Are microplastics a meme designed to make me buy fluids in more expensive glass containers? What brand of bottled water is best. Any bottles that can be closed and opened after use? Tin caps leak after first use. I've heard that FCC doesn't regulate water.
Are microplastics a meme designed to make me buy fluids in more expensive glass containers...
i love that drink, we dont get it here
Why would the FCC regulate water?
microplastics come from facial scrubs and other such beauty products, not from plastic bottles.
Because they stopped putting Radio waves into water in the 1934. Since then the Federal Communications Commission has had nothing to do with water.
How long before they find out that the smaller nano size plastic particles enter the bloodstream and lodge in the smallest capillaries in the brain and organs and cause problems?
...grape apple juice?
When I was a kid drinks came in glass bottles, you could get money back on glass bottles & they were recyclable/reusable.
Why this stopped I have no idea?
Also for oldboys like me, is there anyway to get around this bloody capcha picture crap?
I am getting sick of wading through clicking pictures of fucking cars six times in a row..
How come they only found it in water?
Buy a water filter.
pomegranate you fucking leaf
Noah's brand water is only water in aluminum can. Zero fluoride content. It is the best. Bottled in Modesto CA tho so shipping will be rough
"The debris could be coming from water sources, from the manufacturing or bottling processes, or even from opening bottle caps, which might cause plastic chips to fall into drinks."
So they don't know where it's coming from. so it could easily be the source of the water and not the bottles themselves.
Easy way to test. Get water you know has no microplastics in it, pour it into bottle. if the bottle shows no microplastics after spending time in the bottle then you know that it must have come from the source of the water.
Pay for a 4chin subscription/gold account or whatever it is, otherwise you're stuck doing captcha
Oy m8 no captcha pass 4 u cuz you might be a robot
1. buy a Sup Forums pass
2. 4chanx to get slightly less frustrating captcha
3. if you get a stupid shitty long ass captcha hit post, it'll say the captcha failed and give you a new captcha 9/10 times the new one solves faster than like the shitty click 3 cars wait for shit to fade in for 15 seconds click more cars bullshit captcha
Also this, and buy bottled water in glass whenever money permits
>aluminum can
Then you get poisoned with fucking aluminum
my favorite fruit of all time, i blend the seeds and then filter so im getting pure juice of it. amazing
What if they're suddenly announcing there's loads of plastic in bottled water to get people to drink what they put in the tap water? What if they're putting compliance boosters in the water supply in anticipation of war with Russia?
>throwing away all fiber
>digest 100% sugar
We used to be able to type words in, why did they ever remove that feature?
Aluminum doesn't dissolve into water m8, you can boil water in that can
buy a ceramic filter and one of pic related
What if bottled water actually is tap water with even more shit in it?
No idea m8. The current captcha style is absolute shit but they haven't broken me yet.
Just buy drinks that come in a can. The aluminum makes things taste way better anyway.
glass bottles are more often fizzier but also
you shouldn't drink soda so regularly that you want
it as cheap as possible
In South Africa it's green coloured.
Yes legacy captcha is kill.
Now we have to work for google like fucking Indians.
Google isn't interested in outsourcing teaching their neural networks about words anymore. Now they want to teach them to recognize objects/images.
Is this a soft drink?
It's their self driving car AI that we are working for. each time you solve a captcha you give the AI a better interpretation of the environments we live in. Signs... cars... store fronts... door numbers... we are unironically helping jewgle develop AI that will eventually replace our jobs.
How many times does it need to recognise the same picture of cars, or a bridge?
Jesus Christ you actually drink this catpiss? I've tasted 3 variants of this and all had a horrible taste.
If I understood correctly the micro plastic originates from the plastic cap.
Not from the bottle.
So a glass bottle with plastic cap would be just as contaminated.
Plastic is cancer manifest.
It is the a physical embodyment of globalist greed.
Its cheap rubbish that lasts forever, breaks down into tiny particles in the ocean that is consumed by aquatic micro-organisms, and once it is in the food chain it will make its way all the way up to humans. It makes our flesh toxic.
Plastic is the enabler of the 'disposable' meme. Things shouldn't be purchased, used once and thrown into the trash (with a few exceptions) just to keep you buying more and more and more. Plastic packaging should be globally outlawed just like chlorofluorocarbons.
Plastic is also a major enabler of planned obsolescence, another jewish ploy to keep you working long hours for cheap crap products.
Its not just the 1, its literally 1000s of different AI programs, all slightly different.
We are helping them make self driving cars for free.
micro plastics are generated by the natural abrasion process of sea water, thats not going to happen in a bottle.
If you release glass bottles into the ocean, by the time they reach another shore, they will be smashed up into small smooth rounded pieces due to the constant relentless kinetic energy of the ocean. Plastics (including bottles) will continuously break into smaller and smaller parts as they collide with rocks and sediment untill they are microscopic.
You mean the FDA?
Stupid american
You could train millions of AI programs using the same data set.
Shit is retarded and probably just a way for Google to make the masses more compliant.
there are some insects and bacteria that can eat certain plastics. there is hope that maybe one day a genetically modified single cell organism that wouldn't effect marine life could clean up the mess. that's our only hope at the minute.
"The caterpillar of G. mellonella has attracted interest for its ability to eat and digest polyethylene plastic. In laboratory experiments with G. mellonella caterpillars, about 100 caterpillars consumed 92 milligrams of a polyethylene-plastic shopping bag over the course of 12 hours.The moth's larvae break down polyethylene to ethylene glycol and a mass loss of 13% polyethylene over 14 hours has been documented in polyethylene films. Another closely related species of waxworm, Plodia interpunctella, has been the subject of research which isolated two strains of bacteria from its gut, Enterobacter asburiae and Bacillus species which have been demonstrated as capable of growing on and decomposing polyethylene plastic in a laboratory setting."
Mealworms can eat styrophoam.
There are still plenty of places where you can recycle bottles, at least in the more liberal US state. It's not like the really old, thick glass bottles they used to make, now bottles and cans are crushed-up on site and you get about 5 cents per bottle.
yes there are options. the biggest issue is trying not to fuck up entire ecosystems while trying to clean up a mess and inadvertently make an even bigger mess.
Disposable pastic packaging needs to stop ASAP. I saw my housemate eat a chicken wrap ready meal kit last night, a clear plastic carton and inside a plastic tub of sour cream, a plastic bag with tortilla wraps, a plastic bag with grated cheese and another plastic bag with chicken strips. All that plastic has to go to landfill for just one meal, because people are to lazy and degenerate to cook properly.
When future generations ask why our oceans are barren the only answer we'll have for them is that we were lazy and shit.
You sound like a fucking cuck.
Just convince humans in Europe to eat mealworms and mealworm farms will deal with plastics.
what the fuck kind of conspiracy is this?
'Brainwashing' people by having them click pictures of cars and bridges?
This captchas are to train their AI programs, most notable their self driving cars, having real humans validate the AIs guesses helps determine which AI is better for the next round of training.
Captcha is nothing more than AI training en mass.
No I just prefer things that are supposed to last like childrens toys to be built from materials that dont break or snap after 2 days, and things that are used for disposable products to actually be disposable and not permenantly toxic.
Dolphins on your east coast are washing up dead with bellies full of plastic, their calfs are dying because their mothers milk is toxic with plastic. Its only a matter of time before fish isn't safe for us to consume any more.
There is a floating garbage patch the size of texas in the pacific.
you faggots obviously don't know about FRESH TAP
This. It's peak accelerationism. Thanks to it even the Loli threads finally have a purpose
I don't know that meme and I'm on Sup Forums 24/7. What is this shit?