Global news about Russian chemical attacks in the UK

>global news about Russian chemical attacks in the UK
>whole world condemning Russia
>But on Sup Forums, half of threads right now are UK hate threads

jesus guys, at least try not to look like a russian psy-op.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>traffic falls off a cliff the second the troll sanctions went into effect

what did mueller mean by this?

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Pol is 80% anti western propaganda at any given time

Basically we hate ourselves... or we hate being surrounded by inferior races.. race traitors... autists.. etc.

>Bongistan takes over from Sweden in terms of self-loathing race destruction and general cuckednesss
>Bongistan ditches Europe in favor of pakis and pajeets
>Bongistan is an utter embarrassment to whites everywhere
>Bongistan's white sons and daughters are raped on a massive scale
>Muh it's the Russians

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The eternal beady anglo deserves all the hate it can get.

>oi why aren't you enraoiged bout Russia?
>according to government and our top media, that is not correct think
>cheeky cunts

why are you eating up UK's claim about how "pretty sure" they are, it were the Russians, although they refuse to give out evidence for their claim.
at least it's sensible to criticize them for not being transparent.
Also, don't you find it at least a bit odd, that Sergei Skripal and his daughter were found very close to Porton Down?


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Innocent until proven guilty unless it's Russia then they are guilty even if proven innocent.

This must be the work of russian paid trolls from russian paid troll factories!

>Pol is 80% anti western

They have been proven guilty: Either they did it themselves or they lost control of their USSR era weapons of mass destruction without telling anyone. It's one of those two.

Probabaly is alot of russian shilling going on, is not farfetched in all honesty, 'trolls from olgino'(look it up) type stuff. just like when they shot down that passenger jet with a buk missile, got flooded with anti ukraine threads.
All of that said they killed a spy so not really a valid reason to hate on them, spies deserve death if found and caught. You hear that israel?

but they haven't. They refuse to give out evidence.

It most likely was them
still doesn't change the fact that
a) i don't care
b) this country is a shithole
c) this is most likely a distraction for something

I genuinely hate you and your entire island and wish you suffering just like the fat man in your pic but without the multiple gf's he got handed to him

>this retarded shill with his red it tier reasoning
lmao they should spend more money to hire smarter shills


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>their USSR era weapons of mass destruction
They were developed in Usbekistan and the facilities were raided by the american army.

I'm not a Russian troll. I just think bongs are fags. Suck a dick.

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I do not doubt, that it was the russians. but it's diplomatic to call out another nation, especially Russia and not provide any evidence.

If it were the Russians, why did they use such a recognizable gas and not just shoot the guy?
the only logical explanation is, they're sending a clear message to the world.
but if that is true, why the hell isn't the UK providing a sample of it's findings?

there is something off about the whole affair.

>((msm)) push bullshit story to garner anti russia sentiments
>Sup Forums laugh at nation so pathetic their police spend more time virtue signalling and marching in faggot walks then doing their job.
the absolute state of the UK

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Global news is controlled liberal media. /pol is not anti-west, pol is anti-liberal.

> a generation of nerve agents which can be produced from commercially available precursors such as insecticides and fertilisers.

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OP, use your brain for once

If Russia did it, there'd nothing wrong with it. Maybe I wouldn't have went after the daugther, but maybe she was collateral damage. It is every nation's right to get rid of its traitor. Protecting a traitor should be a war declaration in itself. Whether or not you agree with the politicd of a country, traitors are scum and should be dealt with accordingly.

>mysterious deaths in UK
>no real evidence who caused it
>entire (((msm))) is "ABSOLUTELY 100% SURE IT'S THOSE DAMN RUSSIANS AGAIN!!!!!!!"

Jesus Jews, at least try to make it look like it's not a false flag.

Shitposting instead of paying that TV license. BAKA

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Bongistanis are retards and Theresa May is a liar and a traitor.

UK sucks Saudi cock and helps them commit genocide in Yemen.

UK supports terrorists in Syria.

UK armed the Jews in Palestine.

UK got very generous peace offer(s) (that the public would have accepted) from Hitler already in 1940 but decided to ruin themselves and Germany fighting them to the bitter end.(and keep it from the public)

UK caused the (worst) migrant crisis along with France and US when destroying Libya opening the gates for all the niggers of Africa.

I'm not saying this to guilt trip Bongistanis to feel bad about themselves, but I do think it's pretty obvious that the ruling elite and media in Bongistan needs to be overthrown.

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And more.

an old headline,fact is UK gumshoes traced backwards,the minute radiation strontium 90 back to roose via aeroflot,aleksandr litvinienko was murdered by kgb ( modern fsb) because they considered him a traitor,official state sponsored terrorism,fsb clown put a speck of the stuff in litvinienkos martini at a brit restaurant,it fried his pancreas first,spread to all soft tissue. then blood & bones-------> from wiki-----Alexander Litvinenko was a former officer of the Russian Federal Security service who escaped prosecution in Russia and received political asylum in the United Kingdom. In his books, Blowing up Russia: Terror from Within and Lubyanka Criminal Group, Litvinenko described Russian president Vladimir Putin's rise to power as a coup d'état organised by the FSB. He alleged that a key element of the FSB's strategy was to frighten Russians by bombing apartment buildings in Moscow and other Russian cities.[6] He accused Russian secret services of having arranged the Moscow theater hostage crisis, through their Chechen agent provocateur, and having organised the 1999 Armenian parliament shooting.[7] He also stated that the terrorist Ayman al-Zawahiri was under FSB control when he visited Russia in 1997.[8] --

I don’t accept anything without hard evidence and the uk gov has provided zero evidence,they are simply relying on the fact that the general populace is dumb and will buy into it but I think even the goyim know it’s bullshit now.


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God made Russians white as a joke. They act like niggers

Russians acting like niggers isn't news here

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Its just a bunch of botnets and meme flags spamming the same anti western stale propaganda everyday

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Shut the fuck up.

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I mean, C should have the flute because the total happiness in the world would increase.

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Magical russian hackers can hack the entire internet and all machines that the West uses. They're also smarter than Westerners and can make the dumb and poor people in the West vote to destabilize the government and make everything worse.
Also, Russia built an internet lane for North Korea, allowing them to target the US and steal billions of bitcoins to fund their nuclear program, forcing the US to wage a multifront cyberwar against Russia, China, and North Korea.
Truly, the Russians are the most powerful Empire in this decade, having found out how to use the internet against the Americans who invented it in the first place. The Chinese are soon to follow up and prosper economically, thanks to shielding themselves behind their Great Firewall.

Being someone who has to endure living in the rotting corpse of the US, I support virtually anyone that opposes the west.

Russia could drop a nuke on every state in the US and still not have caused as much damage as western propaganda has to its own people.

Not gonna lie, former May voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching May crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this woman make Putin mad.

Shills have been out in full force all week mate.

The collectively owned troll factories, RIGHT COMRADE?

>seize the means of trolling

>jesus guys, at least try not to look like a russian psy-op.

nothing to do with russian psy ops. You were weak your response feable and THAT is why everyone here is laughing at you,

If there is anything this board does good it's sniffing out weekness.

Same shit with Obamas red lines. That were crossed and nothing was done about it. Same thing here you posture and posture and threaten and in the end you ban like 20 diplomats. Russians are shaking in their boots I am sure

>be uk
>fuck up half the world with colonialism
>surprised when people gang up on you

UK education everyone

B-b-bu-but we spread civilization

Russian election are soon.
Every time Putin faces an election something happens just before that makes Putin look like an evil despot, usually a murder.
Obviously Putin isn't going to murder someone just before an election as that would throw a bad light upon him. So, who is actually doing it?
But the real question is WHY are they doing it, especially since it doesn't work. The Russian people see through the bullshit.
So who is it? MI5/MI6? Mossad? Glow-in-the-dark CIAniggers?
All are Rothschild stooges.

Don't forget that fact that Russia has pretty much threatened America and Trump will say nothing about it.

Their ancestors did. The ancestors of the Americans were also cool.
The Brits and the Americans of today are weak and laughable.
One of the problems of modern generation is that they are proud of having grandpas and greatgrandpas who did cool things, instead of doing cool things themselves.

>The Russian people see through the bullshit

Every Russian person who has spoken against Putin has something bad happen to him. This sort of thing makes people stay in line. It isn't a Jewish conspiracy, but you already know that you paid shill.

I have more trust in Putin than that fucking Clown, BoJo

>1 post by this id
I swear, the russian accusation is getting out of hand. it was seth rich you fucks

>glow-in-the-dark CIAnigger detected

then why haven't you been harmed reddit space

Actually, I'm a CIAnigger that glows in the dark.

I hate both of you

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UV light tends to make semen glow

That's why I don't go out in the sun. Too much UV rays.

Well, it is just another "westerners are unable to understand mysterious Russian soul" episode.
It is funny how they expect outrage from Russians about it.
Just imagine average Russian hearing about ex-spy, who ran away to England, being poisoned.
"Who cares, he was a traitor to the Motherland, serves him right."

Rather that than some neocon shill like you.

(proper grammer is reddit space.)

I'm not Russian.

>believing it was Russia.
Fucking brainlets leave my board.

Who's running the psy-op matey? Did you get a licences to post?


>starts sentence with lowercase
oops guess that excuse just went out the window eh reddit space

>whole world condemning Russia

No one really gives a shit about this other than Britain.

Russia tried to kill a traitor ex-Russian spy. Who cares?

This is like the 4th thread I've seen on this. Have you maybe stopped and thought for a second that the people hate the UK because of how shitty you guys are? We all had hope in you after Brexit that you'd get your shit together and stop being retardedly liberal instead somehow you've ramped up the retarded bullshit. It's honestly embarrassing.

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yes. seth rich was the ONLY unsolved murder of a non brown in DC that year
because the DC police covered it up

>Anti Russia propaganda dominates mainstream news.
>Anti Russia propaganda continually injected into every non-mainstream media space, like Sup Forums
>preposterous propaganda angles accuse all dissent of "being Russian psy op"
How does this make sense, this propaganda? Don't you realize that mindless oversaturation doesn't help you? Since you control the whole narrative of the world, why can't you prevent these idiotic contradictions? And you really can't come up with anything more plausible than "muh Russia"? After all this time? I realize you are devoid of creative capacity, but please. Just stop. Everything you to is self-defeating. Such incompetence is appalling.

I do hope that the Iranians will actually get their nukes ready so that the West stops giving a shit about them.
The moment your country has nukes, you're left alone. It's like Pakistan. At first, they were treated like the next Satan. But then they got nukes, and now the media doesn't report about them that much anymore.
Let the Iranians be a problem for Israel and Saudi-Arabia.

and thats a good thing, and here is why

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idk man seth rich was back in the news media again the other day.... i think mueller's gotten himself backed into in a real bad corner, he's got all the evidence that seth leaked the goods and johnny kidfucker ordered the hit

God that's stupid, I'm positive that anyone that can make an instrument would now how to fucking play it. What an absolutely retarded picture.


Is this the mighty power of Russian trolls that the left fear so much? I'm so scared.

hol up, are you telling me I could get payed for this

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Russian chemicals? You mean like acid to the face kind?

Kinda nice to have people go around and have some fun with that.

child A is facism
child B is communism
child C is gibs system

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b to bin baby buggery island

Sup Forums is full of commie pinkos

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Russians aren't that half-hearted to use something weak like acid. They have access to polonium. That will make the victim suffer a lot more.

Today's public is media savvy. They know perfectly well that everything they are fed is mostly artificial-- how much more deception did you think you can push down the collective gullet without a break? Can you be rational at all? Only inertia and a lack of apparent alternatives keeps the public in thrall now-- but do you show any care in handling the fragile grip you have? No! You keep plowing ahead without the faintest grasp of what you're doing, blabbering through the worthless outputs of your algorithms, even though you're nothing but a repulsive spectacle at this point. Go away. Stop. You're making a fool of yourself, in all seriousness.

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Americans cant take the mutt

Brits cant take the hate

You cunts the low iq soldiers of Sup Forums the uneducated masses being used as tools by the rest of us.

Not one person with some education will think Brittan is anything but some dystopian vision of a lost future.
>Most of your own intellectuals is screaming this to the rest of the world as-well

I despise Brittan, i did before this ridiculous nerve gas and i will continue to call out Brittan long after the 131 people get tortured to death and put up as heroes by some shrinklie old British cunt.

Getting hated by the rest of the civilized world is part and parcel of living in a modern British society.

The UK needs to fucking go down though. Once an empire, nowadays nothing but soybois cucks who are about confiscating knives and imprisoning natives because of criticism of Islam. Fuck you all

to quote another user
>Haha le 56% Amerimutt
>Haha rape capital Swedistan
>Haha Merkel Krautcucks
>Haha Paris BLACKED
>Haha POO
>Haha Poland toilet cleaners
>Haha Falkland island

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Can you explain why the Russian state would want to execute an ex-British spy that has long outlived his usefulness as an intelligence double agent? He already told the British state everything they want to hear from him. If Putin did this to "get revenge" then that is the stupidest waste of state resources to achieve an assassination that has no importance to furthering Russia's objectives. And please don't say "Putin was sending a message!" because this is equally retarded. What message? "We can assassinate an obese ex-spy who we don't like very much!" K, dats cool i gues

My guess is a false-flag operation committed by CIA/MI6/Mossad to gin up public support for a future conflict with Russia.

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The moment news breaks that gives the public a pretext to break the tension and turn away from the mainstream lies, they are going to flip in droves. You're sickening everyone. Everyone is already disgusted, and they don't even know what you are yet. It's going to end so suddenly and catastrophically for you.

That blackie looks like a happy negro version of Adolf Hitler at 0:03.

>But on Sup Forums, half of threads right now are UK hate threads
The UK regime are trying to genocide their own people, and you pretend that we should care about Russia?

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This. Not our fault that the UK decided it no longer wants to be a 1st world country.

I love shitting on the uk like every other user but the sudden amount of UK hate threads are indeed suspicious

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yeah whatever, bong, not our fault you decided to go full retard. You're traitors to the western world.

A is capitalism > utilize the most
B is fascism > create the most
C is communism > take the most