This board's logic confuses me

Sup Forums's logic:

>eliminate blacks

>eliminate jews

Explain this to me.

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Kikes are dysfunctional

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kikes and niggers are leeches

Don't they control, banks etc etc?
How's that dysfunctional?

We dont want to eliminate Blacks.
We want Whites to have their own homogeneous homeland just like Blacks have theirs.
The only reason so many of us actually want to kill Jews is because they are behind most of the shit that is forced on our land that we have built over centuries (I am talking about Europe, not muttland)
I personally dont want to gas the kikes but definitely remove them from power and move them to Israel or Madagascar

India had oldest civilization, had wealth which was looted by most Jewish way possible by Brits. Brits took advantage of Muslim cucked India and destroyed from within.

> jews>whites
This is only because they are massive parasites and love to subvert everything

Attached: jew_iq.jpg (1680x1050, 672K)

Whites are the only race actively trying to improve the world for everyone, including Niggers and kikes.

Kikes and Niggers hate everyone that's not a kike or nigger.

We good here?

i smell a nose

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Yeah, well, whites who frequent Sup Forums don't seem to want to improve the world for jews and blacks.

We all smell a nose if you think about it

Stupid people may be obnoxious but the biggest threat are people who are both intelligent and evil.

technically, it was Near Easterners, not Europeans who have invented agriculture, metalsmithing and animal husbandry

jewish people and white people are the same thing

the people that come here and post are the more primitive minded whites
they understand how the other primitive races feel
whites are deeply in danger due to the tribal thinking of other races
and they dont even know it because they dont think that way

People who are little better than judaised whites are a bigger problem. They enable the kikenvermin.

>jewish leadership will result in the deaths of both whites and jews
>if you want to stop the jews, then you're a nigger

So it's all bullshit, huh?
Primitive whites are fightinh for the intelligent whites because they supposedly don't see the problem.

the best explorers were portuguese and spanish who are not white according to Sup Forums
white people like british and dutch combined didn't discover as many places as the portuguese alone did
so i wouldn't say white people are unmatched explorers. iberians are

>self preservation
Makes sense to me

>adherents to traditions of western civilization>whites>asians>middle eastern>black>sub-saharan african

Most of the elimination thing is Larp, what most of us want is niggers to go back to Africa, kikes go to Israel and leave Europe alone, if anything has to be eliminated it is muslims.

But why though

you wont even bother replying to this but we don't want to live with Blacks or Jews.

East India company was Rothschild owned so it was pretty much a Jewish takeover. Too bad Azad Hind failed, we could've had a country that rebuilt itself and took revenge.

>tfw I find blacks totally cool and only really hate jews and corporations

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Why not

ya, the media and the banks are working great user. you fucking nailed it.
Best journalism we've ever had
No bank bubbles threatening to destroy the world economy.
reasonable salaries/bonuses
I hope your post can better inform everyone on this board. because clearly Sup Forums is way off base.

Blacks are just used by the jews as a wedge against whites, since there was never a big enough class divide among Americans.

Want to choose our own destiny why do you even post with that flag if you want to live with whites ... fucking stupid meme flagger.

But isn't welcoming strangers a part of Western civilization?
Europe/West is basically the only place where everyone can feel welcomed.
You guys call that "being a cuck".
So at the same time West is superior, but West is cucked because it's too liberal.
Liberal is what West is, that's what we are. We seek new things and are not stuck in our ways. Why change that? That curiosity has helped West to become the most dominant culture in the world.

I'm not really a black nationalist. I just like the flag. What do you mean you want to chose your own destiny? What about black presence stops you form doing that?

Niggers in general have a different culture from whites, also a lot of them want to leave to Africa on their own, kikes are parasites that undermine their host society for profit and they have their own nation that they got as a gift, muslims want to kill anyone who ins't muslim, also their culture is shit and they want to impose it on us.

>I'm not really a black nationalist. I just like the flag.
Posts discarded go back 2 reddit.

>But isn't welcoming strangers a part of Western civilization?

We welcomed muzzies with armies for a long period,same for mongols and persians.

The West is not superior due to "liberalism" but because of its people

when the host dies the parasite is fucked too

Jews want to exterminate whites
The rest are to become slave races.

>whites to blacks
>whites more intelligent on average
>blacks better at sports on average
>whites hold more power than blacks
>whites are superior

>jews to whites
>jews more intelligent on average
>whites better at sports on average
>jews hold more power than whites
>jews are s- uh oh

I would say the black people who truly want to go back to Africa is a very very loud minority, mostly because at this point we aren't really Africans anymore. Not only that but some Africans really just don't like African Americans, because they think tat they're ungrateful. Also, why do you call us niggers?

You never answered my question though


>eliminate everyone else
How does this confuse you?

How's that working out for you, buddy?

>alain prost

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Sup Forums is bloody stupid and all posts on this board here are bloodystupid

Yes I agree, most blacks are totally different from africans at this point, if I'm not mistaken some people tried going to Africa to integrate or something but it din't go well, I call blacks niggers because I can, nothing complex, but there is actually a difference between black people and niggers.

wtf I hate prost now ?

Worked out well in the Falklands

So what? it doesnt matter your dead white skin looks the same as black skin 6 feet underground

Great but how's it going for you, buddy? Don't be this butthurt, just answer the question.

I think the reason it didn't go well is partly because, through slavery, most black Americans lost touch with their nationalities. So basically they didn't even go to their mother countries or meet their family or anything, they just kind of threw themselves at random African countries. Also I know this is a reach, but just for my sake, could you not?

We're not doing any of it.
Last time we did it worked well, right up until the USA threatened with revocation and full repayment of the Marshall Plan.

They interfere with every society in which they reside, to try and change and control banking institutions, news/media, and they cultural cohesion


>Also I know this is a reach, but just for my sake, could you not?
shut the hell up nigger
lurk more before posting

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If something was working well up until it went wrong, that means it didn't work well


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Are you mad or somehting?

Many sociopaths are CEOs.

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I don't believe you're actually black
real niggas don't care if people say nigger on Sup Forums

What kinda niggas have you been talking to?

No, it worked well until a superpower with an army over 100x as powerful and nuclear weapons told us to stop "or else".
Be patient.

Yes, I wounld't be surprised if african americans weren't able to find from what country they descent from, without real info it may just have seemed like a invasion. Fine, it's not a big deal anyway. If you were given the chance, would you go to Africa?

weeaboo niggas that have been here for years

jews are a highly inbred (founder effect) group full of many genetic problems including fatal disorders and mental illness. Breast cancer, for example, is almost exclusively ashkenazi jewish. Their high IQs are a myth; they are pathological liars who are manipulative and cunning like a sociopath/psychopath (most likely a genetically inherited trait).

You know, I probably would, but only if I found out where i was form and could find my distant cousins and stuff and only if I was allowed to come back, because America is my home and has been since I was born, even if it's shitty sometimes.

Since white genes are recessive then how do you ensure the continual existence of a homogenous homeland without drastic measures of demographic control? Do you simply concede the US as a lost nation? How do you determine "whiteness?" How do you continue this standard of whiteness despite its genetic recessivity and every changing environmental conditions?

kek I just came to post this

This seems good, also since we are on a political board, do you think that welfare systems are used as a way to "buy" votes from very poor people? It seems like that to me.

>Breast cancer, for example, is almost exclusively ashkenazi jewish.

Holy shit, Sup Forumstards are retarded.

When Sup Forumsacks drop the conspiracy theories then you will be doing better.

i like that pic, it may seem a little simplistic and extreme but in the end you realize it's pretty much 100% correct

sweden didnt use to have grenade attacks and israel average IQ is 90

Honestly, I've never thought about before, but thinking about it now, welfare definitely doesn't exist because somebody cares about poor people. Historically, very few people in the government actually care about poor people, they just need them because they make up the majority in America.

>Breast cancer, for example, is almost exclusively ashkenazi jewish.
>It’s estimated that one in 40 Ashkenazi Jewish women – about 2.3 per cent – carry a BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation, compared to one of every 800 members of the general population
pure cohencidence goyim *titties fall off*

Most white Americans (the Midwest and northern kind, not the mutts of Florida and the south west) are at the very least 98% European. America, at least genetically, is not a lost cause.

by keeping our problem to ourselves and theirs to themselves, that'll limit any demographic explosion
giving a hand is ok, having a whole continent on breathing aid is not

well...he is
you would be surprised on how full of kikes motorsport has become. being in a paddock today is painful.

t. former mechanic

why do so many people here differentiate between "jew" and "white" one is a religion and the other is about race and skin colour, just curious about it

please explain

Yes, here in Brazil our ex-president Lula made a welfare system to unenployed people with kids, now that he is going to jail for corruption the people that receive welfare think of him as a hero and think it's a giant plot against him and his followers, americans often complain here that the reason why democrats want illegals so much is because they vote for them.

The way I feel about it is that I don't really actively want immigrants here, I just don't mind them being here.

>The West is not superior due to "liberalism" but because of its people

But it's people are liberal. That's what makes us different.

Honestly it doesn't even seem like a big problem to me, it's just when these people start coming in large numbers and receiving rights they shounld't have as illegals that it becomes a problem.

Oh, yeah, illegal immigration isn't good. But my main grievance with the government right now is that they're only cracking down on illegal immigrants that are brown. I never hear about illegal immigration from Europe. It should also be a little easier to immigrate, because there has got to be a reason so many people cheat their way through.

I can't give you proof about Prost being a jew.
But just look at him. Think at his career and how he handled things.
He's a kike. C'mon.

For the rest, well, there have been numerous kikes drivers. Scheckter, Rosberg, Revson, Prost, Barrichello are some examples that come to my mind. Stroll today is another.
Ecclestone is jew, Todt is a jew. Mosley have been caught in a sex scandal involving nazis SDBM cosplay orgies.
Motorsport have attracted huge amount of money and interest after the 60's. Where there is money there are jews.
But like always the ruin and kill the soul of everything they touch.
Car racing today is a joke. The very essence of racing has been ruined.
What once was beautiful and pure has become corrupt, materialistic and totally unrelated to meritocracy.

Anyway, my point is.

*>Anyway, my point is.
the last sentence is a typo. discard.

Is there even illegal immigrants from Europe? I mean, you can't come illegaly in ships or planes, and it seems hard to travel the sea in anything that wounld't be seem easily when you approached the continent. América's main problem with illegal immigrants seem to come from México, I never really stopped to see what happens there but from what I heard cartels rule the place, while I agree that immigration shounld't be impossible, it also shounld't be easy, atleast have a full background check and some adaptation to laws and culture before letting someone in.

I see a some people sre "accusing" me of being a Jew. Im white (if you consider Croats white [probably don't, it's really popular on Sup Forums recently not to consider anyone white, but maybe Germans, Scandinavians and English people]).

I'm not liberal, and I'm not pro-immigration.
What I was hoping to get with this thread is someone who doesn't believe Jews are controling everything. I still consider that a conspiracy theory. I believe whites control most of the things.

So far, no one has provided an arguement for that.

>If you're white you don't want whites to be eliminated
It's pretty obvious m8 even for a fucking Serbian cocksucker like (YOU)

>all of hard science is jews
>every single meaningful discovery or invention is jewish
>wh*te pretend jews are wh*te when it suits them