Why is rape so casually presented in anime?
Why is rape so casually presented in anime?
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It was bullying
why did this scene feel like rape?
why are you such an fucking faggot
That's not rape, thats assault
Elementary school children rape each other all the time. Oh dear...don't tell me you were never raped, or did the raping?
Thats just semantics suitable for nigger countries.In developed first world countries they qualify as rape.
not in the manga too.
what did kyoani mean by this?
Because it's a casual thing?
>First world
not anymore
>Progressive outlooks and perspectives are now poltier
Sup Forums please stay in your containment board and don't ruin other boards
Its stll decades ahead of murricans
>maybe 5/240 productions in a year deal with rape in any way
>casually presented
Why are false flag shitposting threads like this allowed?
No, politics are Sup Forums. Fuck off.
Technically rape is theft.
There can be no such thing as non consentual intercourse when there exists no such thing as freewill
So taxation is rape?
she deserved it
There's no such thing as rape. Stop falling for the memes.
big brother is that you?
You first made a logical mistake, equating "is" for "is the same as". Your idea that taxes are theft is also questionable and silly, but not as easily falsifiable.
like that's saying much
As a liberalist, i protest that that is not rape. And you cant rape 2ds
How common is fist fights between opposite sex in nipland?
Not surprising though after all liberalism is just moderate fascism