How are people not talking about this?
How are people not talking about this?
You are late to the big party, pal.
They got DNS hijacked.
no one here uses crunchyroll
That's a super feelsbad
>He missed the super fun threads
>people pay for this
They were talking about you fucking retard. There is an archive you could check from the catalog.
And who gives a shit about crunchyroll, kys yourself
>2017 Sup Forums
>no one uses crunchyroll
this isn't 2010 anymore grandpa
You think /m/ had enough of CR's propaganda of calling IBO decent?
>remembers they licensed Ultraman and /m/ likes that
>people talk like this irl
>he lives outside of north america and wasn't sleeping
Keep repeating that to yourself.
>Sup Forums
IRC squad?
Actually, most of Sup Forums uses Crunchyroll.
We're pro-supporting the industry.
>Being this slowpoke
Don't you fucking lie to me
If you were "pro-supporting" the industry you'd be in the buyfag thread rather than paying for Crunchyroll.
Most worthwhile shows (older anime especially) are not on CR. CR videos are inferior to BD-quality, or even to Amazon rips. It makes no logical sense to use it if you actually watch anime and care about quality.
You missed the massive fucking thread on it whilst shit was actually going down. I feel bad for you.
fucking leave
fucking leave
fucking leave
>tfw missed the shitstorm
any link to the archive?
I thought Horriblesubs only used Crunchyroll and the 99.99% of Sup Forums uses Horriblesubs.
Go fucking find it yourself.
this, people like to conveniently forget that and still feel superior about torrenting instead
Search for it yourself you lazy faggot.
so far only 5 AV from virus total detects it.
The difference using CR rips != using CR. Streamfags were the only ones to be susceptible to a DNS hijack.
>watching anime
>caring about quality
I want to make a cute virus.
>using windows
like most people?
I use Windows but even I don't justify it with "everyone uses it so I can use it too". At least say that you're just too fucking lazy to bother changing when Windows does its job.
Most people on Sup Forums use an anime OS, which is a Linux-based distro. Everyone who doesn't is probably Sup Forums, not Sup Forums.
t. install gentoo guy
>no subs today
That's Sup Forums
nu-Sup Forums does.
Did you know you can buy stuff on crunchyroll?
Yeah, but you'd have to be an idiot to pay more and wait longer for the same thing.
Yeah but it doesnt support CR in anyway
In linuxcucks' wet dreams maybe.
wow fucking based
Mods delete it on site. Streaming sites not allowed to be talked about because the majority of people here are poorfags with no friends.
>Streaming sites not allowed to be talked about because the majority of people here are poorfags with no friends.
slowpoke.exe (not a virus)
I mean he's not wrong, unless your parents happen to be rich
>In linuxcucks' wet dreams maybe.
how much does cr cost?
>tfw the only reason I don't use AB for currently airing anime is because you get an email for every episode that gets deleted in favor for a batch torrent
Seriously AB staff. Get your ass on that.
mods are being mods
double standart as usual, they let "O my.. " thread, but deletes the other
But they didnt delete those three threads.
Link? I can only find one. It's 700+ replies
most people on Sup Forums use phones and most phone users on Sup Forums use the latest ishit
I would use Linux if I had a boyfriend.
>Please DO NOT access our website at the current time.
How about don't access it at any time?
Lurk for 2 years before posting.
If I was rich or poor I'd still choose the highest quality option.
>not using the superior streaming sites
most of Sup Forums uses KM, newfag.
pirate sites usually give viruses to people right? this is no surprise
I know someone probably already made this joke just woke up
Is that Jewcob?
This can't be fucking serious.
I'm always serious when it comes to my hobbies
I wish.
Pretty sure you don't even get emails anymore, they got rid of that like last year (and you could disable it you retard).
Are you for real?
Daiz is Sup Forums's Aizen
Kill yourselves redditors
>using windows
Is Horriblesubs affected or not? cause they rip from crunchy
Well most people here probablly use Hobbie Subs which are direct rips from crunchyroll so most of Sup Forums indirectly uses crunchyroll because they killed fansubbing.
Wow, antisemitic much.
Not sure if you're joking, but no, it was a DNS hijack, which means someone took over the domain name. None of the data is affected whatsoever.
>not using Sup Forums and Reddit in 2017
It's like you don't want the full experience
I wish CR died.
Its one of those along with netflix who is trying hard to make anime appealing to normalfags.
>xD us weeb right bro waifu ftw!!!
It cant be stopped.
Loli threads died for this.
Thanks ABIB.
No one cares pedo
Anyone with half a brain can clearly see it's sarcasm.
Stop being an EOP and learn moon runes, alternatively if you aren't retarded and learned some other languages while growing up then try looking for fansubs in those languages.
You're over exaggerating it with that idiotic greentext.
But fansub is dead.
CR is only one source subs without any delays. I don't wanna epeen races again
the normalcy of anime is inevitable
just look at supreme's latest release
I use Crunchyroll because I like to have access to a variety of shows mainly on mobile devices and at any time.
jaysus, how can you even get dns hijacked in this day and age
Just imagine what would have happened if the DNS hijacking kept lasting till Dragon Ball Super airing time.
>EOP pretending to know JOP
host your own, pleb
>You're over exaggerating it with that idiotic greentext.
Am I?
Fansub died exactly because of CR but with Netflix in the game there is a chance for them to comeback.
Fansub is dead precisely because of CR. If all simulsubbing groups went away, fansubs would eventually come back.
forgot to quote
>Learn moon
>Learn a language that adds next to no value to your potential earnings
No thanks I'm learning German.
I unironically have a CR+Funi subscription.
>there is a chance for them to comeback.
I don't want their comeback. I need subs fast as possible. I'm above fanbase war
I have no clue, I was surprised to see it happened.
>being retarded
>pretending you have value
Come on now
3 languages and in the process of learning moonrunes, what's your excuse user?
>anglosphere thinks the world revolves around them
You are unironically retarded.