I'm glad that Nationalism is on its deathbed

I'm honestly ecstatic that Nationalism is declining in the younger generations, they're realizing that communism is the only way forward for humanity and that racism, sexism, Islamophobia has no place in the world of tomorrow and that equality is what we should all strive for as human beings. Join the right side of history, pol.

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Other urls found in this thread:


communism doesn't work

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Quite the opposite, scumbag

Let's be honest, you and I both knew that deep down Nationalism or any kind of racism wasn't ever really going to be revived again, humanity has moved passed that now and we're striving for a better future without your lame borders, the kids realize this, why can't you? Anyway, you'll die, probably childless and the next generation will take us forward into the future global communist utopia of fairness and equality.

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It's never been tried before. Nationalism is for dummies, look at your champion Richard Spencer, what a joke lol.

>It's never been tried before

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You're a piece of shit

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Why? Because you can't prove me wrong?

No retorts, no evidence to debunk. "Waaah they don't debate us, they just punch Nazis, waaaahh!" And now here we are trying to debate you guys in a fair and considerate manner and you can't, brainlets lol.

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If your plan is to oppress, enslave, murder and War-monger with goyium ...you'll find it works very well.

wtf I'm a gommie now :DDD

>Being this delusional

Man, life in the USSR was nice, huh?

>throw words around like oppression and feed your victim complex
>Simultaneously imply anti-Semitism presupposing your logically flimsy conspiracy thoery.

Nice straw man, user. All aboard the red train to liberation.

>white nationalism

You can read right? I mean please tell me you aren’t so retarded that you can’t tell there is a difference?

Global rules do not apply to Sup Forums.
Reported for announcing reports.

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I was almost shocked to find the rainbow of mental depression was upset about Jewish criticism

>not even trying to attack the argument
If communism is so nice, it should be extremely easy to prove that the USSR was a paradise, right?

"White" Nationalism

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This reeks of reddit

Popular support for the USSR was strong right up until its dissolution - but public opinion is a flawed metric for addressing material concerns or liberation. Further, claiming that a critique of capitalism is inherently wrong based on a the actions taken in a specific context is lazy. Give specifics examples rather than reasoning from a conclusion.

>Being this retarded.
Fact is Nationalism is dying and in a generation will be a thing of the past.

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How does it feel to fall for such a retarded bait?

Youre deluded

You're adherence to no true the no true scotsman fallacy under the guise of the fascist concept of "degeneracy" procludes any meaningful discussion. You're choice is not to lay out your conditions for the falsification of Nationalist ideology or accept you have drunk the kool aid of an unfalsifiable claim and therefore are rejecting reason.

>starts communism thread
>doesn't give one reason why communism is good

No argument. Just ad hom.

Who doesn't love free stuff?

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A post-national society might work but Marx was simply fundamentally wrong on too points for it to succeed based on any form of communism.

Humans need a certain degree of inequality because they are not equal.

The oppressor-oppresses dielectric is oversimplified and will always lead to violence and oppression.

I also wonder if you will ban Islam, black supremacy groups and other non-white, etnocentrist identitarian movements in your Utopia. Because these groups are widely supported by the neo-Marxists and this hypocrisy is an important reason why the left is dying in the West.

Superior a e s t h e t i x.

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>doesn't work

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Now is the time to construct opposing narratives to the nationalists. I think its fair that the erosion of class identity over the past 40 years is a huge contributing factor to the past popularity of nationalism which filled the vacuum.

If communism is so great, why don't they start their utopia on some island or other remote place?

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I am racist as fuck and a devoted fascist. We are everywhere and we will win.

I can't wait for WWIII to kick off.

you do know that the average soviet communist was nationalistic and patriotic beyond scale, right?

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Communism is incredibly nationalistic.. The Nazis were fucking socialists for christ's sake.

How are either of you different?

>Nationalism is declining


thats funny i see nationalism rising even here in the uk and communism being more and more hated daily

Nationalism is not on its deathbed you stupid commie fuck. Go drink some fucking Clorox retard, nationalism 2.0 is going to fuck you in the ass without Vaseline so brace yourself.

Not (((communism))). It was heavily international.

Sure thing, jewish banking shill.

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Don't forget that Ussr pumped loads of recources into Cuba

this is why i like a true soviet more than those "communists" they call themself, at least the soviet has honor and fights for something

Nice bait faggot. Kys

Communism is not a good thing bro. It doesn't work..... And the reason for that is that people are power hungry and greedy by nature. Now do me a favor and go kill yourself.

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It's funny, even the Soviets realized that communism didn't worked and by the 1960s were getting more traditional and nationalistic while the Murrisharts were going in the opposite direction and worshipping sodomy, anti-americanism and jewish leftism.

Attached: Soviet Russian USSR 1950's propaganda poster 'Healthy Family' 'Children are the (815x1200, 130K)

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Are you glad that the decline in nationalism is causing rape gangs and mass immigration

Lmao, half of those aren’t achievements or are total bullshit. And I though there wasn’t supposed to be any unemployment?

Debate what exactly? That conservative Whites who form the backbone of nationalism have the highest birthrates? You fags are too busy chopping dicks off boys and empowering niggers to think beyond your next cuck porn orgasm.

Every time they have foreign powers have had to spend millions on disrupting it.

My sides. No one wants you there. Every time you show your face the locals shut your shit down and run you out of the place

yeahnah, those high school kids will stop once they get a job and have to care about themselves in corporate world


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"Antifa is winning" - Richard Spencer, incest enthusiast.

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>It's never been tried before.
Neither has fascism or national socialism

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You lose.

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Can we get his name

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Literally all Nazis have is this "degeneracy" thing which is a nothing but a lazy no true scotsman fallacy. Either lay out the conditions for falsification or you have conceded nationalism is nothing but an illogical conspiracy theory and you cannot be reasoned with.

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Who cares?

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>anyone who criticizes fascism, socialism and communims is an antisemite

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Heirarchies are natural, equality is an unachievable goal that leads everyone to misery and suppresses the human spirit.

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Israel is doing Nat Soc right now and they managed to colonize every major western power from within, I consider that a huge success.

>when the working class hang you from a tree
Dumb meme flagger.

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post truth commie
good thing the establishment loves you, otherwise you Wolden have anyone,

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this is the shittiest stereotypical bait thread ever made


ye but it wasnt REAL national socialism

GenZ hasn't voted yet fucktard.

What you call "Gen Z" are millenials.

the faggot keeps bumping it so may as well shit it up to auto sage

fucking autocorrect

Fuck up idiot

At least every communists regime had the decency to genocide faggots, I love watching you hysterically obedient poofs marching in the street advocating for your own deaths. truly homosexuality is a mental disorder of the highest degree.

Go on then. Do one push up. Prove the image macro wrong.

Heh... If you can,

Rise of nationalism will always be athing.
Everybody loves their country, everyone is literally born with name and religion of their country, its basic stuff.
Ask anyone if they like their country and hate another they will always give a positive answer and a reason to it.
Its human brain 101
Also fck you commie scum.

Hispanics have at least 56% of things in common with europeans.

Yes you fucked up indeed you lazy commie.