Funny, pajeet culture barely changed at all over a couple thousand years.
"Yes my daddy" I suppose.
First, learn to use a toilet.
Second, don't procreate.
Third, kill yourself.
>pajeet culture
Licenced To Poo
>western culture
Ok ill give you that. I dont eat turmeric at all, chilly is rare. Only lots of garlic.
And no, i dont need a deodorant kek. Im a nice looking guy, couldnt fuck up the whole thing by having a bad hygene.
You meant American culture, certainly.
>the earring
Well memed.
literally whoring herself out to niggers, what a disgrace
Ive heard its pretty good for your body, yea, didnt really know it was that good
Stop shitting in the street
you australian's aren't any better all you pieces you shit somehow you are all superior germans
but the reality is your women are no better
Post user.
Did you notice it's never a pajeet on one of those.
>all you pieces you shit
Stupid Pajeet can't english
If there is one thing I hate passionately is pajeets in universities.
Hoards of Pajeet influx in German Univ. in 2018
I cured an 'incurable' dental abscess with it. 2 years ago they said a root canal job had failed and my head was throbbing and the outer side of my gum swollen. I told the dentist no way was he pulling my tooth and got a weeks anti biotics off him, he said that it would come straight back after the anti biotics ran out and that there is no cure for a dental abscess other than extraction of the tooth.
I looked up garlic because someone told me about it years ago. Then got organic garlic and held it in my cheek, ate some too. After a week it was better and years later it's still 100% fine.
All the tooth extractions world wide may be unnecessary.
When you look it up you find that the scientist that discovered penicillin said that allicin (or whatever the anti biotic in garlic is called) is better than penicillin.
It's so common the pharmaceutical industry can't make a profit from it though.
Clearly you are just a filthy shitskin who managed to sneak into the US.
Don't. Just embrace it
You have the deductive reasoning capacity of the average westerner.
Same for you, chink Insectoid.
Australians aren't German. The majority, 40% are English.
They have a lot of new blood arriving from china and Asia these days though.
Why do you say Herman my Indian friend?
Come to the same realization Gandhi came to.
No matter how much he sucks up to his British overlords, he will never be anything less than the boot he'd have to lick.
Tell me about it, you poo fucks have infested every fucking academic institution, while still being horrible at it.
Fucking poos
Hey. That's racist.
because most australians and americans on Sup Forums think they are nazis
Indians are the real nazis.