White men are cowards, muslim men should lead the west

As a muslim man, I find it disturbing that white men cant admit to their own women that they want them to be submissive and feminine, and must go to foreign women to get what they want. You call yourself the so called the "master race", yet you cant even muster the courage to confront you own women and tell them enough is enough?

This is causing problems from low birth rates and marriage rates, to explosions in single motherhood and broken families, which are all destroying your society.

Perhaps a muslim takeover is necessary to save you from yourselves?

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Other urls found in this thread:


We have muslims here. They're inbred and live off gibs me dats welfare.

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arabs and muslims have all the resources they need to rule the world except for one thing, intelligence.

>Muslims should lead white countries.
They will in time.

your aboriginals are stupid regardless of their religion

lebanese rats dont represent all muslim. And im sure as more white male converts come to Islam, theyll be capable of leading the muslim world and the west,

whcih is why we are in the process of converting disillusioned white men into Islam. This is going to be the fall of Rome 2.0. Righteous White men will be our weapon.

You think you'll take over, but you're women will get a taste of Feminism and then cuck you too. Islam ultimately will be destroyed in the next 1-3 decades.

It will resemble LGBT Christianity. We are seeing the last throws of Islam right now.

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You know you're going to own Europe without making these threads, why not spend time doing something you love, like goat fucking?

> white men are cowards
> Muslim men leave their own family to die in wars and poverty
top kek

Why is Islam such an utter failure in uprooting degenerate lust of drugs, whores and homosexual relationships around the globe?

The Land of the Two Holy Mosques is ruled by homosexuality embracing pussybois! And Ummah is bowing to their will and vision of Islam, how can you call Ummah masculine?
What "based" is there about lowering Western IQ levels via inbreeding according to Islamic tradition of marriages?
Why the fuck are Islamic governments in Afgan and Pakilands even giving a pass for raping and enslaving pre-teen and teen age boys?
Why do Gulf Arabs still continue enslaving their own brothers-in-faith from foreign lands and rape their sisters-in-faith when they come to work in their lands?

Also: Why are Muslims liars and heretics?
How can you claim that Koran is pure, uncorrupted and full word of God that is perfect, if you couldn't know how to pray to God without corrupted words of men (=Hadiths)?
Why was such crucial piece of information left out of "perfection" that is word of God?
Why do you compare corrupted words of men (=Hadiths) to "perfection" of Koran?
Why is it required in order to receive the full grace of God???
Why can't you receive full salvation and grace of God with faith on Koran solely, like Quranists believe?
Why do you believe his bullshit stories of him flying into heaven on back of a unicorn and camel piss being medicine?

guy in pic is propably afghan

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Artificial wombs and sexbots will solve the woman problem

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Inbred goat fucker faggots should come and take it then

Feminism can only survive in nations with a welfare state, perhaps the UAE will fold, but i doubt the muslim world, which largely believes in small government will succumb to feminism. Feminism is like a parasite when it comes to state resources. Muslim nations will only develop after the west falls as a result of feminism and globalism. Our current levels of poverty is a blessing in disguise.

nah, hes a famous white convert. People like him will be leading the muslim world, and convincing disheveled disillusioned white men to join us.

Answer my questions you useless nigger


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>As a muslim man
You mean white autistic retard ?

by the time we have the technology to have artificial wombs that doesnt create mutants, the roastie problem would have already destroyed your society with low birth rates, fatherlessness and beta uprisings. You are wishing for a miracle. Join Islam and you can solve the roastie problem by tomorrow

Christ-user here how do I convert to Islam?
When the UK finally capitulates to Islam I want to be on the right side of history. Do I need to visit my local mosque or can I practice at home without visiting a mosque?

famous for being a white traitor and thats basically it. if he was brown like all of you he wouldn't make any headlines.

people like him will be the first to die.

visit your local mosque. We are always welcoming to new recruits.

There's truth to that, but these things seem to happen in cycles.
Islam ironically only can survive as long as poverty is a thing in most Islamic countries. Otherwise a welfare state will creep in, and women will be given rights like clockwork.

The only way out of this cycle is through the artificial womb and sex robots.

Islam isn't really needed under this scenario since Patriarchy can be restored once Beta Males get their dicks wet without having to submit to Feminist women just to get their Penis touched.

Christianity was just as Patriarchical as Islam is today, but success and wealth corrupted and destroyed it. This will inevitably bleed out it Islamic regions, which is why you must understand Islam isn't a long lasting solution, but technology (sex robots) is.

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>I find it disturbing that white men cant admit to their own women that they want them to be submissive and feminine
this tbqh.
betas are letting us down boys.

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everytime whites become muslims they end up ruling over non white muslims

Is there a ritual or do they just take my word as my conviction?

an intelligent person would have to be born muslim, not a convert. those you converting are the bottom of the intelligence pool of white people. there was a good chance doing that with the asian instead but china is cracking down hard on muslims, i think we are finished, its over.

beta cucked men will do anything to get that pussy, i see it all the time here, its so sad and girls live in their own bubbles reinforced by these cucked men. Once they see the pussy is not worth it or they aint getting their fill they drop that shit right away.

For all the hate Muslims have for Jews, it’s funny watching them come to the west and gobble up that jew media like the best of goys.

Real manly there, akmeds.

why did islam work out during the golden age of islam when they were the riches most civilized in the world? Its a poverty religion now, but back then it attracted people because it was the religion of wealth and prosperity

This is a wise post, OP. It's about time that Sup Forums was taken over by conservative Muslims. They're the least degenerate and most pure-living people you can ever find.

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Yeah the white man does have his problems I agree 100% as a Hindu Aryan. The white man is pathetic I'm embarrassed for him, then all these kids come up and act like they have something to be proud of because they're white and I think to myself they must be not paying attention in America

theres a large pool of unsatisfied crypto conservtive geeky beta males though. We can first embrace the dullards, and hopefully, as Islam becomes a clear choice for men, we will get more of those in the top end of the bell curve. Itll take time, but im convinced the moral rot in the west is going to make islam attractive to men who dont believe constant hedonism will give them meaning in life ei responsible men.

Yeah ultimately it's not the female feminists who are the problem, but the cucked male feminists.

Women literally can't do shit if men collectively just say "no".

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I suppose you can try, but don't say we didn't warn you when your descendants become as nihilistic and self destructive as the current Europeans.

European soil is cursed and best left alone.

suicide is your answer

Muslim is not a race.

i understand, but i strongly believe this is unsustainable. Islam will survive long enough for it to be a legitimate choice after the west falls.

>muslims saying isis is bad
so the parts of the quran saying to behead all non believers is just a troll bro???

Reminder, Islam is everything Sup Forums WISHES they were, and Islam is the religion of the strongest that Sup Forums loves to preach about. Get cucked, the world is now Islam, Europe is now Islam.

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Since they conquered a lot militarily and could afford/attract the best artisans, scientists, and so forth to the expanding empire.

There's only so much they could expand militarily so that was a short lived thing.

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In the modern age, islams only place is jihad and violence, what can islam add to the world now that is missing except for violence? Spirituality? Is that what people are looking for? Thats not a differentiating quality. I think people are looking for order, but islam doesnt have order just look aat the middle east! islam leaves too much to interpretation, you need changes and unity to back it. I think converting euros is harder than convincing arabs and muslims to be smart about their religion.

>so the parts of the quran saying to behead all non believers is just a troll bro???
Yeah, that part is just trolling people like you, user. How does it feel being trolled so easily?

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Youre thinking about wahabhism which was imported from the harsh deserts of Saudi Arabia. I believe Sufism will solve some of these problems.

>How does it feel being trolled so easily?
xD you sure told me!!!

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>that picture
It's like a different world

thats what weve been telling you all along

Arabs and turks act femalised. They attack in groups they are cowards, it will never be a mans religion because even your man are femble woman without wombs. Halfcreatures without a purpose, forever seeking a gang to protect them.
A true man allway stands alone

the middle east being muslim, rich and important wasnt short-lived, it lasted nearly 1000 years before it all came down.

>uneducated backwards violent scum should lead the west into another dark age
OP has 0 brain activity.

lol there's gay, then there's this.

i agree that some of these problems need to be solved, like banning or disincentivising cousin marriages. But most of the things youve listed are cultural problems. Im not an ideolugue and i only believe in Islam as a guard against civilization destroying degeneracy and nihilism, which is why i believe in Sufism

Golden age was due to conquest of the Indoeuropean Persians. The selective pressures their Siberian progenitors (see origin of Yamnaya culture) were subject to had selected for traits like better visuo-spatial ability (a hunting adaption intially but very useful in toolmaking and later science). Mesopotamian cultures in contrast were subject to a loss of selective pressures with the advent of agriculture ... this led to a general genetic decline (which we now also experience in the 'West' due to modern society). Only saving grace of the Indoeuropeans was their direct transition from hunter-gatherer to semi-nomadic pastoralist, helping them retain more beneficial genetic traits.

>They attack in groups
all non whites do, thats why were losing.

True dat, we dont have heroic men who stand alone. its always power in groups, they have no mind of their own (han solo quote)

Well after watching videos from burgerland of their feminist courts where men who can't afford to pay alimoney are jailed by female judges and the guards are women too I can't argue with you. I even watched a video from 'merica where a schizophrenic man is stripped naked in front of female cops, tied to a chair and literally left to die, you can bet they'd never let male cops around a female prisoner who'd been stripped naked. Sissy white "men" brought institutional feminism to the west and at least in western Europe you Mohammedans are going to remove it, burgers and leafs on the other hand are gona be under full blown matriachies in the future.

You know you are protected by the state right? the moment it is fair game we will fucking end the lot of you.

muttskins are cowards
why else would they rather flee to jewish countries like little girls and adapting to jewish customs than free their own territories. Removing muslims from the global meme pool and African and Arab from the global gene pool is crucial if humanity would like to ever touch the stars

Yes Islam might become the sole religion on Europe eventually, but it will be a watered down and twisted version of it. Europeans have a great way to ruin anything good in the long run.

Europe is like Sodom and Gomorrah, a sinful place to avoid.

If Islam is so great why are Middle Eastern countries total shitholes?

You're utterly naive. Muslims in the west are getting more devout with each generation that passes. What you said is the complete opposite of the truth.

Why is Islam such an utter failure in uprooting degenerate lust of drugs, whores and homosexual relationships around the globe?

The Land of the Two Holy Mosques is ruled by homosexuality embracing pussybois! And Ummah is bowing to their will and vision of Islam, how can you call Ummah masculine?
What "based" is there about lowering Western IQ levels via inbreeding according to Islamic tradition of marriages?
Why the fuck are Islamic governments in Afgan and Pakilands even giving a pass for raping and enslaving pre-teen and teen age boys?
Why do Gulf Arabs still continue enslaving their own brothers-in-faith from foreign lands and rape their sisters-in-faith when they come to work in their lands?

Also: Why are Muslims liars and heretics?
How can you claim that Koran is pure, uncorrupted and full word of God that is perfect, if you couldn't know how to pray to God without corrupted words of men (=Hadiths)?
Why was such crucial piece of information left out of "perfection" that is word of God?
Why do you compare corrupted words of men (=Hadiths) to "perfection" of Koran?
Why is it required in order to receive the full grace of God???
Why can't you receive full salvation and grace of God with faith on Koran solely, like Quranists believe?
Why do you believe his bullshit stories of him flying into heaven on back of a unicorn and camel piss being medicine?

Urban and suburban white men are cowards. But trust me I've met entire towns of country white men that you don't want to go there and be disrespectful because theyll kill you and like it. The great thing is theyre all extremely nice and funny until you fuck them over

Ill tell you something. The average Arab is an insecure overcompensating man, constantly trying to hide his complex towards whites by behaving in such thugish ways. Im not Arab, and I dont like them for the same reason. But this has more to do with their sense of masculinity being destroyed by western interventions in their countries and being the laughing stock of the muslim world, than merely because theyre muslim. The average Arab hates humself and covers all the hate with a macho facade

>xD you sure told me!!!

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Sidenote theyre all expert gun operators. One old man I know was the TX state shotgun champ for like 6 years in a row and traveled America doing exhibitions and competitions

You didn't answer my questions on Islam's theological fallacies.
You can thank Gulf niggers and their money for these problems, they will not go away but will get only stronger.

Is that what you tell yourself to make yourself sleep soundly at night. I live in a muslim country and got into numerous fights. They were okay , violent and shit but make no mistake. You guys are pussies , quick to run or disengage. The west on the other hand is harder to anger but they fight inhumanely. I saw this first hand when I went to Netherlands and UK. You guys are like angry pack of wolves, bark alot but never really follow through. If you guys were ever in a real fight , you wouldnt be looking forward to the next one. Faggots

The problem with the West is that the Nazis went East instead. Our problems are as always the eternal Jew and so long as power and wealth reside in the West so will the Jews.

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I had one arab and his black friend trying to talk shit. I bitch slapped him and he didnt explode. Wtf is wrong with muslims nowdays?

the arab man is being raped going on for two centuries now. Arabs are stupid as fuck, they are overly sentimental and can only be motivated by pure emotion.

The cousin marriage might be a genetic adaption to cultural practices optimized to keep possessions and land rights 'within the family'. Usually there is a strongly ingrained barrier against mating with close relatives (based mostly on smell, the skin bacteria your particular immune system tolerates produce a signature spur telling you whether a possible mate is genetically distant enough). Only explanation I may find is that these mechanisms have been selected against due to cultural reasons ... a shift in reproductive strategy.

The problem of the West is btw the same that the old Mesopotamian agriculturalists did suffer ... in a society lacking harsh selection on the individual level and where reproduction follows a planned economy style due to societal rules reproduction will inevitably shift towards high fecundity and away from high quality progeny. This decline can only be stopped by mercilessly culling the weak. Neither your nor our culture do live up to these standards. Compassion is as worthless as strict adherence to a creed. Both allow the inadequate to prosper, ultimately leading to a population's decline.

>the LARPinator doesn't understand sarcasm
el oh el

Amerimutts and Israel

yeahnah, only those who have no honour of hard work and have to live off of Saudi/Qatari money do.
Rest of them who are productive fall on the lazy man' spirituality as is the case in France and Sweden.

Practical society of Western countries is better incentive with dream life style to be lived compared to Islamic countries shit holes and corruption and failure of education.

>I saw this first hand when I went to Netherlands and UK. You guys are like angry pack of wolves, bark alot but never really follow through. If you guys were ever in a real fight , you wouldnt be looking forward to the next one. Faggot

thats an eastern quality, i think asians are also like this. its the difference between west and east.

>They attack in groups they are cowards

Look at this fucking cuck. There are people fighting right now in the middle east AGAINST THE US ARMY with improvised weapons and pipe rocket launchers, and standing their ground.

You're also forgetting about that solo Muslim terrorist who ran around London in BROAD DAYLIGHT with nothing but a knife on hand, even had the goddamn fucking balls to charge at a police officer with it who was wielding a gun.

Nah dude, Whites are the true pansies. You have been cucked by years of conformity and liberalism. Get ready to be HASHISHED.

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>not all muslims
Get bent, goatfucker.

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This Copt knows his shit

Noted and saged

Niggers getting shot in Italy right now what are you going to do about it cuckold.

The problem is faggot boomer globalist "men" who're handing over positions of power to feminist wamyn and passing laws to cater to them.

Who told you thats the reason for devorces? Just because in many Muslim communitys the woman are forced to stay does not mean that it is a successful marriage. The reason why western marriages often split is because they do not fear getting stoned for it. It is absolutely autistic to say that we should dominate women to have better marriages.

I guess, niggers and kurds are also like this. They start coming out of woodwork like ants when they realize they are gonna get their shit kicked in

>y-you're forgetting about the crazy ones that attack with weapons
kek are you actually retarded? serious question btw

I'm a nominally secular Muslim but this is what I was telling thee 1488 larpers long ago. You cannot call yourself a man when you have no balls put your woman in her place when needed. Granted, a western roastie will call the police and have you jailed but a muslim woman will respect you for it.

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> a muslim woman will respect you for it.
top kek
Nah lad, you're ignoring the reality that as Muslims are violent tribal niggers who have to murder their own family members for such acts as calling police to arrest a drunken Muslim husband hitting his wife, Muslim women are afraid of their live ans search to marry a white man instead every time.

>Muslim men have women in such a stranglehold that their women consider a beating from their husbands as a """blessing""" than a punishment.


I don't know how you guys do it, but you guys really are the men of today unlike fucking cucks like this chucklefuck

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Fear and respect are one in the same my proud christcuck friend.

Here we have an example of why feminism is worst than pisslam.

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You niggers are living in wrong country then, because thanks to welfare network, fear of fist is already subdued.
I ought you Muslims would be better and more cunning than niggers, but guess you're equal to them if you can't do it via financial and blackmail means

>Fear and respect are one in the same
so if you have respect for your frail old mother its because you "fear" her?

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> Muslim men
> masculine

instead drink camel piss, marry your cousin, use yours bare hands has toilet paper

As a White American Male I found it disgusting that you Muzzies fuck goats! Yeah,master race my ass! Nice try though goat fucker!

i think you replied to the wrong user, user.

Who asked you reply to my post you fucking turd. Go back to your corner like a pansy you white shitstain.

As opposed to whom? Sheepshaggers you dumb fuck?

The problem happened when we gave women the right to vote like 100 years ago.
Everything else, like 99% of the West's problems are a direct result of that.

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Looks like I got a rise outta the animal lover huh? LMAO

>White men are cowards
>Post a Aryan muslim

Get out retard faggot