Gakuen Kino OVA when?
Kino no tabi
What a fucking plebian taste.
Anything is better than the Shaft produced abomination.
>booby Kino
>better than anything ever
Kill yourself to death, boy.
I too would like some genki tomboy in spats
>you will never be that bullet
How many more episodes until we get to see Master?
Will Kino ever be full?
Of course.
What was the general reception on last week's episode? I just watched it today, but I think it was one of the better ones, it reflects better on this series when Kino's not the focus because it just makes me compare it to the 2003 series rather than judging it on its own merits. There's also just it being one of the better stories so far. The new episode was also better than the first 3. Also, it should go without saying at this point, but please do not lewd Kino.
>The new episode was also better than the first 3.
Agreed. To me it was even better than last weeks episode.
I don't know if I'd say that, but it was definitely very good. I liked that the color palette was a lot less bright and high contrast in the second country, I think the dull color palette the 2003 series suits the world and themes of the series much better than the one used in this series, and while the palette in that new episode wasn't dull so much as it was dark, I still preferred it over the palette they've been using.
What kind of man do you think Kino will settle down with?
She has no interest in settling down are getting close to people, so I imagine she won't settle down with anybody.
Dismas was probably the only man who's probably gotten close to Kino, I think, given he was the only man who wasn't starving to death who legitimately enjoyed her cooking. Someone like that, I think. It was in the story where she stayed at acountry for the winter euthanizing people with a revolver round to the face.
she has no purpose in life
at the time she dying, she'd realize what she seek is a place to die
>she has no purpose in life
Her purpose in life is to travel.
The idea of her settling down and starting a family as her end goal/destination doesn't sound too farfetched.
Her parents' act of disowning her and immediately trying to kill her might have permanently ingrained the mindset that she would never hurt her own children or let any harm come to them, as well as giving them everything she never had i.e. a stable family. She might not even realize it yet, but that's probably what she wants for herself too.
For all her traveling, maybe she's just trying to find a suitable place to call home.
I thought it was kinda convoluted, but fine.
Maybe, but she seems to enjoy the act of traveling itself. Even if she has some subconscious goal, I don't think that would undo the fact that her journeys are important to her and at the forefront of her mind.
she travels because she has no reason to settle down and has no reason to kill herself
just like when youre breathing, it's not your purpose to breath, but you have no reason to not breath either, you just do it
She says she enjoys it though. She never suggests that she's just doing out of obligation or because it's something to do.
Nips are complaining that the OP does not match the series.
Apparently, the song is too VN/eroge-like and the lyrics also doesn't match the series theme as well.
I do think that the 2003 OP and ED are better, but the new ones seem fine too. But then again, I don't speak nip, so I wouldn't know if the lyrics are good or not.
Thank god I'm not the only one that feels like it's completely out of place.
Good Kino no Tabi eroge when? The few that are available suck.
Never, just as it should be.
I wouldn't mind one that's well written.
That set's been hard translated?
Beats me.
What kind of heartless monster wouldn't take responsibility?
Can someone please explain to me Land of Books?
I really didn't get it...
Kino spergs over books with a librarian and then sees a duse who's going to ski through the fucking desert to become an author off. What's so hard to understand about that?
Kino sure says "Naruhodo" a lot
She's just very understanding.