What is it with American women fucking children?
What is it with American women fucking children?
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surrounded by so much degeneracy they don't even know there's anything wrong with it anymore
American men become impotent and bald in their 20s due to all the chemicals and porn. They just want hard dick, don’t blame them.
look who is talking
take care of the pakis who are raping your country
What the fuck
Smartphones, prevalence of porn, young inexperienced teachers put in the classroom due the shortages of qualified teachers. To name a few.
because these "children" are spics and niggers that go through puberty at 8 years old. by the time they are 13 they look like fully grown men.
I wouldn't mind had sex with her when i was 13, though.
My mid school literature teacher was freaking hot.
And combine that with the fact that young women are too stupid
They like being sneaky.
Hiring women in their early 20s to teach high school is a fucking joke
most of these women are still high schoolers well into their 30s, the difference between a 17 year old chad and a 23 year old new teacher (who slept around in the college she just left) is not much.
Another adult man somewhere just got cuckolded by a 13 yo boy.
That's the most likely outcome when you are 56% white and put 20something semi-attractive young women in charge of teaching classes full of niggers, while pumping them full of feminism, degeneracy and bbc propaganda and.
Back to r/mensrights you dumb faggot nigger
You do know that bald people have high test right?
They make good sport, winding them up is easy.
Who has her nudes?
kid had the best day of his life and the police are jealous
Have they ever interviewed the husbands of these women? I have never seen an article about what the husband says or reacts when he finds out what his child rapist wife was doing.
sorta looks like a fatty Justin Bieber with a wig
You know what I've done enough posting about jews, niggers, and commies this morning time to wake you assholes up.
If you're abused as a child you will, more often than not, continue the cycle of abuse into adulthood. This is not fucking rocket science.
The only thing we actually disagree with the left on this fucking point is that niggers are just naturally abusive so what's the point in trying to "break the cycle"?
How quickly you forget what's right in front of you when faced with so much political escapism.
>Husband never existed...well not anymore.
Every single American is a mulatto. Their nigger DNA means they can not control their urges
No. Their body can’t handle the testosterone and converts it to DHT, which causes hair loss.
Where were these horny teachers when I was in HS desu
You know how like Society tries to tell men that wear the fucked-up up ones, maybe this is a sign that things are in exactly what they appear to be wow women can be sexual offenders to who knew right
same desu, had an english teacher that had an ass that made me go to bathroom every class I had her.
I think other kids understood what I was doing there, but I didn't care.
Fake news.
Selective reporting creates a perception which is unreality.
These themes are then used to create the social fabric of the country.
In this case they are portraying women as the 'abusers'
The more interesting question is the uniformity of the message. It has a centralized source, just like the magical Negro which has appeared in every movie post 1990.
This is a highly regulated centralized propaganda effort run by either a government agency or a secret society with enourmous power and influence and is totally hidden.
Its ubiquity disproves coincidence.
Left here. Never heard that bit about niggers desu. Still same cycle that needs to be broken, or jailed
lol the righteous are gonna end up beating their heads against the wall until they kill themselves trying to control the sex
Duh.. Its obvious.. Its because they are looking for masculinity that their white men cant provide and the only place they can find it is at their jobs since that the only place they are allowed to go.
What country?
LOL... Have you ever talked to any of these guys? They arent just impotent, they are fucking lost.. like spaced out like someone sleep walking.. like Mr. Magoo. WTF happened to these people?
They can't find men probably. So they try to improvise and tame what they can.Or they suffer by the fact that the wall approaches and their instincts begin to get fucked up.
LOL.. They say its hot.. Then they go on talking about how they wish it would have happened to them when they were 13.. that they would be in heaven.. Holy shit the way their females are starving them of sex is getting to them.. they are all spaced out and confused like Mr. Magoo.
the only difference between american children and american "men" (who really are man-children) is that at least the american children are young tight and have lots of energy
41 posts in: no nice. /Pol you are letting me down.
Lets get dem nices.
too much shota
its a power trip. they do it because they can
>What is it with American women
OP's confirmation bias
American high school students are so alpha that teachers view them as adults. European high schools are beta central, except for the migrants that bully you and take your girls.
you can fuck a child who is 14 or you can fuck a child who is 24, like me
I guess it's a no-brainer for them, they just choose Chad no matter how old he is
well at least there's always new openings for teaching jobs
but the teacher prison population could be a burden
>ywn fuck miss benson
Feels bad man
Britfag concerned with a female sleeping with an underage male in the US instead of the thousands being exploited around his own country as sex slaves. Way to have your priorities in order there. How is Britain still even considered a first world nation?
Is that her?
nope too skinny
i have seen the vid
Enough of these conspiracy theories! Diversity is our greatest strength.
who actually cares about this stuff anyway? We have much bigger problems than a little sexual "education".
this video or is there more?
Grown women are mentally children. They see it as sleeping with their friends, not underage boys.
Mulatto is the future of the Svencuck. You should look forward to your shit-brown-beige future citizens of Nu Svenmuttland
>this entire post
Women are on the same level as children in psychological maturation because they have no real responsibilities that force them to develop self discipline.
You'd fuck kids too if all you'd get was a slap on the wrists and everybody fighting for you to be not put on a list because haven't you been through enough also she's suffered enough stop persecuting her omfg
freckles are super cute, i hate when women cover them to look like basic bitches
That teacher looks like 16
sauce? or are you just talking out of your ass?
where were these pots de la sex when I was a 12 y/o having to cover the woody along the blackboard before sitting down next to big titted agnes in skinny old spinster walnut mz 60 y/o grzcewskweicz breathed on us in jography class.
I had to get around with crutches,had braces,too,I'd a gladly had a heart attack while getting schlooped by some 20 year old wet dream like these dames,
she looks disgusting
This is the same thing that happened with the Catholic Church sex scandals. Your kid is more likely to be molested by a babysitter, a day care worker, a teacher, or an uncle. Catholic priests have no special proclivity to abuse kids.
But it’s the largest organization of any kind, poltical/religious/enterprise etc on earth so they can find quite a few instances to report. This is then used to craft a narrative.
Some freckles are cute, like patches on the cheeks or across the bridge of the nose. She just looks like she has a skin disease.
DHT is a primary factor in hair loss, but he is talking out of his ass about "not being able to handle test". It's genetics. DHT is test on steroids, and bald men have higher levels of test regardless.
Found the cue ball.
When I was a freshman my science teacher was this cute nerdy redhead who had probably had sex twice, she was fresh from college, about 23, and maybe 5'1" 98lbs. I can't remember every detail anymore since it was nearly 15 years ago now, but I do remember somehow talking my way into her pants over the summer.
BEST SUMMER EVER. We stopped after summer, and I haven't spoken about it until now.
I turned out fine, there's nothing wrong with young men getting some practice from a teacher. They're supposed to teach, right? So let them teach my dick.
>I turned out fine,
everybody thinks that about themselves user. not your place to judge.
pls call your mom and let us have a chat with her.
It's not your place to judge either, you don't know me.
So the catholic church says. But the average babysitter, day care worker, teacher, or uncle doesn't have the vatican engineering cover ups of their behavior, or moving them from job to job to keep things under wraps.
On the whole, I'd say pedophilia among the supposedly celibate clerics of the roman catholic church is a shade more sinister than the examples you've cited.
Add to that the fact that these people claim to be the keepers of the one and only Truth™, and it's understandable why they are held to a higher standard.
my 8th grade volleyball coach got fugged by a high school freshman from the team a year before. she was pregnant with her husbands child. this was a while ago though, over a decade. has this been a problem longer than we have thought? maybe social media makes it easier to get caught?
another hispanic kidfucker, nothing new here
very nice
you wish to had be this lucky, I know I wish I had
Disgusting dike bitch.
yea that's not how nature works there pruritan cuck.
I get you want to brag, but if I’m a student getting teacher pusy I’m keeping my mouth shut.
Dios mio, wouldn't mind making some little creaturas with her if you know what I mean
>I'd say pedophilia among the supposedly celibate clerics of the roman catholic church is a shade more sinister than the examples you've cited.
No it's not because pedos seek out positions where they have unsupervised access to children. It's not a matter of priests becoming child sex abusers, but child sex abusers infiltrating the priesthood to rape children.
>Left thinks it's nurture therefore they can break the cycle of abuse (if they're not paradoxically denying the event and/or it's effects situationally)
>Right believes it's nature therefore lock'em up or gun'em down
To state more clearly.
Slide shill.
>What is it with American women fucking children?
It's called "pussy".