What The Fuck is going On?


“The plane that went down Malaysia 370 or whatever people are getting voicemails that were intercepted because of solar flares. They’re from the boxes on the plane that record messages and stuff. There’s message from the box that was on board Malaysia 370 of people saying in another language “sos it’s not human” and asking for help before they went down. And then it shows new articles from Indionesia about a strange creature showing up on shore. And the country is offering the United States money if they can find the box with these messages anywhere so they can get all the information. And the guy that made this post has had people outside his house taking pictures and a threat in another language that he put into google translate basically saying to take down the video he posted which was a screen recording of the voicemail he got which is from the box.”

Here is a link to someone’s theory. Also worth the read. Crazy crap is going on.

It's another doomsday type thing involving extraterrestrials, but there's too many coincidences, it's scary. It all has something to do with the Malaysia Flight 370.

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nothing... focus on the issue at hand


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habibis aligned with ayy lmaos?

Are they relatives or friends of victims? This seems all completly incoherent, i'm 99 percent sure it's a hoax.
>solar strum "intercepted" the messanges
>Black box of the plane recorded them.
A black box only records parameters of the plane status and another black box records what's said in the cockpit. The phone calls are a completly different system.
Who says "Sos, danger" if he is in fear for his life?


Ayyla Ackubar

am spooped

Fpbp this is a hoax for aliens to enter earthplain

>voicemails that were intercepted because of solar flares.

Dropped. Put more effort in next time. This is kindergarten tier.


Nothing but a larp. Bet he will call it a social experiment if it gains so much traction that gets out of control.

>intercepted because of solar flares

This'll get the low IQs for sure.


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That sent chills down my entire body...i like it


The black boxes locator beacons also only last for 30 days, after that they aren't transmitting shit.

>inb4 this is some elaborate ruse

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An elaborate hoax obviously.
Actually it's not even that elaborate.

>people so desperate for fresh conspiracies they actually believe this shit

>he doesn't know how to entertain a thought without accepting it

That's not how black boxes work though
Also, fucking solar flares lmao no

What if the plane actually did go through some dimensional rift, and then somehow returned? What was 3 ish years in our time was merely days in the rift. So the black boxes batteries, which in our perspective would be dead years ago, have only been running for a short time. Sounds out there , but a plane literally disappeared without a trace. With today's IoTs that sounds even more out there imho. Something fucking weird happened to that plane.

/x/ is all over this crap

There've been threads on this shit all day, pretty sure it dropped last night, I've seen way too many faggots unironically say things lik:
>omg it's happening!
>keep me posted!

Anyone can say they've got some gay voicemail which they sent to themselves, shit you could even send it to a bunch of random people if you wanted.

That's how manlets operate.

the twitter acc has been suspended (the 2nd one)

Its a hoax faggot. Military doesn't use NATO phonetics like that. They use one time pads.

You would hear mayday if it was a flight log.

If you go through the guys twitter he quickly dropped the topic. And if you look before he is posting with his subhuman boyfriend in pictures. He is a faggot that is larping for twitter follows. It's pathetic how nupol can't take 2 minutes to look into a public twitter profile and see how obvious it is.

Attached: umbral_semites_of_avarice.jpg (1280x674, 249K)

What if your mom was drunk for most of her pregnancy?

So do I invest in freescale semiconductor then?

>It's another doomsday type thing involving extraterrestrials, but there's too many coincidences, it's scary. It all has something to do with the Malaysia Flight 370.

Its a giant crock of shit not worthy of pol.

Then you probably have fetal alcohol syndrome. You'll be ok.

fake and gay

April fools pranks are early this year ic

fake and gay. how can google translate translate malaysian perfectly??

He said he was sitting in his car when some dude took pictures WITH FLASH at his house... at 3 am. Who the fuck sits in their cars at 3 am in the morning?
Made me question the authenticity of the story.