My grandmother always said one thing, shall there b people there should be one people

My grandmother always said one thing, shall there b people there should be one people.

She hated hitler, because according to her, he blew up the bridge by the house. She always brought that bridge up. as if someone she knew nlew it up for not the germans adva... but we're not talking about thatnow, the germans blew up the damn

why didd I start tthis thread? It had some purpose, but I am drinking so had forgotten

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Other urls found in this thread:

I posted hitler because I am listening to hitler speeches an dI like this one

It is so honest, I want this

it has so many parallels today

you have this, and they give """us""" (((richard spencer))

listen to this man


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what is even their purpose?
raise their fand in some demonstration, and oyvey we be whyte and shit 56%, but we be whyte... sieg heill...

what are you even trying to do?
whatever screw you

fuck off I'm white, get behind the wall you parasite, no I don't need tacos

people on this board hesitate, then they bitch about not getting women, and talk as if women are capable of political belief. Yet the nordfront chad gets them, because the nordfront chad understands women

when will you get this faggots, women doesn't give a shit about shit, they just want a strong man

listen to the boss

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you are all so stupid, I don't even get you
talking about women and muh politics and whyte etnostate and ...

I don't understand you

if anyone, not from my tribe marry my unmarried sister, I will kill you.

other than that I don't understand you, just stay away from my fish. Or I will kill you, and possibly your family, when you sleep. Heiner/Hedmarkinger only

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if you don't marry my unmarried sister
I will kill you
I have one sisters for the gibs, and yes she shitposts on b, because as all women she don't want to go to pol because it's nazis.
marry my sister or I will break your legs, if you are lucky. My other sister got a baby, she is fine. Give my sister a baby now. Give nina a baby or I will kill you

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give y b lost sister a god damn son or daugther god damnit, make her be happy and post tons of baby stuff on facebook with my other sister

Not to be offensive but nigga are you high?

this looks like a fun thread

op is a murderer!

Op is a faggot and this is a slide thread

My grandpa thought that germanising all the slavic rivernames around his settlement was silly but the canned beef that the passing wehrmachtsoldiers brought with them was much better back then he claims.

So when are you livestreaming the suicide?

by the way I am up for babies for nina but im 175cm so your call m8

You should go to sleep. You know how nordics get when they drink

she once had a nigger (covers pakis arabs) from oslo come to her, and tried to sell her a vacume cleaner, at least that's what's the police said.

she screamed, locked the dor and call the neigbourh...

I love this woman, she was so infront of her time. unfortunately she died in the 90ies. we are a very tribal people so we go there

if you are not a nigger or swede, knock her up and take away my troubles, she uses facebook

Are you drunk at 1 pm ? What the fuck snownigga ?

I will kill you if you are a nigger or swede thoughthe police won't help you there mister

other than that please browse my sister

I’m a med , green eyes blonde hair. Why not I guess. What could possibly go wrong.

take it up with her faggot, we don't give a shit

whats her surname though

she has dark hair, but I can't say hair, but I i can't say the last name because of cia niggers. other r features, a brother don't want to talk aboout

that was 6 millions captchhas, get a fucking room hippies

not going to happen cia, you already have me on mkultra just search for the name and hamar,, brown hair, you can do it

Try some of Dr. Pierce's stuff next. Food luck finding a bill for your little sister norgebro.

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give me a couple of nieses and newphews or I will kill you (this is a meme now)

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Also...*good luck

at this point she would probably fuck an american mongolois, which only statement would be
>but I'm whyte

I'm sorry I got to bed now, I am too mean
But I'm white

and yes, if you are not white you are not human, that's what they are talking about.

I will , when they are born I will come up to you and whisper Hel Hitler in your ear in the hospital, then you will know. It was user all along. You will know that I came through and saved the white race

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Please stay and keep posting.

Nina ey? Hvor gammel?

>yfw when there are too much ninas in hamar

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You just have to contact them all user

I could probably narrow it down the ninas with a brother and sister.

Hi Breivik

But for real though, please don't bother this dude's sister. She's mine(unless she's fat).

idk user , I’ve been having trouble finding a nice girl. Although I have no idea how to get to Norway.

I love Schizo threads

I'm on a buss to Hamar as we speak. Just 500km left until sweet baby sister Nina is mine.