Children with migrant backgrounds

Where do you draw the line Sup Forums? How many Generations must pass, until a migrant is not migrant, but a citizen for you?

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it all depends on the person

Barista, Barista, Antifascista!

4. If there's nobody in your linage who faught int the first world war you're not german.

fucking nazi cant spell. LOL!

Honestly, why would you even want a migrants to take risk on first place?

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Has to be european, 2nd generation if mixed (half-croatian) marriage (croatian name and first language) or a neighbouring country. Also can't be muslim.
Without being christian or atleast culturally christian (catholic and orthodox, no proto-heretics), having croatian name and sspeaking croatian as a first language, they cannot be considered even slightly croatian. We have a lot of minority communities that keep their traiditions - slovaks, czechs, hungarians, serbs and italians (and have no problems with them whatsoever, except serbs, but for a normal reason).
Non-europeans can't be considered Croatian. The somewhat tricky thing is Croatian diaspora from Americas and Australia, they could be considered Croatians but rarely know the language proficiently enough.

it depends on how much they earn and contribute to the society

White and white features. I draw the line there.

Left ok, right not.

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know enough 3rd gen poles and turks and they are all more german than some germans
hardworking, smart n all

>2nd generation
By this I mean grandkids from the first mixed marriage, so probably 3rd generation would be more precise.

Well, the turks have that covered.

soja-männlein, komm her

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Non-european, never.

As long as it takes them to fully integrate. Some manage in one year time, but most still can't do it after 3 generations.

Not less than 10
Where Muslims, Hindus and Jews can never be considered citizen if a western territory

It depends on the circumstances they grow up in. If they behave like a German, I would see them as German as soon as 3rd generation (perhaps even 2nd if white)

2nd Generation, only from central/northern European countries. Everything else will not be allowed.
Also balkan niggers effectively blown the fuck out.

india will remain a shithole forever atleast in our lifetimes
better to move to countries like germany

>india will remain a shithole forever atleast in our lifetimes.
Move to Gurgaon or Delhi. Brtter than any western country, provided you're successful and moderately rich.

So according to you, the scourge of third gen roaches that don't speak German, consider themselves proud turks and gladly say that they become Hartzer are German. You sir are a naive faggot

india is supposed to be a huge world player by 2030 apparently

Really depends on the person.
If they're a white migrant to a similar white country (example: Swede moving to Germany) then it would take 1-2 generations.
If they're a white migrant to a bit different white country (Example: Serb moving to Norway) then perhaps 2-4 generations
If they're a non-white migrant to a white country (Example: Indian moving to Britain) then, with enough intermarriage and dilution of Indian genes, 5-6 generations maybe but most likely never

Same would go for Blacks and Asians and etc
Korean moving to Japan would be 1-2 generations, Ethiopian moving to Nigeria would be 2-4 and an Italian moving to China would be a very long time

He said first would war, not second

essentially this

>behave like a german
>consider themselves proud turks and gladly say that they become Hartzer
Bruder du verstehst was ich meine

I live in a rural area. I met a turk with a really thick local accent, must be at least 3rd generation. But he's still a turk to me.

They must go back

Go back son of cowards

I've got 100% Prussian ancestry

totally up to migrant himself, the second he chooses to fully integrate into society he immigrated to, is the moment he becomes a citizen
this choice is unheard of for turks in germany or somalies in sweden and that why no matter how many generations they will spawn here, they will never be part of western civilization
they have 2 choices - being foreven isolated in their ghettos or be a citizen

Once they themselves ditch their parents' identity of origin and praise their country of birth to be above every other regardless what they look like.

Best example where this fails, is Germany where every single 2nd generation kid clings into their parents' identity even thou they have only visited that country maybe once a year and barely speak local language fluently.
All of this because of "shame" to be German and being another citizen would supposedly prop up their moral and value in front of others.
These kids are utter fucking retards and not even their "home country's" citizens see these cuckolded diaspora as equal to them, because they do not know their suffering.

t. immigrant who has seen this shit too much within a uni

Muslims are a no no
They wont integrate EVER
they're no immigrants they're conquerors laughing at your naiivety
Anything else is ok in my book

He's a turk to us too.

They must genetically be the same as the host country.
Otherwise never.

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Using Roach new speech no culturally Germanic would ever use. That's another point, genetic pure breeds that got infected with foreign memetic viruses can also not be considered natives or citizens. Effectively they are worse than some random first gen leech

They will always be niggers to me.
Why don't you goys have your society segregated like we do?

Finish school and start working, then you can continue LARPing

yes, they also supporting erdogan and stuck in a culture jam

illiterate dumb fucks, that's the turkish image in eu

Visibly and culturally indistinguishable from the founding people.

And one day, different migrants will arrive and piss off the old migrants that are coming there now. Its glorious

I think full citzenship, in the I'm this or that sense, as an identity has to be earned over multiple generations. Roots are important and you can't just grow them over night. Just being here doesn't make you german same as being an american makes you an apache.

5 of my great great grandfathers did. All against the Kaiser, unfortunately.

Special mention for central americans and mexicans that wont ever integrate to the USA

Bad hombres
Not sending their best

Should be turned into lampshades and soap. In the words of Josef Fritzl: "Fuck kids"

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I'm not interested in the welfare of migrants, they are only if secondary interest after my people.
I don't mind a reasonable amount of immigration but multi cultural is just code talk for colonies, and they leave in their entirety because they are harmful.
There's no time limit.

That really depends.
I could Imagine a Dutch or a Dane assimilating within 1 or 2 generations, with the Turks it is a completely different story.

Do you have immigrants of any number going to India?
You can't be outbred can you? Even with you murdering all those little girls there's still 1.3 billion of you.

Either a Larper or an imbecile, both usually go hand in hand.

Oh, now you imply working for the benefit of leeches and an administration as economy hostile toward the culturally native population is an indicator for legit citizenship. No, it is the opposite and yet another point deligitimating (((guest workers))) running away like cowards from the hostile and corrupt administration of their countries of origin, just to suck on the boots of another corrupt administration. That's why every single immigrant and his family up to 10 generations MUST be considered enemies of the native population

shitskin girl on the right is called Nathalie or something else to blend in.

My grandad fart in the Great War am I a Germ boi

Neither are hot

there is no us in india
there are so many different groups
each state has completely different in regards to culture
we are already fucked.we hear the word diversity is our strength many fucking times

Migrants can never be citizens


It depends, when they cease to be different, they cease to be migrants.

>Neither are hot
Germans aren’t hot, never have been.

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Germans are just autistic.

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4 generations, and following requirements must be filled.

>must speak nations language
>understand, cherish and be part of nations culture
>have same religion as people in that particular country
>be fully in-line with customs of said country

Not that difficult, in some cases might already happen in 2nd or 3rd gen.

Too many problems the first of which is that sentence you used is cloud cuckoo land tier. In the EU they would just be a part of a bigger fuck up. Germany is ceasing to exist. Which is a damn shame.

very autistic

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I take right one, Germany.

>that nose

at least 30 generations, better 50.


Ha. No beaches for fritz.
Just one silly beach

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they even fought on our side. turks confirmed for greatest ally!

Civic Nationalist faggot.
aka Sweden Yes!

They need to be half caste to even be up for consideration. If the Muslims want to stay, their women will have to offer themselves to the natives and bear at least one child. A new version of primo nocta.

I'll have the 3 on the right and in the morning the second on the left.
The one in the middle we're cutting up for chum so we can catch fishes and have a laugh

You didn’t see the autist in the back, did ya?

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> everyone is having fun but me
you Turk could at least step up and try to slay that slutty pussy but if you can't even manage that, kys

Never. These people will never be our countrymen, islam is completely incompatible with the civilized world. Plus America is known as “the home of the brave”, and these refugees are cowards who would rather flee from their homes than fight for them, making them directly opposed to American values

Second gen if white, otherwise never.

I accept second to thirdgenners as citizens but not as germans. "Turkgerman" gets used here quiet a lot and its a fitting word for a closed ethnic minority that has settled and estabkished themselves without implying were the same.
"Wolga-germans" "Lipka-tartars" "Rhineland-poles" are examples of the past.


>be american
>claim immigrants can never be citizens

Europeans that received their citizenship yesterday are Canadian. Chinese on our east coast, they're fifth or so generation, aren't Canadian.

On my mothers father's side was an Awol Hessian does that count

This is why nationalism is shit.
Any nigger who shits a kid in your country is a full-fledged citizen.

That's why Jews succeeded.
Jews are Jew first, their nationality second.

Your ethnicity first, nationality second.

It's not so much how many generations must pass, it's more how fast they can learn the language, get a job, support themselves and their families.
Migrants from middle east take more generations to become successful and assimilate into society than western migrants or even asian migrants.
Unfortunately it's "discrimination" to make special rules for different people based on where they come from and that's the biggest stick in the wheel when it comes to migrating.

French nationalism is like that.
German one was about blood for the past 200 years.

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I don't care about ethnicity. Most of the "true" Germans are so deluded that they willingly kill of their own race and thus make the life for us nongermans harder.

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There's really no need to reinvent the wheel.

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>children of half jews can become citizens
yea, no

is it true you were flooded with kikes during reunification? I always assumed had Germany was judenfrei.

>assumed had


I've seen migrants becoming citizens in a single generation. Even mexicans as long as they aren't holed up in the city. Second generation migrants are very likely to be real citizens if they actually leave their self-made ghettos.

Don't compare your history and cultureless territory to the rest of the world

The Nuremberg law chart is one of the most autistic things ever created. It is based in Jewish law, i.e. whoever selfidentified as a Jew in the past was deemed a Jew. No joke, Germanics who converted to Judaism in the 19th century were full Jews. Jews who converte to Catholicism in the 19th century were Aryans.

Whoever came up with that chart must have been drunk ane fucking a bamboon at the time.

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Never they can all fuck off

5 at the very least. People care deeply about their traditions and they will be passed down through the families. Mass immigration hinders that process further because it encourages them to make their own communities like the ones they left, instead of integrating. Migration is completely autistic. Fix their countries, don’t bring their problems here. Accept the people that come to a new country because they like the culture better. Their kids, however, may disagree. It’s a mess.

I'd do 3rd from left. srsly would

Ich musste nachschlagen was ein "soja-männlein" ist. Scheinbar bin ich ein "soja-männlein weil ich ein weißer Typ mit Brille bin der nicht Minderheiten oder Frauen online belästigt... Danke dafür? Oder hätte ich mich schlecht fühlen sollen

Fucking homosexual