The Muslim Immigrants Question

I have been lurking in here for some time now and I have seen that most of Sup Forums's grievances against Islam arise from the fact that a lot of foreign Muslims have emigrated to their home countries and carried out various crimes. This is a natural and totally legitimate reason to be outraged at and anyone who justifies such behavior is devoid of reason and common human decency.

As for these immigrants, some matters must be clarified. Since Islam prohibits Muslims to immigrate to the lands of non-believers(pic related) and encourages Muslims stranded in the lands of Kufr to migrate to Muslim lands, why do these so called Muslims migrate there? General impression in Sup Forums is that they are there to take over their countries and establish Sharia Law there through a demographic warfare of some sorts. This would imply a religious motive to the purpose of these immigrants' migration. But if we take into consideration the behavior of most immigrants, the evidence overwhelmingly proves that to be wrong. Their motives very clearly seem to be materialistic and worldly. What we also see is that these immigrants indulge in all activities that are explicitly prohibited in Islam. They consume alcohol and other drugs, they involve themselves in crime, they fornicate and in some cases become murderers.

In short, the people immigrating to Western countries from Muslim countries do so at great costs and in open defiance of Islamic teachings in the hopes of a dream of leisurely life free from all religious constraints that is shown to them through the glamorous portrayal of life in the West in the Hollywood movies. And since this proves the claim of religious motives behind the immigrant question, why is there still so much material on Sup Forums which gives air to such notion? And who is behind the making and distribution of this material? That is my question to you today Sup Forums.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This ain't your blog mohammed


Further explaining the position of Islam on the question of Muslim immigration to non-Muslim countries.

Fuck off. Muslims are just cowards running away from their corrupt administration to suck the dicks of other corrupt administration. Death to all muslim, worldwide

fucking kys you subhuman mudslime

That's wrong, the reason is and has always been Jihad. It's not as if this is a new phenomenon.

It couldn't be done without some explanation. But I guess people here have gotten used to shill slide threads.

What is so hard to understand about changing your own country instead of running away like cowards, as muttskins do

Are you an American soldier larping?

Many Muslims are still living in their own countries and going through life and many are still fighting to solve the problems. You mentioned corruption which is strictly forbidden by Islam and promises hell to anyone who indulges in its practice.

Yes those so called Muslims are cowards and abhorrent who left not only their homelands but also defied their religion. But a person of reason, who want to attack an ideology, would do so by arguing against the principles of that ideology and not the actions of some of its followers.

Can you provide any evidence to your claim?
Looking at the general behavior of most immigrants, its clearly not Jihad and is in open conflict with the Islamic teachings.

you have to go back.
all of you.

>Impying the Quran doesn't dictates that Muslims shouldn't wage civilizational jihad
Muhammed himself settled non Muslim areas.
Are u telling me that Muhammed was a shitty Muslim now?

Abrogation absolves all those sins in later stages in the Jihad against non-believers.

That word doesnt mean what you think it means. Frankly if your now Jwoke your not gonna undertsand what the fuck is happening in the world for the past 150 years.

I agree. Islam agrees. But the point of this thread is to clarify the Immigrants Question and also the efforts of some people here to pin the problem on Islam by creating sophisticated content that is clearly against the facts.

Explain Lebanon? in recent history it was a predominantly Christian country until they allowed Muslims in.

Islam is an ideology of conquest so it's not about migrating.

Facts of the Quran doesn't mean anything if the next step in abrogation dictates otherwise.

(((divide and conquer))). sandniggers that stay in sandnigger land are alright by me. (((they))) want to force the west to fight islam to give israel an excuse to deal with the rising demographic problems they have in israel.


Go back to the ME and invade Israel. Then we can talk.

Lebanon is a good example of western europe's future.
It's not violent jihad, but demographical jihad.

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This pic disproves every thing mr. Afghan kiddie fiddler says.

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>Muhammed himself settled non Muslim areas.
Muhammad (S.A.W) was a Prophet of God. He brought to the world a new religion. Those times can't be applied to the current situation and the topic at hand.

And I'd like you to show me a quote from Quran that orders Muslims to wage war by settling in non-Muslim lands. I have already provided a quote which explicitly prohibits Muslims from doing so.

Is Sharia not a part of the Quran?
"They see themselves as acting within the shariah legal tradition by issuing adawa, or call to conversion. Shariah law jurists since the 8thcentury have held that thedawais mandatory before violent jihad can occur"

Thank God someone remembers this, there is also Kosovo, the crown jewel of Serbia, funny how it’s in sandnigger hands.
Mohammadians gonna lie, cheat, and steal their way into taking over the world. Fuck every single mohammadian, I hope they, and op, get beheaded by a Buddhist.

You can't prove that from any Islamic authority. Islam doesn't allow its followers to sin with the intent of repentance or the hopes of abrogation.

Nowhere have I denied Jihad. I am a firm believer in Jihad and fight against non-Muslims. But the point of this thread is to figure out why the question of immigration is purposefully steered in a manner that is evidently false and for what ends? And who is behind this?

>"The final objective of civilization jihad is the same as that of violent jihad. The objective is to bring the non-Muslim world under the rule of Islam.

In Islam, this is described as the subjugation of theDar al-Harb, or ‘House of War,’ to shariah law. Once a part of the world submits to shariah, it is said to belong to theDar al-Islam, the ‘House of Islam.’"

na, your memepool is pure cancer, not to talk about the muslim genepool. If humanity will ever like to touch the stars a genocide and memocide of muslim is necessary

He's probably not. If you post from your base, the post shows up as American. Not sure why.

What's a more reliable source; a religious text or real history and events?

Again I ask you to explain Lebanon? there was no armed takeover just the importation of Muslims who Lebanese people thought the were saving.

The culture difference is irrelevant when the aim is to subvert the culture.

They come for the gibs, no shit

Only reason the sins are not absolved because of Abrogation is because the Muslim community is not ready for the next stage of jihad which is violent jihad.

Can you explain what you mean by "allowed Muslims in"?

As far as I know, the people there shared a country and one happened to breed more than the other. For which there can be various reasons. But it still doesn't imply a manifest intent of one demographic to subjugate the other through numbers as a form of Jihad.

This post is unironically based. Large-scale radical Islam from immigrants is a fairly recent phenomenon, at least in the Netherlands. Muslim immigrants adopted the street culture already present here, and became a part of the thug problem. The main concern is that we expected them to behave as Polish and Italian immigrants, and leave after they had made enough money, but instead they stayed, got brides from their homecountry, and started breeding like rabbits. That is why the Muslim problem overshadows the other immigration issues.

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>And who is behind the making and distribution of this material? That is my question to you today Sup Forums.

isreal and russia?

Whether there initial motive is to change the culture and religious nature of their destination countries or not is irrelivant. They come from shithole countries and want a slice of the wealth the West has created by not being a bunch of backwards sand-niggers, but they want to have their cake and eat it too which is why they then start to build mosques, set up sharia patrol zones etc. They don’t give a shit about the native population who kindly share their wealth and opportunities and refuse to assimilate. Also rapes, terrorism etc. They are true vermin worse than rats, I’d happily trade each Muslim for 1000 rats roaming around our cities. - Bong here.

>the street culture already present here
imported through north african muslim


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Why is Islam such an utter failure in uprooting degenerate lust of drugs, whores and homosexual relationships around the globe?

The Land of the Two Holy Mosques is ruled by homosexuality embracing pussybois! And Ummah is bowing to their will and vision of Islam, how can you call Ummah masculine?
What "based" is there about lowering Western IQ levels via inbreeding according to Islamic tradition of marriages?
Why the fuck are Islamic governments in Afgan and Pakilands even giving a pass for raping and enslaving pre-teen and teen age boys?
Why do Gulf Arabs still continue enslaving their own brothers-in-faith from foreign lands and rape their sisters-in-faith when they come to work in their lands?

Also: Why are Muslims liars and heretics?
How can you claim that Koran is pure, uncorrupted and full word of God that is perfect, if you couldn't know how to pray to God without corrupted words of men (=Hadiths)?
Why was such crucial piece of information left out of "perfection" that is word of God?
Why do you compare corrupted words of men (=Hadiths) to "perfection" of Koran?
Why is it required in order to receive the full grace of God???
Why can't you receive full salvation and grace of God with faith on Koran solely, like Quranists believe?
Why do you believe his bullshit stories of him flying into heaven on back of a unicorn and camel piss being medicine?

I think you have half of the picture my friend.
When muslims come to the UK they are immediately polarised into two categories.

Firstly, the category you already described. They are overwhelmed by the freedom to indulge in the lusts of the flesh in the west, and become rampant degenerate hedonists.

Secondly, and I see this a lot in the UK, they are outraged by how disgusting and immoral our society is. If you attend a British wahabi mosque you will hear this kind of rhetoric a lot. Do not interact with the infidel, he is a degenerate, stay within your own communities, cover your faces, dont talk to them unless necessary, dont be friends with them. The alcoholism, sexual promiscuity, rampant theft and violence among all other problems we have in our big cities will shock any random Ackmed who has just migrated here from durka durka land with the hope of reaching a western paradise. If anything it will double down his belief in Allah as it has essentially proved in an absence of Godliness you get shit, and so I think a lot of muslims become radicallised in West.

That is a theory that ought to be looked into. But my concern is the propagation of the sentiments through sophisticated propaganda material in the modern rightists movements like the alt-right and online boards like Sup Forums that these immigrants are religiously motivated people who are there to wage holy war when in fact they are in clear contradiction to the teachings of Islam. These sentiments are very powerful in such movements and the public speakers of such movements who convey these sentiments have great power over their followers. What do they wish to gain from such motives and are these speakers directed by someone else or not?

Your country protects Israel and have destroyed many countries to safeguard Israel's territorial interests in the region.

>t. jews
OP has a point, and it's well known why this is happening, it's no secret, govs want to bring about police-state like laws to western countries and it's allready happening. Govs LOVE "terrorism" and "uniting the people against a common enemy", there's no real threat, it's all made-up bullshit, even if there's real casualties.

Afghan kiddie fiddler is already ignoring any post that shits on his theory.

They allowed in muslim refugees that no one else would take. Lebanon was a secular society, the reason for the "breed" more than others was a deliberate tactic by muslims to undermine it and ensure only they could win elected office.
Look up the history.

Follow the religion of your ancestors ahmed

Those quotes aren't from someone who is considered an authority on Islam. And if that is the policy of a group, it is still no permitted since it is in direct conflict with the teachings of Islam. There has been debate about this among the scholars and the consensus is that it is not permitted.

would that be Buddhism or Hinduism?
Don't cuck out and say it's Islam, might as well give whole northern India to them

And do you think the immigrants flowing over into Europe right now are there in their capacity as proselytizers? Do you think the gangs in France and Germany who raped were giving a call to conversion?

>And who is behind the making and distribution of this material

(((who))) do you think? Though its not that absurd to perceive it as such as we used to be long standing enemies before the jew took over most of the world wars and conflicts. You received the gift of this board to be able to communicate to us without the jew. So use it more. Most of us are very capable of spotting the jew in written form. And we try to exclude the jew here, but for you there may be a place of discourse if we dont perceive you to be liars like the jews.

Oh man, wait until you see what’s happening in our Universities.

I’ll never forgive what you sandniggers did on 9/11. Go home and rebuild your cities instead of running away like cowards. 0 sympathy.

Good post and on point. Islam is dying in the west, their imams and preachers are weeping as they see the influence of the west slowly overtaking their societies. Women are starting to get bolder, gays are starting to band together to form advocacy groups and their children are consuming western media more and more. Islam won't rule west, the west will warp their cancerous religion until it becomes benign.

No but it strikes fear into the non believers and paralyzes government officials to act in their native people's interest, which Muhammed himself dictated as a means to create conversion among non believers.

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>muslims did 9/11

Explain the lack of Zoroastrians in the modern day world then. How did one of the largest religious groups in the world, for all intents and purposes, vanish from the face of the earth?
Don’t say conversion either, we both know that’s not the correct answer.

Pure deflection. It's not about conversion it's about conquest. Why is sexual enslavement of western women by muslim men so prevalent?

They saw those women as spoils of war.

We already know that most muslims arent religious, they are religious on paper and name.
They go to EU for money, for gibs and stay there to breed among themselves.
They absolutely refuse to speak native, act as natives and hate natives.
They behave like they own the land they settled on,pushing their religion, forbiding natives to live different among them from halal meat to sharia law pushers and muslim patrols on London,Paris etc.
>thats just begining of problem
They bring increased crime,brutality of that crime, instability,they behave like animals and parasites in countries that havent seen that for well over 70 years.
Sup Forums hates islam because its their main privelage card with which they are getting away with all of the above.
Sup Forums hates islam because of radical islam that took over minds of milions of people in different degree who are now miggrating to our lands.
islam is absolute term of everything bad muslims did, same as when you hear Alahu Akbar everytime before someone gets blown up,decapitated,shot,knifed,hanged and used as material to threaten west.

You might be correct about them not adhering to Islam very well but who cares? They certainly see themselves as conquerors regardless.

zoroastrians died out because they had a female leader incapable of doing war. They died out because they were faggot. They had a very defensible territory and they still lost. Srsly what a bunch of fagets

>What was Sassanid Empire

Those outcomes are precisely what the scholars refer to when they explain Islam's position on immigrating to non-Muslim countries. The first group you described is open about their intent to enjoy worldly life and free themselves of religious restraints. The second group has a hypocrisy about them in that they insist on being religious in non-Muslim lands while being constantly in defiance of the teaching of the religion they are so keen on.

But again, you prove my point yet don't answer my question.

islam commands that the entire world be converted or killed.

and we dont often want a white only world through white supremacist? Not just remove the brown flood from the planet lol? Quite many of us like that here who liked that idea lol. Conquest lies in the hearts of most of us here one way or another. Maybe Constantinople, maybe Jerusalem, maybe nuke is only then once you go through the "why do this if we can just choose to ignore one another and just stop it with the subterfuge and wars" one may see who still wants to push for war (its the kikes with their greater israel plan)

>Can you provide any evidence to your claim?
Well, they say it. It's not as if they're hiding it. Erdogan, for example.
In Jihad, stuff that is normally haram (like taking drugs or living in lands of infidels) becomes halal if it helps spreading Islam.

It means a religious war against infidels.

>who is behind this?
Muslims and Jews.

They're already doing violent Jihad.


I believe you. They're just scum and they no doubt rationalize their behavior to suit.

You are posting images whose sources are only known to you. You'd have to prove to us with enough evidence that there is indeed a pre-planned conspiracy on part of Muslim authorities to bring down Western civilization. All Jihads must have a leader. No Muslim is allowed to wage Jihad of his own initiative. Do you think all the immigrants in Europe right now are on a coordinated mission to wage demographic Jihad? If so, you'd have to come with substantial proof otherwise I can't keep on arguing with you about your conspiracy theories.

Shouldn't we have learned our lesson about this shit after colonialism/slavery? All it leads to is a pretext for later guilt trips.

It’s obvious that toppling Libya and Syria were part of a bigger plan. I just don’t understand the notion of importing warlords into one’s country to wreck havoc on the domestic population. How does that benefit anyone? Who benefits once maximum chaos is achieved?

Because you behave like any sort of decision that a muslim makes for material gain is haram, but it isn't. If a good muslim bloke working a a telecomm company in Pakistan accept a promotion for his hard work, is he breaking the rules of Islam simply because he is doing something for material gain? No.
Lots of Muslims come to the UK because they assume the wages are better, the education is better and the healthcare is better, not merely so they can drink and fuck bitches without preprocussion. They come to the UK for career advancement and to earn more money, not necessarily to become complete libertines. And so it is perfectly reasonable to think that whilst they exploit the wests temporary leftist disease of opennes and tolerance for money and social security, they are also planning to bring the UK under Sharia in the long run. A nationwide reputable survey of British mulims proved this years ago.

It's called the Holy Land trial.
FBI seized these documents, you can find them on the internet.

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I'm not sure what you're saying, are you saying that you's submit to Islam as long as we're all white slaves together?

It can be argued that Islamic conquest was in part responsible for the downfall of Zoroastrianism. And I am not here to convince you that there is no conquest in Islam. On the contrary, I advocate Islamic conquest. If you read the OP again, you'd see that my point is specifically about the current immigration situation.

I am saying to give peace, in a world without jews a chance since they are mostly been the ones stocking up shit for the last 200 years.

I am not aware that "sexual enslavement" of western women by Muslim men is prevalent. And if it is about conquest, Islam has it own laws concerning conquest like with everything else. And this method is in direct conflict of those laws.

Antichrist, he will swoop in and reset things to the good ole days. Chances are by some new power source. Rather it’s really the antichrist or just some dude, eventually someone is going to have to stop the chaos, and put things back to “normal”.
Aka, this is the best thing to happen in the mind of a globalist, and it’s the easiest way to form a one world government.

>Who benefits once maximum chaos is achieved?
People who think they will come to power. Many coups have happened in times of maximum chaos.


What does this have to do with my previous comments? My eyes hurt after a couple of sentences of reddit.

I think you are mistaken in believing that every Muslim is fully aware of the rules of scripture and then adheres to them. Christian's dont either. Especially when the cancerous Wahabbism being exported by our Saudi overlords is explicitly encouraging relentless islamisation, isolationism and is some cases extremism/radicalisation of muslim communities in the west.

There is no doubt in my mind that when a Paki is raping a white girl he thinks it is a lesser crime because she is an infidel, the patterns of abuse are to strong.

In short:
1) There is a religious attachment, this much is obvious. Why else are Sharia law flyers, military grade weapons and explosives found in Mosques across the continent?
2) The Imams now wielding major political power, by threatening law enforcement with Muslims riots. More connection to established religion.
3) We have videos of Imams openly calling for the replacement and displacement of the European Christian. Again, clear evidence, even if it is only a faction, that this is a religious jihad.
4) Even if none of that was true, the presence of these foreigners, in our countries, are provably harmful to us. Be it physically, economically, culturally etc. Therefore, whatever the reason for them coming here, is unjustifiable.

OP is full of shit
> 1. It is recommended for a believer to travel to non-Muslim countries for the purpose of spreading the religion [of Islam] and its teaching, provided that he can safeguard himself and his young children against the dangers of loss of the faith. The Prophet said to Imam 'Ali, "If Allah guides a person from among His servants through you, then that is better than everything between the east and the west on which the sun shines."7

practical example
I guess that taqiyya for you, you filthy liar
don't come back to this board

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>I am not aware that "sexual enslavement" of western women by Muslim men is prevalent

Either lying or should spend more time reading the news than the quran. Please explain Ma malakat aymanukum to me?

Fuck you, user. Fuck you. Stop trying divert attention from the problem. Who cares if these sandniggers follow every single Islamic law? They're coming into Europe by the millions, and they have no right to do so.

If you are a middle eastern muslim, you should be ashamed of your race. I assume you yourself are in a western country. Get the fuck out and go back to your homeland. Right now the leaders of our countries are too cucked to force you, but that will change, and I cherish that future day.

Any decision that a Muslim makes which puts him in direct conflict with Islam is haram. A Muslim is not allowed to settle in the lands of non-believers for material gains. No matter how practicing he is in his individual acts of worship. A Muslim must settle his qualms in a Muslim court according to Islamic jurisprudence, he must carry out his business according to Islamic laws, he must eat what is permitted, he must not see or hear haram. He mustn't put himself in a situation where he can't avoid witnessing sin.

> you can only use sources I approve of
> Muslims always act in accordance with the law

Oh wow a literal retard. Go ahead and prove Muhammad’s divinity from a source I consider reputable.

What kind of retard can’t see that every facet of Muhammad’s life, the raping, inbreeding,
pedophilia, and murder, are all emulated faithfully among the retards that consider him holy

the thing about domestic populations is that multiculturalism was brought to create populations where no identifiable group could remain a majority. That way when one group raises discontent, another group can be fomented against and basically cancel out any overturning of the government aswell as increasing the need for tougher police interventions, tougher police-state laws, less right for the population, etc. We're seeing signs of this already in the west where (with the exception of free speech usa, god bless) people can be jailed for wrong-think, which would've been inconceivable decades ago. Basically, we're fucked. The longer we wait, the more impossible it will be to do anything about it.

islam has a major issue embedded in its core.
I personally do not considering it a religion, I consider islam to be a death cult, and place it in the same basket with scientology.
Regardless, islam does simply make a claim that it is a religion.
islam is a way of life.
- islam has sharia, a religious code of law that defies and transcends all other judicial systems. To make things worse, sharia is arbitrary as fuck, and any imam can twist and use it to his advantage.
- islam does not have a religious governing body. This makes it even harder to narrowly define what the guides and holy scripture of islam says (reliance of traveler, hadiths, sunna, quran, etc) and then set boundaries on what is actually permissible or not.
- islam is by definition totalitarian. One needs to prove him/herself before he/she is accepted, and it is pretty much impossible to leave without suffering some sort backlash (often violence, abuse, etc.)
- islam is at best parasitic at worst destructive towards dimmi/kaffir/unbelievers. when muslims are in control (see ottomans) they give three options to all kaffir:
convert under the threat of violence
pay the jizya
get beheaded
- even when muslims are NOT under control they drain the people who host them like leeches - look at the "refugee" crisis. Caritas (a Catholic charity) gives billions to shelter, feed, and clothe muslims. Dozens of other European NGOs do the same. muslims drain European (mostly Christian) money and resources.
When was the last time a bunch of islamic countries banded together to feed, clothe, shelter, and welcome millions of Christians? Never.

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>and this method is in direct conflict of those laws.
Except for the part where Muhammad did it therefor they consider it sacrosanct

Basically they want the economic opportunities and social security gibs as well as keep their old society, religion and clannishness at the same time.

The troublemakers tend to fall into four main camps (or are a blend of the four).

>They can't deal with freedom, temptation and social mores of their new society so become degenerate niggers. (petty crime, violence drunkenness, sexual assault, drug dealing)
>They have a feeling of superiority over the West due to their religion and culture so feel they can abuse and exploit the host population since their imams have dehumanized the kufir. (Examples of this include the Pakistani grooming gangs in Britain, stuff taught in Madrassas)
>Hyper-religious ones who conduct themselves as they would back home. Sell their daughters to strange men or cousins back in the home country (who later come to our societies on spousal visas). Form parallel societies, may not cause immediate harm to the host population but explode demographically.
>Butthurt religious Muslims or ones with a perceived sense of victim hood, who find religion as a way to lash out at the host population through violence and intimidation (ISIS sympathizers, active jihadis)

In the UK you have islamic courts, islamic schools, islamic community centres and entire neighbourhoods of muslims. If you wish you can raise a child in the UK in accordance with islamic teachings.

sage this lying piece of shit
a muslim scholar is a goalpoast shifter by definition
you cannot argue with someone compelled to lie to you, specially after being found out

whatever muslims do, we've got a bigger problem, is what i'm trying to say.

>acting like all abrahamic faiths aren't poisonous

Attached: abrahamic religions map.png (668x313, 78K)

Please just fuck off to China and live out your life as a sweatshop worker assembling dildos for $1 a day untill you die at the age of 40 from TB in a breeze block shed, because after all, the concept of your life having any inherant value is an Abrahamic idea.

Because people don't consciously follow the teachings of religion in their everyday lives.

They subconsciously (for the most part) use religion as shorthand to say their culture ("God") is superior to the other culture.

The Italian mafia was largely Catholic for example and did all kinds of things not in their religious teachings to our country.

Religion isn't a motivator for most along the path of "following religious teachings in an ancient and irrelevant book".

Religion is a justification for a culture to get together and declare war on another culture. Sometimes that war is an actual war (The Crusades) which were a defensive action. Sometimes that war is a cold war in which Muslims come in, establish a population that doesn't answer to the laws of the US or Europe and have underage brides and this sort of thing that are ok in Sharia culture under the radar of Western government and laws and their cucked citizens that are too weak to stand up for western culture anymore.

>Pelosi/Dems have fundraiser for terrorists

>Pelosi names one to House Intelligence Comittee

>Liberal media still tries to cover up their crimes

It’s been a long process bought, paid for, and encouraged by our wonderful Democratic Party.

I'm not the one who worships a middle eastern, socialist, jew.

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Only opportunity I have as a Brit is to argue with them is on here. Just saying "boo" to a muslim in the UK is a hate crime, but hey they're not trying to take over or anything it's just "emigrating".

The more our government cracks down on free speech, the more of us come here and arguing with muslims on here might be the only way we have left to expose them before it's too late.

In my opinion, muslims coming to Europe or the US need to make a very conscious and informed decision.
islam is not compatible with the West. islam does not belong in the west.
So any muslim who wants to move to a Western country needs to stop being a muslim. Needs to decide what is more important to him/her.
If islam is more important then it is better to stay in an islamic shithole.