
2012 Hyouka interview got translated


>Takemoto: That’s right. It’s told from Houtarou’s point of view. That’s why I tried to come up with something outside of Houtarou’s perspective for the ending. Since there are two girls in the cast and there isn’t much steaminess in the show itself, I thought we should add some steaminess in the ending at least (laughs).
>Gatou: Cough cough cough (laughs).
>Takemoto: Why are you coughing so violently? (laughs). After that, I drafted the ending and included my favorite gestures in it.
>Gatou: That’s completely fine! (laughs). You like those sort of gestures, don’t you? Do you have an armpit fetish?
>Takemoto: Possibly (laughs).
>Gatou: So you have a fetish for calves and armpits (laughs).

who gives a shit, hyouka is garbage

Reading about these two talk about the cute and pervy stuff was the best.

Haha armpits us weird fetish weebs amirite

Armpits are good.

>Takemoto has an armpit fetish.

off yourself

You give a shit

how can japs be weeaboos?

If you want to talk about it post it in a pastebin. Don't fucking link to that site.