1 page thread

this is like the sixth OPT in two days?
Gokicha's back.

I swatted a flying roach just yesterday. I didn't find it so it must've vanished.

>latest release: 485 days ago


Nostalgia edition.


I don't know but we had no thread so I just started one

It was finished already, don't trust shitty mangaupdates


They just don't seem to last very long lately


>wearing a wrap
There's a penis under that, isn't there?


on this occasion it is safe to proceed, though she does not feature as often as the bikini girl.


>Groups Scanlating

>Latest Release(s)
To what end?

Have any of you guys tried to make your own manga ?

>draw terrible comic book
>don't colour it
>reverse the panel order
>call it manga

I know of one sad user who made an H-manga short but that's more a tragedy than anything else






Nice taste, even though it's cheesy as fuck but it's the good kind of cheesy

I'll be mad if MC doesn't end up with Hiro though

Oneeloli is my new fetish.


It had a rushed ending because it didn't had much popularity

Yoshida is very beautiful when she calms down, holy shit










would be blush kino without the fantasy nonsense



Remember to post sources with your pages.



What the fuck

This manga is so good.

>main character isn't actually a skeleton
I hate false advertising like this. This and Overlord are the skeleton equivalent of blackface.


>sauce? Google doesn't bring anything up



I never remembered this being a thing

Double page spreads still count right?




Fuck! You could have spoiler that shit




how da fuck do you guys figure out what each manga is where can u reverse search wtf

>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.


what chapter was this? I don't remember this one at all

or you know actually tell someone instead of being an insufferable faggot

Or you know go be an insufferable underage somewhere else.

this is one of the most braindead mangas i've read

I'll be an of age occasional browser, keep yourself safe though

Manga is underrated and this will probably sink in page 10 so I'll ask here.

What's the point in this kind of panels ? Why do they need to cut it in half ?

It's a trick used by artists to help draw your attention by separating panels, even if they don't normally need separation.

A panel split conveys the passage of time, so them being split like that makes it look a bit like a slow camera pan (in no particular direction).

>OPT sinking low
Let me contribute a bit then.


Not sure if this needs posting, considering it has almost daily threads on Sup Forums nowadays.

It's a better drawn, lesbian Sotomura-san.

This shit has been on hiatus so much there might be actually people who don't even know what it is, much less read it.



A surefire plan indeed.



I can't believe how decent this manga turned out to be despite how bad the first chapters were.

Why is Nishida so pure

This is neat, why did nobody tell me about this earlier?

>I give good head
Is she a slut or just another case of nips wearing English words they don't understand?




are you implying "I

Only a hippie would wear something like that so yes.

>t. Turks: Leno

What kind of monster leave both the series name, chapter, and page# on the image?
That's perfect

magical old girl fairytale kururu

It's not but I like to read shit.



fuck off

