What's wrong with being a "teen mom"? Talking at like at 17-19

What's wrong with being a "teen mom"? Talking at like at 17-19
From what I understand it's the prime time to have a healthy baby
For thousands of years women were "teen moms"
Why is it a thing to shame them for it now? Is it just so women can become a cog in the machine like men and work?
Even if they do have a baby early they can still finish college and get a job, whatever that means for a woman.
We need more babies in the west anyway

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You're expected to be in school until you're at least 20 these days

Think about the women you know in your life. Would they make better mums at age 17 or at age 22? There's your answer.

Frankly I think women stop mentally ageing at like 15 so it doesn't make much of a difference.
I think this whole thing against "teen moms" is just part of the general narrative about "babies destroy lives don't have them" to lower birthrates in the west, life should be celebrated not shamed

It just doesn't fit in with today's society, with school and all. Not that its a bad thing, though. Life happens. And some dudes don't know when to pull out.

Because women at that age aren't ready to be mothers. Of course, they shouldn't be sleeping around.
The difference here is that in the past teen moms were married to the father of her kids.

>It just doesn't fit in with today's society

well yes it doesn't we need more work drones so we recruited women, now that the birth rates have plummeted we need to import more drones from other countries to replace us

of course they are ready to be mothers, have have been for thousands of years - this is literally the product of evolution

You know that women can get pregnant even if the guy pulls out, right?

Biologically? Yes. Psychologically? No.
Women aren’t raised the same way they were in the past.

There is literally nothing wrong with being a teen mum, so long as you're married first.

>For thousands of years women were "teen moms"
They were also wed off to adult men who could take care of them.Teenage pregnancy is a problem these days because it often involves irresponsible teenage boys knocking them up, turning them into single mothers.

>Would they make better mums at age 17 or at age 22?
17. They should be mentally and physically prepared to give birth and nurture young by that age.

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It's not a big deal as long as they're married. What does a housewife need a College Degree for? If she plans on being a stay-at-home mother and let her husband provide for her, teenage moms aren't a problem at all.

>What's wrong with being a "teen mom"? Talking at like at 17-19
Only problem is if you're not married.

Girls should have a suitor by 13 and be married by 16.
Men have a girl they're courting by 16 and married by 20

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There is nothing wrong. As long as it's not the product of fornication, or miscegenation, a 17 year old girl is obviously perfectly suited to pop one out. The jews made that tv show as part of a population control agenda aimed at white people.

>Think about the women you know in your life. Would they make better mums at age 17 or at age 22? There's your answer.
I see a lot of girls here at my church taking care of children and babies and they're quite young around 9-12 is the average.

I don't see a problem.
Sure it is a difference outside but only because of weak men and society in general, fix that and It'd be fine.

I believe they are.
If they themselves were raised correctly and taught how to be mothers in school since most parents don't do that.

I agree.

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That's why you have her suck your dick first to clean off the pre-cum. Amateurs.

One of the problems is that girls shouldn't even be sent away from home for schooling in the first place. If they have to worry about high school and a career, of course pregnancy is an impediment. They shouldn't even be worried about such things though. One of the most important steps in white genocide was getting parents to send their kids away from home to be brainwashed at 5 years old.

The daughter would follow the mothers example, too bad most "mothers" aren't good examples so we'd have to start from schools and have a reset.

>taught how to be mothers in school since most parents don't do that
That is the thing, I don't think you're wrong, the problem is that girls aren't raised like this anymore.

Only you burgers would come up with something so retarded instead of just using a condom.

>That is the thing, I don't think you're wrong, the problem is that girls aren't raised like this anymore.
Most girls aren't. Yes.

Most girls at my church are though.

The problem isn't "teen moms" the problem is "unwed mothers". Since nowadays most girls aren't married young like they should be the two go together. In civilized society girls would be married as soon as they can make baby at the latest

>Most girls at my church are though
This is a good thing. Hope you find someone there, user!

Are you serious? Why ruin your life.

you can't look at it like the teen themselves, but rather the family unit or the parents.

most teen moms depend quite a bit on other family members to help raise the baby.

most teen moms tend to stay with their parents for extended periods

most teen moms tend not to get married to their baby daddy- resulting in a single mom, or if they do marry a high percentage of "broke homes".

Teen moms pretty much quit maturing on all socio-dynamics once they go "mommy mode" when it reality its a kid with a kid mode.

and the symptom of the teen mom is the stupid fucking boy who says they don't like wearing condoms or they don't fit or whatever the fuck.

which coming from the parents of the would be teen mom is another thing thats wrong with the teen mom epidemic. is all these fucking caveman gangsta penisheads stealing away and corrupting and using our daughters just so they can get their jollies.

why shotgun weddings are a thing in the south.

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>This is a good thing.
I know
>Hope you find someone there, user!
I think I have, I'm just "slow" at doing these things.
Should be fine though.

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Kids after high-school is ideal. Then after she's done raising the kids for a few years, she can either go to college or get a job.

Once a girl is in her mid 20s and used to whoring around it's too late, she'll be 30+ before she realizes time's running out and nobody wants to marry a roastie.

>having kids is ruining your life

Or... she could have kids with a responsible man.

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Who was in the wrong here?

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>why shotgun weddings are a thing in the south.
Is he doing it right?

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The problem is pregnancy out of wedlock and without the support of a husband and the two families.

Women should begin courting at puberty and marry sometime between 12-14, then start breeding at 16.

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>There is literally nothing wrong with being a teen mum, so long as you're married first.
But of course society tells women to put off marriage. Have to go to school first, have to go to college first, have to start a career first, have to "find yourself" (try a hundred dicks) first, then at 30 when the biological clock starts winding down it's time to complain about men not wifing you up so you can have your one designer baby in time.
"No teen pregnancy" is one part of leftist social engineering, but it's really not the biggest part.

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Nothing’s wrong with it so long as you’re married and can take care of the kid.

Also this is now a pregnancy fetish thread. Post ‘em

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>empty pursuit of material gain
>"why ruin your life"
this is everything wrong with the west and why the jew will always win.

>Or... she could have kids with a responsible man.

that person maybe responsible but something is up with either the girls daddy issues or the guys taste in women.

I would 100% agree if men started working earlier. A man can't support a family while attending high school. It is best not to start a family at all until you have a stable career. Pushing for a more career focused education system could produce workforce ready people at age 16 instead of 22. Then there would be no problem with teen pregnancy. In fact it would be a good thing because women can realistically be expected to be virtuous until marriage if marriage happens younger.

Many people today had great grandmothers who were married and had children in their teens. The society today is so terrified of whtie people existing, that they shame marriage and import promiscuous brown people (who also work really cheaply.) So you have a hostile (((Elite))) and a culture created by them where white people having children is seen as a bad thing.

My mom was 14 when she got married and she was a great mother.

Why would you get married if you're not breeding right away?

Yea that's the system I support myself.

The girls spine.

Establishing the pair bond and adapting to living together while you wait for her to finish puberty. If you wait until she can breed to marry, you are going to waste important breeding time bonding, or you are going to not bond before children and will have a less happy marriage.

little sluts with kids

Because I don't want to have a fucking blob inside me that I have to die in agony squeezing out when I have my whole life ahead of me.

Biology wrote it, society rewrote it.

I feel like we've had this argument before.

Fucking cry about it, it’s what you’re put on this earth for.

>and she was a great mother.
I don’t know lad, she raised you

Trigger discipline

we have evolved a lot in the last centuries and our life expectancy is much higher than that of our ancestors. it has been proven that the healthiest offspring in todays western societies is from women between 20 and 30. our bodies develop slower now, until we're around 25, so fertility is also prolonged. teen moms usually end up as single moms as well, so who cares about a physically healthy child if he's gonna be mentally fucked anyway from being raised by a hormonal woman.

Wow, that was a good slam.

it's not young mothers society is protecting against, it's young fathers

men sub 25 have zero business being any sort of father figure

Um no, I'm not on this Earth for anything I don't want to do.

Capitalism needs more workers to feed to Moloch.

Lick a 16 year old feet so you don't have to impregnate her. Job done.

Nah he was right, should have pulled it

>From what I understand it's the prime time to have a healthy baby

Idk where you heard that (some pedo apologists on Sup Forums, presumably), but it's completely untrue. The safest childbearing years for mother and baby are the 20s. Over 35, things get dangerous again, but not by much until she hits 40.

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But a woman is at the height of fertility at 18. Stop injecting socially applied behaviour as biologically true.

> she was a great mother

That's why you ended up being a nazi scum ?

I think she failed her job as a parent.

You've been put on this earth to pop out Ahmed's babies

I think you need to go back to sleep.