I can't wait for the redhat tears when your false idol is hauled away in cuffs. Tick tock tick tock.
Tick Tock Trumpies
>Before November 16 - Drumpf will never win!
>November 16 - We will stop Drumpfkin! We are the resistance!
>December 16 - Drumpfblumpf is not our president We, the cunts united will bring him down!
>January 17 - Drumptidumptypuff will burn! The Revolution begins!
>February 17 - Drumblumbus will be impeached for treason!
>March 17 - Orange Drumpeteer will put me in Anti Gay Camps! Nazis have no chance and he WILL BE GONE... this time...
>April 17 - till today - BLUMPFUMPF BAD. DRUMP NAZI! Will be gone this time! For sure!
>repeat till 8 years are over and trump will be replaced by Robotrump 3000.
Its getting fucking boring. Cant you just start shooting at each other to finally clear things up?
But i am not placing my bet on your liberals.
I-is this the end of Blumpf?
>all the way down to the studs
They're coming for Kushner next?!??
>literal CIA nigger leftist trying to stage a coup against the ELECTED PRESIDENT
This is unprecedented, can't wait for the Civil War 2.0 . GODDAMN NORMIES, CHIMP OUT!
>>literal CIA nigger leftist trying to stage a coup against the ELECTED PRESIDENT
Eat a dick, drama queen. Trump is a criminal, no conspiracy you can contrive can undo that.
lol you drumpfkins aren't going to do shit
>I keep hoping to get the breaking news that headlines this... can't wait!
Is that how these people think? That one day they're going to wake up and the world will magically be the way they want it? That they can have their revolution without leaving the comfort of their homes? Just sip on your coffee while the (supposedly corrupt and racist) government takes care of everything?
As an outside observer, its more you liberals that seems to dont do shit. All i see is talk and no action. All the time i see Trump will go down, we have this and we will do that. But nothing ever happens, meanwhile Trump is doing what he says. American liberals and socialists are a joke and they seem to have a skewed picture of themself. And before you rant, im a german leftist, a real one, not the kindergarten kind thats running around in the USA.
shut up nazi
t. Nazi
You are fucking retarded as shit.
>tfw retarded leftist nigger believes we are real nazis
Stop projecting you faggot, you cocksuckers have been talking shot for ages and nothing has happened it will happen
The American left will be disemboweled and hung by their still dripping entrails in the streets like fresh deer. They don't have the general experience with guns or the police and military support to prevent it.
>This is the end for Drumpf
said the increasingly nervous globalist puppet for the nth time...
>this time for real you guys!
I bet when Trumps term as president comes to an end, the headlines will say "WE HAVE MANAGED TO GET TRUMP OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!!"
Right Wing Death Squads when?
>phony investigation spanning MONTHS
>no evidence incriminating Trump uncovered
At this point even the cuckservative lemmings can see that this is nothing but a political hit job aimed at taking down the ELECTED PRESIDENT because the far-left Demorats are too whiny to accept they lost. This is the first time in American history where the losing party has refused to concede after an election.
What the hell is taking Mueller so long??
I swear, sometimes i suspect he's the russian agent. Drumpf shouldve imprisoned by now.
I had to to go reddit this morning to read the comments about the McCabe firing. I have never seen such a large group of people that are somehow able to exist in an alternate reality in their minds. I felt like shit this morning but reading hundreds of comments made me feel better.
>But i am not placing my bet on your liberals.
Don’t worry about us. We’ve got guns too, we just don’t need to massage our egos by bragging about it.
You know he's fucking that kid right?
>As an outside observer, its more you liberals that seems to dont do shit.
That’s because we believe in due process, and don’t fly into a blind rage at every cnspiracy theory.
>w we have g gguns to nazis you better watch out
Whats the offical count on how long leftie brainlets have been waiting for the "imminent impeachment" of Trump?
It's honestly just becoming depressing at this point seeing people grasping onto insane delusions. Reading a block of their text is like watching some poor attempt at a B-movie dialogue. Has TV literally rotted their brain?
He thought he’d get a 4th term! We stopped him at 3!
Blue Wave incoming. Soon running as a Republican will mean you'll have a 20pt disadvantage.
But can you take the gruesome reality of a civil war?
Looking at you guys and seeing the things you get a nervous breakdown about, i doubt it. Theres no safe space in war.
All talk, no action.
i would love to see a picture of the dude that writes these threads lol. pathetic
I would call it no balls to fight for what you believe in.
If you think the majority of military members support Trump, and would murder their relatives and neighbors for him, you really are delusional. I work alongside active duty military every day. There are a few die hard Trump fans, a few die hard Trump haters, and a vast majority that just frown shake their heads in disgust, but otherwise don’t say much whenever his latest antics come up. Trump is a grade A chickenhawk and we all know it. Most of them are worried he’s going to get us into a war, and get a lot if people killed just to stroke his ego, and thats the fucking truth.
We’re waiting. I need to see concrete evidence before I take to the streets.
Go back to tumblr fucking libcuck
Hey liberals, you tired of all the winning yet?
Trump is the only good president we've had in awhile now.
If you rig our elections to have a 20% Democrat advantage, we might have to kill 20% of you.
all these leftist weirdos always have the creepiest faces and expressions.
look at his profile picture. Fake smile, dead eyes, holding an infant...
You think you got more practice than the Alabama hick who shoots off rounds when he's bored?
Probably bait but
>We don't fly into a blind rage at every conspiracy
>Spends 2 years talking about Russia
>Still no substantial evidence
20 year retired military, I know how to defend me and mine. I have zero interest in killing for ideology.
There are a lot of instances in human history where "Our guys would never shoot at us" changed to "Our guys are shooting at us!"
See the Chinese Army before 1989 and after 1989.
I hope its the case you are saying, but i doubt its that easy.
But arent you one of a kind in a ocean full of cowards? Thats the impression i get here in the EU by watching your "resistance". Most of em seems to be more the pampered type.
Woah, is that the navy seal guy?
Then you will definitely lose, POG.
>You think you got more practice than the Alabama hick who shoots off rounds when he's bored?
I grew up in the hills of east Tennessee. I had my first rifle at the age of six. It was a sungle shot over/under .22lr /410 shotgun. when we got bored we’d drive up the mountain to the abandoned coal mines, and raise hell with our AKs. That was back when you could still buy cheap steel core 7.62/39. I fear no coon ass, because I was one.
They have social campaigns on media.
There current one is a take a picture with a loved one to prove you aren't alone in life.
It was take a picture of your cat not too long ago.
This new campaign is supposed to humanize their perspective as being right. It's all psychological conditioning.
Imagine being one of those people. Are they fundamentally different in the brain? People had figured out that
Reddit salt >>
The only reason to do this was to strip him of his pension. Think of that. They went through this whole charade and rushed it through now, on a Friday afternoon, just to strip a career public servant of his pension because he refused to lie for the President.
This is insane. How can this stand? How can we be living in a country where this can happen?
kek so some soyboy commie faggots think they’ll seriously defeat armed resistance of veterans and guys that have been shooting guns since they were born? lol kk bud
do you faggots even lift and run rifle and pistol drills every day like myself and most other guys that are itching to put holes in some commie bitch chest cavities?
How can you say you served in the military, brag about having guns in a passive aggressive way and follow that by claiming "i won't kill for ideology"?
Are you a retarded?
The conservative military and intelligence professionals are now speaking out against a sitting US president. It's not just liberals.
I do think something is coming for Trump.
But u don't live here
U live in a Muslim country m8 innit
I think a lot are, but I don’t give a crap about them. I believe most rational people are on our side in this. People who believe in the rule of law, and have no love for loudmouthed bullies. If the far right tries to start real shit. They’re going to find out really quickly how badly outnumbered they are. This place is an echo chamber. The opinions expressed here are miles away from what the average American believes, and half of them are trolls anyway. They don’t really believe this shit. They just want to get a reaction out of people.
>are now
They were doing that before he was even elected. MIC didn't want a president who wasn't going to keep the swill in the trough.
Love always wins or summit innit
U don't have to be strong or have guns or anything u just need to be emotional and u win because life is Star Wars and kylo Vader loses innit
This "storm coming" language must have been in pushed in last month's talking points meeting. Every normie I know is convinced a "storm is finally coming in...this time it's for real"
>do you faggots even lift and run rifle and pistol drills every day like myself and most other guys that are itching to put holes in some commie bitch chest cavities?
No, but I can walk up a flight of stairs without gasping for breath. Where do you fuckers even find fatigues in XXXXL anyway?
The north beat the fuck out of the south once and we can do it again.
Also fuck off, you're not even from the U.S.
Yup just keep believing all your opposition is based in moscow. People are sick and tired of liberals shoving white guilt and immigration down our throats. Thats why people are revolting. You cannot accept that, and thats why right wing parties are dominating in europe and Trump won.
>Where do you fuckers even find fatigues in XXXXL anyway?
Big and tall section motherfucker
What a gay.
Cool. I'll be taking what you've got after I've killed you.
OOOOOH there's a storm coming. I'm so scared! OOOOH a STORM!
lmfao, you're fucked.
>Trump is a criminal
That's right
And we have never done anything wrong
In 75+ years
>Alex Jones owns media empire
>more nightly viewers than CNN
Donald Trump will be a 2 term president
Thats another type of people, growing up in a way different world. With more hardships and death around them. You want compare John Yankee, born in poverty with 14 siblings of whom died 10 before reaching the age of 8, forged mind and body through hard labor on the fields or docks with Kaytleen the teengirl and her gay friend that spend their days with starbucks and tumblr?
And whats about the differences in Industry in the time of the civil war? Or population? The Civil War happened while way less people lived in what you call with such pity "flyover" states.
And i will not fuck of, because freedom. Or do you hate freedom?
The type of people Id actually worry about don’t come on /pol and talk shit.
You’d be surprised then, bitchboy
>russia is fake news!! we never met any russians lol!
>Trump is a criminal
Liberals: Russia! Russia! Russia!
> Conservatives: Well do you have any proof to back up your claims?
Liberals: Well, errr.... Russia! Russia! Russia!
> Conservatives: Ok, we'll do an investigation into it, despite there not being any actual evidence to prove Trump collaborated with Russians on undermining American liberty.
> Conservatives: Well, after a long and tedious investigation, it's safe to say Trump has not seditious connections with Russia.
Liberals: Russia! Russia! Russia!
>lol you drumpfkins aren't going to do shit
Same thing was said before we won the election.
says the guy LARP'ing as a vet, on Sup Forums stop shitposting and go fucking sister Cleatus it's Australia hours now.
You'll be waiting until doomsdayvfaggot, 7 more years to go, better get used to it
> If you think the majority of military members support Trump, you really are delusional.
As someone who is actually in the military, I can safely say that you're wrong. A lot of people have gotten tire of the last 8 years of having a female president and want an alpha male back in the oval office. I'm one of them. I'm certainly not alone either.
>here's some anecdotal evidence, i'm the expert here
never served a day in your life
Trump doing what no politician ever does, delivering on his promises.
He promised to "drain the swamp" looks to me like thats exactly what he has been doing. I love the list the leftist traitors make and post of all the swamp donkeys he's drained.. Its like a trophy wall!
It is still a matter of pride to me that I can say that then
dependent almost solely on our Bavarian supporters
we nevertheless slowly but surely prepared the finish for
this combination of stupidity and treason. I say stupidity
and treason because, despite my complete conviction as to
the stupid good intentions of the masses of followers, I can-
not credit the organizers and inciters with such ingenuous-
ness. I regarded them, and regard them still today, as
traitors bought and paid for by France. In one case, in the
Dorten case, history has, indeed, already given its verdict.
What was particularly dangerous to the cause then was
the cleverness with which it was contrived to conceal real
tendencies, by pushing federalist schemes to the fore as the
sole motive for this impulse. It is certainly obvious that
the stirring-up of anti-Prussianism has nothing to do with
federalism. Rather remarkable, too, a 'federative activity'
which strives to split or divide another federal State. For
an honest federalist, to whom citations of the Bismarckian
conception of the Reich did not constitute mendacious
phrases, could not speak in the same breath of wanting to
separate portions from the Prussian State which Bismarck
created, or at least completed, could not even publicly sup-
port such separatist tendencies. How they would have
howled in Munich, had a conservative Prussian party
favored the separation of Franconia from Bavaria, or even
demanded and promoted it by public activity! One could
really feel sorry for all the honest federally inclined people,
who had not seen through this infamous swindlers' game;
for they were the ones primarily betrayed. By thus in-
criminating the federative idea, its own supporters dug its
grave. No federalist formation can be propagated for the
Reich if the most essential link in such a State structure,
that is, Prussia, is herself undermined, outraged, and be-
fouled, in short, eliminated as a federal State if possible.
This was all the more incredible, inasmuch as, into the bar-
gain, the fight of these so-called federalists was directed
precisely against that Prussia which least of all can be linked
to the democracy of November. For the vilifications and
attacks of these so-called 'federalists' were directed not
against the fathers of the Weimar Constitution, who were
themselves in largest part South Germans or Jews anyway,
but against the representatives of the old conservative Prus-
sia, that is, the antipodes of the Weimar Constitution.
That attacks on the Jews were well warded off thereby
should cause no surprise, but, perhaps, rather offers the key
to the solution of the whole puzzle.
Just as before the Revolution the Jew understood how to
divert attention from his war societies, or rather from him-
self, and how to turn the masses, especially the Bavarian
nation, against Prussia, so after the Revolution he had
somehow or other to cover up the new and tenfold greater
campaign of robbery. And again he was able to agitate the
then so-called 'nationalist elements' of Germany against
each other: conservatively oriented Bavaria against equally
conservative thinking Prussia. And again he, who alone held
the threads of the Reich's destiny, was able to effect this in
the slyest way, by provoking such gross and tactless clashes
that the blood of those affected by them was constantly
boiling up anew. Never against the Jew, of course, but al-
ways against the fellow-German.
This slickness of the Jews in diverting public attention
from themselves, and involving it somewhere else, can also
be studied again today.
In the year 1918 there was absolutely no systematic anti-
Semitism. I still recall the difficulties which one ran into
the minute one used the word Jew. One met either a dumb
stare or experienced the most violent opposition. Our first
endeavors to show the real enemy to the public then seemed
almost hopeless and only very slowly did things begin to
turn for the better. As unsuccessful as the * Guard and
Ward League' was, its service in having again broached
Many of the better class of Berlin Jews lived in the West
End of the city. One may doubt, however, that many Bava-
rians took note of such residential peculiarities. They were
far more anti-Prussian than anti-Semitic.
Prior to 1918, anti-Semitism has been limited to a few groups.
The Schoenerer movement had some effect on Protestant feel-
ing; and a few intellectuals in the western provinces copied some
remarks, from Drumont, the French anti-Semite. These in-
fluences and others were then reflected in the Christian Social
movement headed by Adolf Stocker, a Lutheran clergyman
who championed anti-Semitism. In Bavaria peasants were
sometimes accustomed to curse the 'Jews 1 which term they
applied to produce-buyers of all races. Though antipathy
increased there after the War, it was never as violent as it
became in Thuringia, Saxony and Braunschweig.
The Schutz- und Trutz-bund (Guard and Ward League) was
an ultra-nationalist organization which had a considerable
following after the war. One of its primary concerns was th
organization of a defense against the threat of Bolshevism.
I do not hesitate to declare that I see in those who to-
day try to draw the folkish movement into the crisis of
religious controversies worse enemies of my nation than I
do in any internationally oriented Communist. For the
National Socialist movement is called on to convert the
latter. But whoever, from within its own ranks, takes the
National Socialist movement away from its proper mission
acts most reprehensibly. Whether he be aware of it or not
is beside the point, he is a crusader for Jewish interests.
For the Jewish interest today is to let the actual folkish
movement bleed to death in a religious war, in the moment
it begins to represent a danger to the Jews. And I expressly
emphasize the words, let it bleed to death; because only a
person totally uncultivated historically can today imagine
solving, through this movement, a question on which cen-
turies and great statesmen have been dashed to pieces.
For the rest, the facts speak for themselves. The gentle-
men who suddenly discovered in the year 1924 that the
supreme mission of the folkish movement is the fight against
1 Ultramontanism 1 have not crushed Ultramontanism, but
they have torn open the folkish movement. I must also
protest against any immature head in the ranks of the
folkish movement imagining that he can do what not even
a Bismarck was able to do. It will always be the supreme
duty of the leadership of the National Socialist movement
to offer the keenest opposition to any attempt to put the
National Socialist movement at the disposal of such fights,
and instantly to drive the propagators of such a scheme
from the ranks of the movement. And, in fact, down to the
autumn of 1923 this was thoroughly done. The most be-
lieving Protestant could stand in the ranks of our movement
next to the most believing Catholic, without ever having to
come into the slightest conflict of conscience with his re-
ligious convictions.
nominational discussions, could not see the insanity of their
doings at all; that atheistic Marxist newspapers suddenly
became advocates of religious communities, indicting one
or the other according to requirement, by peddling some
utterly stupid remarks and thereby adding the utmost fuel
to the fire.
But all such battle cries are a deadly danger precisely in
such a nation as the German, which has so often in its his-
tory proved that it is capable of fighting for the sake of
phantoms until bled white. Our nation is thereby con-
stantly diverted from the real questions of its existence.
While we devour each other in religious wrangles, the rest
of the world is shared. And while the folkish movement is
considering whether the Ultramontane danger is greater
than the Jewish, or vice versa, the Jew destroys the racial
bases of our existence and thus eternally ruins our nation.
As far as this kind of folkish warrior is concerned, I can
from a most candid heart only wish the National Socialist
movement, and with it the German nation : Lord, keep them
from such friends and they will then vanquish their enemies.
The fight so slyly propagated by the Jews between
federalism and centralization in the years 1919-20-21 and
thereafter, despite our complete rejection of it, nevertheless
forced the National Socialist movement to adopt a position
towards its essential issues.
f Should Germany be a federated State or a unified State,
and what does each mean practically?
The second question seems to me to be the more im-
portant, because it is not only fundamental to an under-
standing of the whole problem, but also because it haa
a clarifying and conciliating character.
What is a federated State?
By a federated State we mean a union of sovereign States
which voluntarily, by virtue of their sovereignty, unite
with each other and thereby transfer to the totality those
parts of the particular rights of sovereignty which make
possible and guarantee the existence of the joint federation.
This theoretical formulation does not, in practice, fit
any of the existing federated States in the world today.
Least of all the American Union, where far and away the
majority of the individual States had absolutely no original
sovereignty whatsoever, but many of which were, in the
course of time, so to speak, sketched into the total area of
the Union. Thus, too, the individual States of the American
Union are in most cases small or large territories worked
out for reasons of administrative technicalities, often
delimited with a ruler, which previously had no State
sovereignty of their own and could not have had any at all.^
For it was not these States which formed the Union, but
it was the Union which gave form to a great part of these
so-called States. The very extensive rights left to or, rather,
assigned to the individual territories, moreover, conform
not only to the whole system of this union of States, but,
above all, also to the magnitude of its area, spatial dimen-
sions which, indeed, approximate the scope of a continent.
One can, therefore, not speak of State sovereignty in the
case of the States of the American Union, but only of their
constitutionally established and guaranteed rights, which,
perhaps, would be better called privileges.
Nor is the above formula altogether applicable to Ger-
many. Although in Germany the individual States un-
questionably existed first and as States, and the Reich was
constructed out of them. But the very construction of the
Reich did not take place on the basis of the free will or
identical actions of the individual States, but as the effect '
of the hegemony of one State among them, Prussia.
example, of the American Union. The difference in size
between the one-time smallest German federal State and
the larger, not to speak of the largest, reflects the hetero-
geneity of the services rendered as well as the inequality
of the share in the founding of the Reich, in the formation
of the federated State. In fact, however, in the case of
most of these States, there could be no real sovereignty
unless the words State sovereignty were to have no meaning
except that of an official phrase. In reality, not only the
past, but also the present, made a clean sweep of many of
these so-called 'sovereign States' and thus most clearly
proved the feebleness of these ' sovereign ' structures,
I am not going to determine here in detail how these
States were historically formed, beyond saying that in
almost no case are they coterminus with clan boundaries.
They are purely political phenomena, rooted largely in
the most woeful period of the German Reich's impotence
and our German fatherland's dismemberment which con-
ditioned them and, conversely, by which they were them-
selves conditioned.
The constitution of the old Reich took at least partial
account of all this, in so far as it did not concede the
individual States the same representation in the federal
council, but set up gradations corresponding to the in-
dividual States' size and real importance, as well an to
their performance in the construction of the Reich.
The sovereign rights waived by the individual States to
make possible the construction of the Reich were only in
the smallest part voluntarily surrendered, besides in largest
part they were practically either non-existent or they were
simply taken away under the pressure of the superior power
of Prussia. Of course, Bismarck did not work on the
principle of giving the Reich whatever could be taken from
the individual States, but of demanding from the individual
States only what the Reich absolutely needed.
as moderate as wise, which, on the one hand, took the fullest
account of custom and tradition, and, on the other, assured
the new Reich in advance of a great amount of affection
and willing co-operation. But it is fundamentally wrong
to attribute this decision of Bismarck's to some conviction
of his that now the Reich had enough sovereignty rights
for all time. This conviction was in no way Bismarck's;
on the contrary, he wanted only to leave to the future what
at the moment would have been difficult to accomplish
and to endure. He put his hope in the slow equalizing
effect of time and in the pressure of events themselves, to
which he attributed more strength in the long run than
to an effort to break immediately the passing resistance of
the individual States. Thereby he demonstrated and best
proved the greatness of his statesmanship. For, in reality,
the sovereignty of the Reich constantly increased at the
expense of the sovereignty of the individual States. Time
fulfilled the hopes Bismarck put in it.
With the German collapse and the destruction of the
monarchical State form, this tendency was inevitably ac-
celerated. For, since the individual German States owed
their existence less to clan bases than to pure political
causes, the importance of these individual States neces-
sarily declined at that moment to nullity, since the essential
embodiment of the political development of these States,
the monarchical State form and its dynasties, was eliminated.
A whole series of these 'State structures' thus lost all in-
ternal stability to such an extent that they voluntarily
renounced further existence and, on grounds of pure ex-
pediency, fused with others or voluntarily merged into
larger States; the most striking proof of the remarkable
weakness of real sovereignty in these little structures and
of the limited esteem which they enjoyed even among their
own citizens.
>Nazis watch out!
and its bearers in itself administered a rude blow to the
Reich's federated character, that was still more true of the
acceptance of the obligations flowing from the 'peace'
That financial sovereignty, which had previously inhered
in the provinces, was lost to the Reich was natural and
a matter of course, at the very moment when the Reich waa
subjected by the loss of the War to a financial obligation
which could never have been met by individual contribu-
tions from the provinces. The further steps leading to the
taking-over of the postal and railway services by the Reich
were also inevitable consequences of the enslavement of
our people begun gradually by the peace treaties. The
Reich was compelled to take exclusive possession of ever-
new capital in order to satisfy the obligations laid down
as a result of further extortions.
Insane as the forms often were under which the centraliza-
tion took place, the development in itself was quite logical
and natural. The guilt for it rests on those parties and
individuals who previously had not done everything to
terminate the War victoriously. The guilty were, especially
in Bavaria, the parties which during the War veered away
from the Reich idea in pursuit of egotistical goals of their
own, only to have to restore ten times as much after the
defeat. Avenging history! But rarely did the punishment
of Heaven follow sin so rapidly as it did in this case. The
same parties which, but a few years earlier, put the interests
of their individual States and particularly Bavaria
above the interests of the Reich, now were compelled to
experience how, under the pressure of events, the interest
of the Reich throttled the existence of the individual States.
Entirely through their own complicity.
To complain to the voting masses (for the agitation of
our contemporary parties is directed only towards them)
about the loss of die individual States' sovereign rights,
while all these parties without exception overbid each other
in a policy of fulfillment whose final consequences naturally
had to lead also to profound alterations in internal Ger-
many, is matchless hypocrisy. The Bismarckian Reich was
externally free and unrestricted. It had no financial obliga-
tions of such a burdensome, and at the same time entirely
unproductive, kind as contemporary Dawes-Germany must
bear. But internally, too, it was limited to a few and abso-
lutely necessary concerns. Hence it cofcld dispense with
any financial sovereignty of its own, and live off the con-
tributions of the provinces; and it is natural that, on the
one hand, the guarding of the possession of their own rights
of sovereignty and, on the other hand, the relatively slight
Reich financial imposition, very much fostered provincial
satisfaction with the Reich. But it is erroneous, indeed
deceitful, to try to make propaganda today with the conten-
tion that the reigning dissatisfaction with the Reich might
be attributable simply to the financial bondage of the
provinces to the Reich. No, that is not really the situation.
The decreased satisfaction with the Reich idea is not attributable
to the loss of sovereignty rights by the proinnces, but is much
more the result of the miserable representation that the German
nation actually experiences through its State. Despite all the
Reich Flag Days and constitution celebrations, the present
Reich has remained alien to the hearts of the people of all
strata, and republican protective laws may be able to
frighten people from violating republican institutions, but
can never win for themselves the love even of a solitary
German. In the immense trouble of protecting the Republic
against its own citizens by paragraph [in the constitution] and
prison lies the most destructive criticism and disparagement
of the whole institution itself.
>This place is an echo chamber
Pictured: Not an echo chamber
>Got my cabin innawoods
>10,000rds of assorted ammo
>a year's worth of food
>resourceful southern wife
>off grid
I'm going to be so comfy when this shit cooks off
>Ban guns!
>W-we have g-guns too, y'kn-know...
Haha, sure son. Be sure to cut the barrels off in solidarity with your friends!
So this is the true power of leftist banter.